September 2, 2014
The Lyman County Commissioners met in regular session in the Conference Room in the Courthouse at Kennebec, South Dakota, September 2, 2014, at 8:30 a.m. with the following members present: Chairman Kim Halverson, Leroy Choal,
Ryan Huffman, Steve Perry, Adam Ehlers and Auditor Pam Michalek.
Chairman Halverson called the meeting to order with the pledge to the flag.
Misty Welter met with the Commission to provide updates on the Lyman County 4-H program. There are 28 new 4-H members, bringing the total to 68 active 4-H members.
Motion by Choal, seconded by Perry to approve the minutes of August 19, 2014. All voting aye.
Motion by Ehlers, seconded by Huffman to pay the following bills. All voting aye.
Commissioners Salary / 5,984.61Auditors Salary / 7,125.57
Treasurers Salary / 6,998.00
States Attorney Salary / 3,178.32
Courthouse Salary / 3,231.13
Director of Equalization Salary / 7,269.50
Register of Deeds Salary / 4,148.88
Veterans Service Office Salary / 266.90
Sheriffs Salary / 17,679.07
Nurse & WIC Salary / 1,689.06
Historical Society / 1,194.91
Extension Salary / 1,606.66
Weed Salary / 568.25
R&B Construction Salary / 21,470.40
R&B Administration Salary / 5,456.41
Emergency Management Service Salary / 1,858.54
Total August 2014 Salary / $89,726.21
Capital I Industries Inc. - RB equipment rental - September 2014 / 3,500.00
Carquest Auto Parts - RB supplies / 6.92
Chamberlain Building Supply Inc. - Courthouse supplies / 812.05
Corporate Plan Management - 2014 Employer funded medical (2) / 782.01
2013 Employer funded medical replacement check / 1,845.70
2014 Employee flexible spending / 233.80
Gran, Charlie - RB supplies / 1,125.00
Hickey Heating A/C & Plumbing - Courthouse repairs / 510.19
Hollmann, Larry - Court appointed attorney fees / 3,348.73
Hope Psychological Services - Mental health evaluation (INV) / 125.00
Lewis Family Drug LLC - Prisoner medication / 121.57
Lyman County Herald - Commission publishing / 424.55
Extension subscription / 37.74
Treasurer tax deed expense / 45.27
RB publishing / 77.75
Treas. Trust / 370.10
Marshall & Swift/Boeckh LLC - DOE annual renewal / 1,950.10
Maule, Theresa M. - Court appointed attorney fees / 305.59
McLeod's - Sheriff supplies / 519.42
Midgley, Ed LLC - Court reporter expense / 161.20
Oldenkamp, Suzanne - RB gravel hauling / 5,531.03
RB gravel w/royalty / 22,072.50
Pahlke Law Office - States Attorney Pro-tem / 608.10
Precision Reporting - Court reporter expense / 85.50
Quill Corporation - Auditor supplies / 42.51
ROD supplies / 121.14
Treasurer supplies / 140.44
R Curtis England & Sons Construction Co. - RB culvert replacement / 8,750.00
SD Attorney General - 24/7 August scram fees / 1,288.00
24/7 August state participation fees / 60.00
SD Sec. of State - Pistol permit / 7.00
Wheelhouse Plumbing Inc. - 4-H expense / 120.00
Total Bills / $55,128.91
Borah, Cathy - WIC meals / 70.00
Carson, Marchelle - August Historical / 40.00
Cole, Tammy - August Historical / 180.00
Groth, Shannon -August Historical / 640.00
Halverson, Debra - Auditor travel reimbursement / 51.60
Johnson, Beverly - August Historical / 120.00
Ozanne, Syndi - RB Admin. travel reimbursement / 51.60
Sletto, Gary - VSO mileage / 51.60
Sundall, Carol - Treasurer travel reimbursement / 51.60
Wagner, Lorri -August Historical / 130.00
Total Salary Reimbursements / $1,386.40
Motion by Perry, seconded by Choal to approve Pratt Twp. 2014 bonds: Clerk Doug Perry and Treas. Deb Mowry. All voting aye.
Supt. Tim Long was present for the opening of “GRAVEL HAULING BIDS”. One bid of .30cents per ton mile was received from R & J Gravel. Motion by Choal, seconded by Perry to accept the bid. All voting aye.
Supt. Long discussed gravel hauling, equipment repairs, section line repair in Morningside (Unorg) Twp., purchase of ridge mulcher and asphalt grinding. Motion by Perry, seconded by Ehlers to approve hiring Dave Fore as highway maintenance worker, effective September 15, 2014. The six month probationary monthly salary will be $2,437.31 (EHW $14.06) and the pre-hire physical requirement will be waived when he presents his most recent physical. All voting aye.
After discussion about 2015 salaries, motion by Choal, seconded by Huffman to increase fulltime employees salaries by $2,300.00, halftime employees by $1,150.00; no salary increase for Commissioners, weed supervisor, part time Deputy Reg. of Deeds and veterans service officer, effective January 1, 2015. All voting aye. The following changes to the 2015 Provisional Budget will be completed.
Reduce: Contingency $21,415, Weed $570 = $21,985.
Increase: Auditor $2,950, Treasurer $2,950, States Attorney $1,930, General Government Building $1,480, Director of Equalization $2,950, Register of Deeds, $1,465, Sheriff $6,770, Nurse & WIC $745, Extension $745 = $21,985.
Motion by Choal, seconded by Ehlers to adjourn until Tuesday, September 23, 2014 @ 8:30 a.m. All voting aye.
______ATTEST: ______
Kim Halverson, Chairman Pam Michalek
Lyman County Commission Lyman County Auditor