Math K-8th Curriculum Recommendations
OverviewA math program has two major components (please see your child’s grade-level monthly student assignment sheet for specifics):
1.) Grade level common core content standards
2.) Standards of mathematical practice
The curricula recommended below cover the content and to a large extent promote the use of the standards of mathematical practice. In any instances where a curriculum may need to be supplemented, it will be noted. We have also tried to include feedback form parents and staff on how easy this curriculum is to implement in a home setting (independent study or IS). Finally, this chart has four sections:
· Grades K-5th
· Grade 6th-8th
· Online Programs
· Supplemental resources
Curriculum Title & Publisher / Common Core content & methods / IS Friendly Format / Resources available / Comments
Singapore Math
Primary Mathematics CC Edition
Singapore / Content: Yes
Methods: Mostly
Add performance tasks / Yes- highly recommended by other parents / Each level has a workbook and textbook. TE is easy to follow but not essential / In the home setting, parent involvement is essential as discussion and interaction are key components. DO NOT order at Rainbow.
Go Math
Houghton Mifflin / Content: Yes
Methods: Mostly / Yes- highly recommended by parents / Comes in a 2 vol. workbook style. Online tools can be challenging to set up. Phone app available too. 1 TE per chapter and is essential / Visually appealing layout- easy to follow.
Teachers- include your PCS email in PO notes section in order to receive online access code.
My Math
Houghton Mifflin / Content: Yes
Methods: Mostly
Add performance tasks / Somewhat / TE is essential. Pairs well with Aleks. Manipulatives available / Teachers- include your PCS email in PO notes section in order to receive online access code.
Saxon Common Core
Houghton Mifflin / Content: Yes
Methods: Mostly
Add performance tasks / Yes / Uses spiral approach with frequent review of concepts / NOTE: This is specifically written about the updated NEW Saxon which is aligned to CCSS. The older versions may not be used.
Math-U-See / Content: Yes
Methods: Mostly
Add performance tasks / Content of lessons is delivered by video, follows a different sequence of topics. / Complete set is necessary for implementation(video, manual, workbook etc). See website. Could be good for parent that needs help with instruction. / NOTE: This is specifically written about the updated NEW version which is aligned to CCSS. The older versions may not be used. See FAQ sheet:
Math in Focus
Houghton Mifflin / Content: Yes
Very comprehensive / Somewhat – lessons are log and can be difficult to follow / Online edition available. / Teachers- include your PCS email in PO notes section in order to receive online access code.
Progress in Mathematics
Sadlier-Oxford / Content: Yes
Methods: Yes / Yes / Workbook style- needs more supplements for extra practice. Online tests and performance tasks / Pages are full and can be visually distracting. Text heavy. Not much opportunity for review/practice.
GRADES 6th-8th
Curriculum Title & Publisher / Common Core content & methods / IS Friendly Format / Resources available / Comments
Math in Focus
Houghton Mifflin / Content: Yes
Methods: / Somewhat- text is complex but comprehensive / Online edition available. / Many have found it daunting to implement.
Teachers- include your PCS email in PO notes section in order to receive online access code.
Progress in Mathematics
Sadlier-Oxford / Content: Yes
Methods: / Yes / Workbook style- needs more supplements for extra practice. Online tests and performance tasks available.
Common Core Coach
Triumph / Content: Yes
Methods: / Yes / Simple layout, workbook, one PT per unit, needs supplement. / Can only be ordered in sets of 5. Check regional library for copies ordered in bulk.
Go Math
Houghton Mifflin / Content: Yes
Methods: / Preferred by many parents and students. Easy to follow / Well developed program with various components. / Online component can be challenging to access.
Big Ideas Math
Houghton Mifflin / Content: Yes
Methods: / Yes- easy to follow / Textbook format with good examples / Add performance tasks (MARS- see supplements below)
Dimensions Singapore Math / Content: Yes
Methods: Somewhat / Yes- appeals to students that like verbal and a simply visual text / TE is essential / Similar to lower grades Singapore (workbook + textbook). Big jump in content from 6A/6B to Dimensions.
Supplement SBAC practice/MARS Math.
High School
Curriculum Title & Publisher / Common Core content & methods / IS Friendly Format / Resources available / Comments
Big Ideas Integrated Math 1/2/3 / Yes / Yes / Print, online, supplemental (see list below for other supplements) / For a-g credit student must be in supervised online class- see regional course catalogs.
Big Ideas Integrated Math 1
SE 9781680331127 $80.00
TE 9781680330519 $159.00
Big Ideas Integrated Math 2
SE 9781680330687 $80.00
TE 9781680330700 $159.00
McGraw Hill
Glencoe Math For Business and Personal Finance
(Consumer Math) / Somewhat / Yes / / #9780021400966 $79.59
Chapters 1-12 are relevant toConsumerMath(the last two Units are geared specifically to running a business and could be treated as optional for interested students). Students could complete the Lesson Practice in each section and the more involved written Review and Assessment Questions in the Chapter Review along with the test. Setting a pace of about a chapter every 2 weeks should be about right.
Curriculum Title & Publisher / Common Core content & methods / IS Friendly Format / Resources available / Comments
Aleks / Some Courses / Yes / Online program links to some textbooks by large publishers- see website for details / Excellent supplement. Not meant to be a stand-alone course.
Khan Academy / n/a / Yes- frequent assessments- easy to track progress / Online only / Excellent supplement. Not meant to be a stand-alone course.
IXL / Yes / Yes- opportunities for reinforcement- can select topics by grade level / Online only / See PCS website for ordering details
Art of Problem Solving / Mostly / Geared towards high-achieving students. Only authorized through 8th grade as high school courses do not follow our Integrated Math Progression.
Curriculum Title & Publisher / Common Core content & methods / IS Friendly Format / Resources available / Comments
MARS Tasks / Yes / Yes / Performance Tasks / Meant to be a supplement for any program that needs performance tasks. Sorted by grade level and topic:
Beast Academy / Somewhat / Yes / Thematic comic book style workbooks / Very engaging format. Not a comprehensive text.
Key to Series / Somewhat / Yes / Workbooks in sets on various concepts such as fractions, decimals, percents, measurement / Great for review or remediation. Not a stand alone curriculum.
Life of Fred / Somewhat / Yes / Story format with real life applications. Engaging and fun. / Not a complete math program. Teaches concepts but lacks enough connection to algorithms and opportunities for practice.
Pixar in a box / n/a / Yes- opportunity for creative “playing” with math and science / Online only / Supplemental with real world artistic applications of math. Accessible in part by most students suggested for 6 grade
Steck Vaughn Consumer Math Reproducibles / Some / Yes / Topic specific workbooks / Four different supplemental workbooks on practical topics: Banking and Credit, Taxes and Housing, Auto and Transportation, Finance and Investment. $17.99 each