H10 - 061– Procedure
November 18, 2010
TO: / Home and Community Services (HCS) Division Regional AdministratorsArea Agency on Aging (AAA) Directors
Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) Regional Administrators
FROM: / Bill Moss, Director, Home and Community Services Division
New Financial Management Services (FMS) Agency for the New Freedom (NF) Waiver- Available in King County Only
Purpose: / To inform Region 4 Home & Community Services, Aging & Disability Services and Asian Counseling & Referral Services staff of a change in FMS for the New Freedom Waiver.Background: / The New Freedom Waiver has been available since May of 2007 with Sunrise Servicesproviding both the Consultant Services as well as Financial Management Services (FMS). Last Spring ADSA conducted a request for proposals (RFP) for FMS in the New Freedom Waiver. The successful bidder was Public Partnerships, LLC (PPL).
Although the agency providing FMS is changing, the tasks and responsibilities they perform have not.
What’s new, changed, or
Clarified / Effective December 1, 2010, New Freedom financial management services (FMS) will be provided by a new agency, Public Partnerships (PPL).
As part of the transition,PPL will begin performing FMS duties for a select number of NF participants for November payments. This will allow the Department to see how the new system is working and bring any problems to our attention before the final transition in December.
Staff should be aware that NF Participants will be receiving written information (see attachments) about the change via surface mail and may have questions. The letter they receive has contact information for participants to call to address their concerns.
ACTION: / For all New Freedom enrollments effective December 1, 2010 or later,HCS/AAA staff will use Public Partnerships provider number 675478 when authorizing all service budgets. There are no additional changes in the referral/enrollment process.
ACRS NF staff willcoordinate with ADSA and Sunriseduring the pilot and will be responsible for closing Sunrise budget authorizations for selected participants and opening new authorizations with PPL as the provider.
For the December 1st transition,ADSA will run an SSPS transaction generator (TG) to close all Sunrise NF budget authorizations and createnew ones with PPL as the provider using the same data as on the Sunrise SSPS. The TG willoccur in early December.
ACRS must closely monitor their Expired/Expiring Services report in November to ensure all authorizations are updated since the TG will not update any “expired” end dates, meaning authorizations with end dates of 11/30/10 or earlier.ADSA will send ACRS a report of authorizations that were not updated and will need to be manually updated by the worker.
ATTACHMENT(S): / NF Participant Transition Letter:
PPL Transition Letter:
CONTACT(S): / Karen Fitzharris, State Unit on Aging
(360) 725-2446
(206) 341-7889