HDFS 414Data Collection and Graphing Rubric
Student Points / 0-1 / 2-3 / 4-5STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS
- More than one element is missing from the assignment
- No graph is included with the assignment
- No summary of the results of the data collection
- Operational definition is missing from the data sheets or is not in observable terms
- Raw data sheets are missing from data collection
- Dates of data collection are missing from data sheets
- Summary is too short/too long
- Operational Definition is on each data sheet and is in observable terms
- Graph is completed and either scanned or uploaded in Excel
- Data collected (scanned or converted) is included with paper and includes dates of data collection
- Summary of the data and graphing is at least 2 paragraphs but not more than 1 page
DATA COLLECTION / 0-1 / 2-3 / 4-5
- Data collection are not appropriate to the operational definition
- Data are not collected according to best practices for data collection
- Only one data collection session represented
- Data are missing from the assignment
- Data collection system is appropriate to operational definition
- Length of data collection session is too short to get a representative sample
- Only two data collection sessions are represented
- Data are collected using best practices in for the method selected
- Data collection system is appropriate to the operational definition
- Length of each data collection session is appropriate given the data collection system
- Data are collected using best practices for the method selected
- Three data collection sessions are implemented over a minimum of two days
GRAPHING THE DATA / 0-1 / 2-3 / 4-5
- Data are not appropriately transformed for graphing
- Data points are not plotted correctly
- At least three elements of the graph are missing
- Graph is missing from the assignment
- Data are transformed appropriately for graphing
- Data points are plotted correctly
- 1-2 elements of the graph are created incorrectly
- Graph needs explanation to be understood (does not stand on its own)
- Data are transformed appropriately for graphing (e.g., rate, % of bins)
- Graph is titled correctly
- Y axis is created appropriately (e.g., spacing, 0 lies above the X axis)
- X axis reflects time or observations
- Axes are titled appropriately
- Data points are plotted correctly
- Graph can stand on its own (i.e., does not need a paragraph describing what the graph is about)
- Summary is missing from the assignment
- At least two elements are missing from the assignment
- More than two statements contain explanatory fictions/non-observable terms
- Neither trend nor level is discussed
- Conclusion suggests causes related to internal events
- Conclusion ends with “this will help me in future classrooms”
- Summary is merely a reflection on the process
- Discussion includes a summary of either level or trend, but not both
- 1-2 statements contain explanatory fictions/non-observable terms
- Conclusions are qualified by statements such as “I observed” or “it seems to be”
- The word “data” is used as a singular noun
- Discussion “sticks to the data” as opposed to a reflection on the process
- Trend of the data are discussed
- Level of the data are discussed
- Factors that might influence the data collection are discussed (e.g., time of day, physiological factors, etc..)
- Summary is in observable terms and passes the “Dead Man Test”
- All conclusions are qualified by statements such as “I observed” or “it seems to be”
- Summary avoids causes related to internal events (explanatory fictions)
- The word “data” is used as a plural noun
- Discussion “sticks to the data” as opposed to a reflection on the process