Stefanescu Ioan, Titescu Gheorghe, Tamaian Radu
National Institute of Research – Development for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies
1000 Ramnicu Valcea
Deuterium-depleted water represents water that has an isotopic content smaller than 145 ppm D/(D+H) which is the natural isotopic content of water. DDW is a non-toxic product. Knowing that deuterium content of water has a big influence on living organisms, beginning with 1996 NIRDCIT Rm.Valcea cooperated with Romanian specialized institutes for biological effect's evaluation of DDW. The investigations lead to the conclusion that DDW caused a tendency towards the increase of the basal tone, accompanied by the intensification of the vasoconstrictor effects. Animals treated with DDW showed an increase of the resistance both to sub lethal and to lethal gamma radiation doses. DDW stimulates immune defense reactions. Investigations regarding artificial reproduction of fish with DDW fecundated solutions confirmed favorable influence in embryo growth stage and resistance in next growth stages. One can remark the favorable influence of DDW on biological process at plants in various ontogenetic stages.
Keywords: stable isotopes, deuterium depletion, production, biological effects
Introduction: Water in nature
In nature we can find water (H2O - hydrogen oxide) in tree states: liquid water, solid water (ice) and gaseous water (water vapors). Water's proprieties are taken as standard in order to state fundamental physics proprieties.
No matter in what physic state, water molecule has an angular structure and it is composed from one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. The distance between one oxygen atom and one hydrogen atom (O-H) is 0.96 Ǻ and the valence angle H - O- H is 104.5o.
Deuterium - depleted water is distilled water, microbiological pure, with an isotopic deuterium concentration smaller than the concentration of natural water (145 ppm D/D+H).
Deuterium - depleted water (DDW) is a non-toxic product. It is the result of many researches developed through years by a research team from Romania, researches that lead to the realization of a patent for a technique and an installation for DDW production.
The technique used for DDW production is continuo under vacuum distillation of natural water through distillation columns equipped with high performance structured packing. The technology applied and the installation available in Romania assure the production of deuterium - depleted water with any desired concentration in the domain 20 -120 ppm D/D+H.
A usual question whose answer can be find in the heart of Nature. A team of explorers found in the high of Tibet a village whose people seems to come from another time; their health and longevity are significant higher than the average. This fact amazes and put two questions: how and why?
It was obvious that live in a world without pollution and stress could have such effects but it was also another important factor: drinking water. The only drinking water available in region was water from an ancient iceberg. The analyze of this water showed a deuterium content much smaller than usual.
Further investigations showed that deuterium - depleted water similar to those found in Tibet can be found also in the polar ice calotte.
Starting from the certitude that heavy water (which is the opposite of deuterium - depleted water) has destructive effects on living cells was made the assumption that DDW could have the opposite effects.
The scientific base was already stated since it is well know that the joints between deuterium and another atoms are much stronger than the joints of hydrogen. This fact lead to the slow down or even to the stopping of many biochemical processes from living cell. It is the reason for which too much deuterium in living cells lead to the decrease of immunity.
The normal question was if it is important the level of deuterium from nature and the maintenance of a natural concentration in human body during live. The simplest way to answer this question was to investigate if the increase and the decrease of deuterium content have any effect in living cells (in plants, animals, and humans).
The researches made by a Hungarian team showed that living cells could feel the change of deuterium level and react by changing the biochemical processes. Further more, the researchers affirms that the decrease of deuterium content could modify the metabolism of living cell and could stop the development of tumoral cell and even make the tumor disappear.
In the same time, in Romania were developed researches that lead to the following conclusions:
-deuterium depletion determine the decrease of growing rate of transplanted tumors;
-deuterium depletion increases the vascular reactivity;
-deuterium depletion stimulates some uncommon immunity systems;
-deuterium depletion increases organism's resistance to lethal, under-lethal radiation doses;
-deuterium depletion stimulates artificial reproduction of fish;
-deuterium depletion stimulates germination, growth, and development of plants.