Fostering a Culture of Global Proficiency

Let’s Talk with the World

DEADLINE for submission: February 1, 2011

(Notification of acceptance by May 1.)

Submit to Program Coordinator:

Jenny L. Santilli


Language/Level Taught:
School Address:
School Phone:
Home Phone:
Home Address:

*Contact information of main presenter. If more than one presenter is involved, please include co-presenter(s)’ name(s) on proposal form below.

I would like to:

_____Present a 60 or 75 minute session (related to the conference theme) Note: A separate proposal must be completed for each presentation. You may wish to leave the last 15 minutes open for Q & A.

_____Present a 15-minute poster session on any academic or research topic applicable to world language education in West Virginia. (Poster sessions may not be directly related to conference theme but CANNOT be sales presentations or vendor sponsored.


2011 WVFLTA Conference Proposal

THEME: Fostering a Culture of Global Proficiency

Let’s Talk with the World


Strand #1: The Realities and Practicalities New Teachers Face

Topics in this strand help pre-service and new teachers with less than five years experience handle the day-to-day responsibilities and challenges in the classroom. Topics include but are not limited to classroom management, motivating students to see the benefits of world language study beyond the two credits required for college entrance, promoting globalization to students who do not have the means to travel, communicating with parents, and how to use the target language to instruct and direct students, etc. (Those who teach and/or supervise pre-service teachers or mentor novice teachers may find these session helpful, too.)

Strand #2: Is Pedagogy Still Relevant after All These Years?

Topics in this strand provide more experienced teachers, those who teach pre-service teachers, and those who provide professional development for in-service teachers the latest methods of pedagogy to keep their teaching fresh and effective to engage and motivate students. Topics include but are not limited to research-based methods of integrating technology, resisting the urge to use English rather than the target language during instruction, promoting acceptance of diversity in globalization in a state with a non-diverse population and limited opportunities to travel abroad, providing students real life opportunities to see foreign language acquisition as a life skill, professional development opportunities for educators, collaborating with higher education partners, mentoring pre-service teachers, etc.

Strand #3: Opportunities Beyond the K-12 Classroom

Topics in this strandhelp those in higher education and K-12 classroom settings to examineissues in world and classical language programs in West Virginia and beyond. Topics include but are not limited to higher education professors/instructors sharing with high school teachers what skills and knowledge their students need to succeed at the next level, how universities/colleges can partner with K-12 schools to promote world language study and cultural/global literacy, increasing higher education participation in WVFLTA, ascertaining the most effective placements (schools and mentors) for pre-service teachers, evaluating pre-service teacher programs, are current assessments of pre-service teachers an accurate measure of their future success in a classroom, etc. Note: presenters may choose to lead a round table open discussion rather than a formal presentation.


  • Elementary Teachers (FLES)
  • Middle School Teachers
  • High School Teachers
  • Higher Education
  • Pre-service Teachers


  • Conference sessions – and all components of them – should tie in as closely as possible to the conference theme and strands.
  • If presenting more than one session, submit a separate proposal for each session.


Session Title:
Presentation Method
(Strand #, Poster, Roundtable):
Session Goals/Objectives:
Target Audience:
Equipment needs: (Limited presentation equipment is available. Presenters will be notified as to availability.)
Session Description:Please provide a detailed description of your presentation. Preference will be given to sessions that highlight specific "ready to go” action steps to build global proficiency. (150 words maximum)