Crestwood School District


February 17, 2009

Crestwood School District Family:

We are pleased to announce that the electronic student management system, Skyward, is functioning. The benefits to the school community are immense and will be enjoyed by you, the parents and students.

One of the countless benefits of Skyward is the immediacy of our reporting capabilities. Parents are able to receive on-going updates regarding progress of the students. Gone are the days of waiting for Report Cards, Progress Reports, or tests to be sent home. As teachers enter their assessment data into the Skyward system, parents and students are able to access the information immediately. Crestwood School District’s ability to communicate with our families continues to reflect 21st Century technological capabilities.

As we continue to strive for 21st Century efficiency, Crestwood School District Administration is dedicated to responsible management of resources. Therefore, as of 2009, Crestwood School District is committed to paperless communication. All families that have access to electronic information will no longer receive a hard copy Progress Report or Report Card. However, we appreciate that certain members of the CSD family may choose to continue to receive paper reports. If you would like to continue to receive paper documents for Progress Reports (as necessary) and Report Cards please complete the form below. Return the form to the student’s homeroom teacher. The request will be in effect for the remainder of the current school year.

Yours in Education,

Crestwood School District Administration


School: ______

Student’s Name: ______

Parent(s) Name: ______


Grade: ______Homeroom Teacher: ______

The form should be returned only if you are requesting paper copies.