Welcome to Woodland Hills Swim Team!

The objective of swim team is for your child to experience beingpart of a team, practice their swim skills and have FUN! Our swim team coaches are dedicated seasoned Lifeguards and many swim and compete at the High school or college levels.

  • How do I Join Swim Team? Registration forms are at the Gatehouseor online @ Stop by and register your child(ren)…it’s that easy! There is a $50 fee per child (cash or checks are accepted) which includes practices, swim meets, T-shirt, trophies, swim cap, ribbons and an end of the season party! Every child participating on swim team MUST be able to swim the length of the pool. It you are unsure, please ask Harry Peterson (or one of the Assistant Mangers) and they will gladly assess your child’s skills
  • Am I required to purchase a team swim suit? No! The purchase of a team swim suit is optional. The girl suits are a one piece and the boys team suits are jammers. Swim suits will be available to purchase on June 15th at the pool. Larry from “Knabe’s” will be at the pool at 9:30am-noon on Friday before practice for swimmers to try on AND PURCHASE their team suits. He will also be bringing other swim supplies if parents are interested in purchasing: goggles, practice suits, etc. If you cannot attend, please contact Larry directly @ 800-452-1441. (Tell him you are from Woodland Hills under the name “Rita Abbio”)
  • When are practices?Practices are Monday- Friday from 10:30-12:00. If you have any questions for your child’s coach, please try to talk to him/her before or after practices as they are very busy working with our swimmers. Please, for safety reasons, stay off the deck during practices (and meets) so the coaches and guards have full view of the pool. There is no eating/drinking on deck and please NO GUM while your child is swimming.
  • Does my child need to attend every practice? No…All we ask is that you attend as many as you or your child feels is necessary. The more your child practices, the better swimmer they will become. Practices are wonderful conditioning, coaches can see and work on skills, the children will have fun and get to know each other as a team. Practices are a great opportunity for coaches to assess their swimmers for proper placement at swim meets. If you are unsure if practice is cancelled due to inclement weather, please feel free to call the pool.
  • Can I leave my child unattended at Practices? All children under the age of 10 MUST be accompanied by a responsible adult at the pool at all times. (refer to pool rules and bylaws)
  • Swim Meets? If your child is swimming in a meet, they will be notified by their coach at practice prior to the meet. On the day of the meet, try to rest up and hydrate. Your child is expected to show up at a designated time to participate in warm-ups before each meet begins(times will be on the schedule). Swim meets will be held at Woodland Hills and away at other participating pools in the area. Swimmers will be notified at the meet which event they will be competing. Make sure to bring a towel, goggles, swim cap, drink and a smile! Please, always be respectful of the rules when we visit other pools!
  • Does my child have to participate in swim meets to join swim team: No, swimmers are allowed to participate in swim team activities, even if they don’t want to compete in the meets.
  • What are Parent Volunteer Opportunities: Anyone who has attended a swim meet knows that it takes much effort on the part of parent volunteers to make it happen. There are several opportunities to volunteer during a meet including: timers, finishing judges, food donations, and volunteers to run the concession stand. As a timer or judge, there is NO experience necessary. We rely on our parents to donate baked items, treats/snacks, taco meat, etc. ANY food item (cookies, brownies, carrots, case of water, etc) that we can sell to raise money to cover team expenses, coaches gifts, party, etc. There will be a sign up sheet at the gate house for food donations and to volunteer at the concession stand. It is a terrific way to meet new people, get involved and have fun! Note: If you are volunteering during a time when your child is due to race, tell your co-volunteers and go watch! You will not miss your child’s race! Please considering volunteering and/or making a donation.

Thank you for Joining Swim Team…Have a Blast!



Parent(s)/Guardian Full Name: ______

Address: ______

E-Mail: ______

Home Phone: ______Work/Cell Phone: ______

Number in case of an emergency: ______

Swimmers Name: / Age: / Date of Birth: / T-shirt Size: Youth or Adult
S, M, L, XL / **Pool Staff to Complete**:
Pass/Fail Deep Water Test

T-shirt sizes: Please indicate Youth or Adult: S, M, L, XL. We will do our best to accommodate all sizes. T-shirts are FREE to all paid swimmers.

***All Swimmers MUST pass a deep water test to participate on swim Team. Participants must be able to swim the length of the pool unassisted***

Please list any Medical Conditions that you feel are important to share your Child’s Swim Team Coach: (will remain confidential):

$50.00 fee for each swim team member. All Swimmers MUST be paid in full to participate in the First Swim Meet. Swim team is open only to Bonded and Special Guest Members.

Total due: $______

Signature of Parent/Guardian______Date______

Payment Method:

______Cash ______Check Number