March 19, 2018

Opening: Chris Lee, President, convened the meeting at 7:10.


Chris Lee, President, Suzanne Ratti, Vice President, Brenda Fuller, Past President. Debbie Collins, Rec Secretary, Karen Sale, Treasurer, Directors: Rich Warden, Sal Licausi, Harry Martin, Brian Shepter, Linda Calvert, and Carol Clarke, resident

Articles of Amendment:

The articles of amendment for 501 c3 was discussed and approved. Chris moved to approve and Harry seconded. Chris thanked Rich and Brian for the work they did on it. Rich said that after the State approved it would take about 6 months before the process would be completed (average turnaround).

There was a brief discussion on the purpose of the 501c3. Sal asked what would happen if sports were discontinued. Brian mentioned that the articles could be changed, and Rich replied that we would have community pride and crime prevention. The President and Secretary had to sign the Articles of Amendment for the 501c3.

President’s Report:

Chris mentioned that people are starting to recognize the Association and what we do. He had knocked on sixteen doors to let people know about the March meeting and the vote on the Articles of Amendment proposal.

Business Operations:


Rich moved to approve and Harry seconded. The February minutes were approved and accepted.

Treasurer’s Report:

Karen gave the report. There was a discussion on funds that came from the Wexford and Belvedere associations that dissolved. The funds are dormant and Karen wants to add them to our savings account to prevent them from being taken by the State. The Wexford money needs to be spent on Wexford. Belvedere had no requirement for the funds. Board approved moving funds to checking account.

The Treasurer's Report was discussed by Karen Sale. Chris Lee confirmed the passing of the email vote to approve the FY 2017-2018 budget.

Budget Proposal:

2017-2018 budget was approved by email vote.

2018 Meeting Times:

May MVACA Monthly Board meeting was not approved by Rec and Parks, moving to Harting Farm. Chris will contact Carmen regarding booking.

County Items :

Mago Vista Park:

Chris met with Josh Thomas of Rec and Parks. They did a walk-through at the Park. We’re on the list for a new pavilion. If it goes well, we could possibly do a movie night at the pavilion.

May Meeting Denial:

Rec and Parks disapproved May Meeting at Belvedere. Chris will get in touch with Harting Farm to see about using their clubhouse for the May meeting.

Belvedere Beach Water Access:

Belvedere Beach is valued at 0 dollars and the former owner, Belvedere Community Association, is still listed in the SDAT tax record. A suggestion was made to request transferring the property to MVACA. We need to find out if beach access is in the Belvedere residents property deeds. The issue is tabled for now.

Mosquito Spraying:

Brenda gave the report. The application will be submitted by Mar 20 for the April 6th deadline. Eight communities are already being sprayed. The community needs to be notified about the spraying. Karen posts a sign for the community entrance. In her experience, no one has ever objected to the spraying.


Easter Egg Hunt:

The Easter Egg Hunt will be on Sat March 24. Linda wants to start setting up by 9-9:30 am. The Easter Bunny will arrive at 10:45 for pictures. There will be a membership table. She would like a count of the kids for the candy bags. There was mention of spray painting the grass. Sal said to use utility spray paint because it washes off. The Point and Spizzico Italian Kitchen restaurants donated gift cards. One gift card will be a prize in a new member drawing and another to a current member who attends.

A Day in the Park:

The Day in the Park was discussed. Harry contacted the police dept for security and will be getting the McGruff costume. It was mentioned possibly charging a dollar for hot dogs and water. Sal googled charging people in the park and said we should ask for donations as there can’t be a required charge. Rich mentioned that a former President, Pete Culp, had wanted to do a Picnic in the Park where people would bring their own lunches.

MVACA Community Clean Up:

The clean-up day was postponed to Apr 14 because of the weather.

Belvedere Fun Run:

We will have a table at the May 5th run. It will be the timer’s table and will be free publicity for the organization.

Communications Report:

Suzanne gave the report. Social media was discussed. We need a few more to hit the 500 mark on Facebook. Our Ledo Pizza Fundraiser will be April 5, 2018 and we will send out an email and FB posts to continue to notify residents.

Sports Report:

Sal gave the report. We have a permit for county facilities. Sal needs to contact the County to get access to the Snack Shack again because the County closes it for the winter. The Snack Shack needs to be cleaned up so athletic equipment can be stored there. Also, it is possible that other MVACA items such as signs and event materials can be stored there. Basketball started on Mar 18. We have one team of girls. There are 24 likes on the sports page and 25 people following.

Open Forum:

Brian Shepter: A 155.00 check is needed for the 501c3. The placement of the park sign was discussed.


Adjournment was at 8: 20 pm.