Lake Macquarie Performing Arts Centre
October 12-16, 2015
What is Bandfest?
The NSW Department of Education with support from Lake Macquarie City Council invite you to be a part of Bandfest. The competition celebrates the performance development of primary and high school bands and is for the enjoyment and enrichment of all school ages.
Bandfest provides a great opportunity for school bands to display their progress over the year, observe other bands, and receive constructive and positive feedback from recognised musical experts. It provides a learning experience for band members through listening and performance, in a fun and friendly atmosphere.
- Concert, Jazz/Stage, Brass bands and small ensembles may enter.
- Each band may perform up to 4 pieces but must not exceed the time limitations
- Repertoire is at the conductor’s discretion; there are no set pieces, however, adjudication is based on suitability of material, a balanced program, entertainment value and technical considerations.
- Band directors are to recommend the section in which they feel their band should participate.
- Only regular playing students of a school band are permitted to perform.
- Bandfest is open to DEC school age (primary or secondary) students only.
ENTRY GUIDELINES – Primary Schools
- All bands self-nominate into the section in which they wish to participate.
- PLEASE NOTE:Bandfest guidelines are very clear that Novice bands must ONLY consist of players that have been playing LESS than twelve monthsto keep a level playing field across the section. Breaches of these guidelines may result in disqualification from the section.
- All High School Bands self-nominate into the section in which they wish to participate. To ensure consistency across sections, all pieces performed must fall into the designated division. If a band chooses to have one piece in a higher division, they need to enter in this division. (Eg If a Band plays x3 grade 2 ½ pieces and x1 grade 3 piece, the band must enter into the Premier division.)
- The committee will be observing the gradings of all pieces, and failure to adhere to the Bandfest guidelines may result in a band not winning their section.
- Lake Macquarie Performing Arts Centre, Lake Street, Warners Bay.
- The festival operates from8am to 3.30pm each day.
- Bands are required to play up to 4 pieces. A maximum time limit of up to 20 minutes (subject to program restraints) applies to all bands, which includes set up time (NB Premier Section is permitted 25 minutes subject to the program schedule).
- Time allocations will be confirmed once the program for each day has been finalised.
- For further details and an entry form please contact the Coordinator
Elizabeth Allanson P4959 1788 or email:
We look forward to seeing you at Bandfest!
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