Circular No.04-183/Sals

Date:25 October 2004

To:Secretaries of Divisions and Local Associations – FOR INFORMATION

Dear Colleague


Attached are copies of the following documents:

  • two sets of evidence from the Rewards and Incentives Group (RIG) to the STRB;
  • the NUT’s supplementary submission to the STRB, in electronic and printed form;
  • the NUT’s Salary Claim for 2005, in electronic and printed form; and
  • a PowerPoint presentation on salaries issues.

The RIG Proposals

The NUT’s supplementary submission addresses the issues raised and the proposals put forward to the Review Body by the ‘Rewards and Incentives Group’ (RIG). The RIG includes the DfES, the employers associations and the teachers’ organisations other than the NUT and, in Wales, the UCAC.

The RIG proposals would extend the freezing of management allowances at their 2003 levels; replace management allowances with a new structure that would reduce for thousands of teachers their status, pay and pensions; confine the upper levels of pay scales to only 20 per cent of teachers on the Upper Pay Scale; and remove teachers’ safeguarding rights.


Circular No. 04-183/Sals-2-25 October 2004

The NUT’s evidence to the Review Body calls for the restoration of proper levels of pay in respect of management allowances; the payment of allowances based on responsibilities held; the opening up of the highest levels of pay to all teachers; and full, permanent safeguarding for all teachers following restructuring, closure or reorganisation.

The NUT Submission and Claim

Copies of the NUT’s September 2004 submission to the STRB have been circulated previously to Divisions and Local Associations, as an attachment to Circular 04-167/Sals. That Circular explained that the NUT would make a further submission in October to respond, in particular, to proposals put forward by the DfES and other parties to their discussions on the issues within the STRB remit, and from which the NUT has been excluded.

The NUT’s supplementary evidence contains the NUT’s response to the issues raised by the RIG in its evidence of 27 September. The RIG has submitted supplementary evidence to the STRB, dated 15 October, which was received after the NUT’s supplementary evidence. The RIG supplementary evidence does not alter the substance of the RIG position set out in its original evidence.

Circular 04-167/Sals also advised you that the NUT would be submitting to the Government its claim for significant increases in teachers’ pay in accordance with the 2004 NUT conference resolution on teachers’ pay. That document, entitled “NUT Salary Claim for 2005”, is attached. Circular 04-167/Sals explained that the Secretary of State has to refer changes to teachers’ pay to the STRB before deciding on such changes. Accordingly, the NUT Salary Claim for 2005 has been sent to the Secretary of State and the Union has asked him to issue a further remit to the STRB to reopen the issue of teachers’ pay.

The Union’s evidence to the STRB has been set out in recent editions of The Teacher and in NUT News to schools.

The Union will be meeting with the STRB’s members in the customary “oral evidence” session in November when it will press them to make recommendations to the Government in accordance with the Union’s submissions.

The PowerPoint presentation which was used at the Division Secretaries’ Briefing is attached in electronic form, together with a paper copy of an accompanying handout. This is intended to assist in local meetings on these issues.

Yours sincerely


General SecretaryAssistant Secretary

Salaries, Superannuation and

Conditions of Service/Health and Safety


Assistant Secretary

Education and Equal Opportunities DP