Pulse Electro Magnetic Fields (PEMFs) and Avazzia Pro-Sport for Therapy
Pulsed electro what, you ask? It sounds like space age medicine; well it kind of is in a way. Though the use of electric stimulation in medicine has been around since the 1890s, the precursor to the hand-held PEMF device we are using was developed in the 1970s for the Russian astronaut’s space program. The science behind it is basic. We know that all things are energy, and that each atom, cell, and organ has its own bioelectric magnetic field. We also know we have trillions of cells inside our body, and in order to function properly they need to talk to each other, the brain, the heart, and the outside world. They communicate through electromagnetic frequencies. We get a physical representation of this through an EEG or EKG.
In order for our biochemistry to work there has to be a signal from the brain to the cells or organ governing that process.Positive and negative ions are exchanged creating electric patterns and allowing the body to converse. The energy fields are really the driver in controlling our chemistry and function! When these patterns or frequencies are disrupted, disharmony and disease can occur. This is the foundation of Oriental medicine, and the thousand year old practice of acupuncture (based on meridian systems or energy patterns running through our body). One of the most fascinating things we have learned in training with Avazziaand Dr. John Hache,is that collagen fibers are one of the only other charged tissues in the body, and they follow the acupuncture meridians! This is no coincidence; the body uses collagen as its informational highway, allowing information to flow from brain to tissues and cells.
So when an injury occurs and inflammation or scar tissue forms, we have a blocking of that highway. Much like a beaver dam upstream, everything downstream is affected. So by using pulsed electric stimulation that issimilar toour own, we can alert the brain that a trauma has occurred andbreak up that dam, triggering the body’s healing response.
What makes Avazzia different to the many other electric stimulation devices out there (most only temporarily effective) is the Avazzia unit’s ability to work with both the A fibers (acute pain fibers) and C fibers (chronic pain fibers, accounting for 80% of pain perception). The more well-known units only work with A fibers. Even more significant is Avazzia’s ability to set up a “conversation” with the body, acting as a biofeedback device and monitoring the body’s reactions. It then sends a new stimulation based on the body’s response to the last one. This addresses the body’s need and maximizes therapeutic effect, while not allowing the body to “get used to” the stimulation and work around it. This innovative Biofeedback Electro Stimulation Technology or BEST, not only promotes healing and alleviates all types of pain, but it can help break up inflammation, promote blood flow, and evaluate the body’s stress.
We are very excited to be offering this FDA approved therapy, and have seen some truly remarkable results with sports injuries, chronic, acute and neurological pain and issues.