District - Big Rock: Writing

Fully Implemented / Partially Implemented / Not Implemented
In 30 Days, we will know that we are successful when:
·  District Literacy Team is established.
·  District Literacy Team has had first meeting.
·  District ILT has met, debriefed, and established next steps.
·  Each school has established a literacy team.
·  SBDM Councils have reviewed writing policies and plans.
·  60 and 90 day plans have been completed.
·  Work has begun on a K-12 plan
The Measures/Evidence we will use are:
·  District ILT PLC meeting minutes and agendas
·  SBDM Council meeting minutes and agendas
·  Data collected during literacy walkthroughs
·  District 60 and 90 day plans for writing
30 Days Action Strategies / Who is on point? / By when? / How communicated?
Submit school writing plans to SESC writing specialist for review. / Keith / September 26 / Email
Meet with SESC writing specialist to develop a timeline for the development of a K-12 writing plan and continuum. / Mullins, Rogers, Davis, Keith / October 17 / Email, meeting
Review school writing plans and policies. / Mullins, Rogers, Davis, Keith, Dena Cole / November 11 / Email, meeting
Principals share school plans to improve writing with Dena Cole and District ILT. / Principals / November 13 / Meeting
District ILT meets with Dena Cole to debrief about literacy walkthroughs and discuss next steps. / District ILT, Cole / November 13 / Meeting
Conduct literacy walkthroughs at each school. / District ILT, Dena Cole / November 12-13 / Meeting, email
Establish District Literacy Team / Rogers, Davis, Keith, Principals / November 13 / Meeting, email
Meet with District Literacy Team to discuss data, walkthrough, and curriculum review findings. / District ILT / December 12 / Meeting, email
Begin work on K-12 writing plan for Garrard County Schools. / District Literacy Team / December 12 / Email
Complete 60 and 90 day plans for writing. / District Literacy Team / December 5 / Email, webpage
Establish School Literacy Teams / Principals / December 5 / Email
Review current data to assess student proficiency in writing. / Principals, Keith / December 16 / Meeting

Big Rock: Writing

Fully Implemented / Partially Implemented / Not Implemented
In 60 Days, we will know that we are successful when:
·  The district literacy team has met once each month
·  SBDM councils have reviewed the results of writing program reviews compared to On Demand writing scores
·  The writing process is evidenced in every classroom
·  The writing process for On Demand writing is consistently taught across each instructional level (SPAT)
·  The working writing folder is developed for each student
·  School literacy teams have met monthly to continue the improvement of school writing plans
·  A plan to ensure consistency in scoring of writing is developed by the district literacy team
·  The school district is moving toward electronic storage of writing.
The Measures/Evidence we will use are:
·  Minutes and agendas from literacy team meetings
·  Minutes and agendas from SBDM meetings
·  Walkthrough evidence of the writing process evidenced on posters, mentioned during lessons, lesson plans
·  Lesson plans and writing walkthrough evidence
·  Walkthrough evidence and copies of student folders
·  Minutes and agendas from meetings at each school
·  School writing plans and/or teacher training records
·  School schedule and teacher lesson plans combined with walkthroughs
60 Days Action Strategies / Who is on point? / By when? / How communicated?
Meet with district literacy team to help guide the development of the district writing plan / Rogers, Davis, Keith / Feb. 6 / Meeting minutes emailed
Meet with SBDM Councils to make the comparisons between Writing Program reviews and the Writing scores of each school / Principals, Rogers, Keith, Dena Cole / Feb. 13 / Meeting minutes emailed, calendar of meetings
Conduct writing walkthroughs to compare data to previous writing walkthroughs / District ILT / Feb. 13 / Email
Address writing plans at each school in a district ILT meeting to share writing strategies among schools / District ILT / Feb. 3 / Meeting minutes emailed
Meet with School literacy teams monthly to ensure plans are parallel to the district literacy plan / Corey Keith, Cindy Rogers, Mary Davis / Feb. 13 / Meeting minutes
All students have working folders / School level Literacy Teams, Principals / Feb. 2 / Checklist completed by teachers
Ensure that students are taught to evaluate their own writing / School level Literacy Teams, Principals / Feb. 2 / Lesson Plans, walkthrough documentation
Reflective writing is practiced in each classroom / Corey Keith, Cindy Rogers, Mary Davis, Principals / Feb. 6 / Lesson Plans, walkthrough documentation
District Short Walkthrough Form will be modified to include elements related to writing. / Corey Keith / January 2 / Email
Analyze writing data (on demand and language mechanics) to determine areas of strength and concern / Mullins, Rogers, Davis, Keith, Principals / February 13 / Email, meeting
School SBDM Councils review writing policies and plans. / Principals, SBDM Councils / February 13 / Meeting minutes

Big Rock: Writing

Fully Implemented / Partially Implemented / Not Implemented
In 90 Days, we will know that we are successful when:
·  The district Literacy team has completed a district Literacy Plan
·  Each content teacher has taken a piece of writing through the writing process
·  Writing folders have been developed
·  Student writing folders contain content pieces and reflections
·  A sampling of writing folders has been reviewed by the literacy team at each school
·  The writing folder data is used to make instructional decisions
·  Students can articulate the importance of writing
·  School schedules have been reviewed to more fully support writing instruction
·  There is a clear reading/writing connection in all content classrooms
The Measures/Evidence we will use are:
·  Completed, approved Literacy Plan
·  Content pieces in working folders
·  Writing folders
·  Data collected from review of writing folders
·  All writing folders contain content pieces and reflective pieces.
·  Walkthroughs evidence writing is enjoyable and motivation is occurring
·  Students are provided with choice in writing
·  School schedules reviewed by district
90 Days Action Strategies / Who is on point? / By when ? / How communicated?
Complete District Literacy Plan / District Literacy Team / April 3 / Discussed in ILT meetings, emailed
Literacy team members at each school meet to develop folder review guidelines (March literacy mt.) / Principals, School Literacy teams / March 20 / Meeting minutes emailed
Team members review writing folders, collect data, note strengths/improvements needed (April literacy mtg.) / Principals, Literacy team members / April 3 / Meeting minutes
Analysis results discussed at ILT meeting and emailed
Results of writing data analysis used to revise writing plan / District Literacy Team / April 17 / Plan emailed to all stakeholders
Consultant shares reading and writing strategies with ILT team; building leaders share at school level / District ILT team, Literacy teams (school and district level) / March 1 / Minutes of meetings
Writers workshop, choice and differentiation utilized to provide additional motivation for students to write / District ILT team and Principals / April 1 / Walkthrough documentation
Fully Implemented / Partially Implemented / Not Implemented
In 120 Days, we will know that we are successful when:
·  The Board has approved the District Literacy Plan
·  Student writing folders contain content pieces and reflections
·  A sampling of writing folders has been reviewed by the literacy team at each school and district team
·  The writing folder data is used to make instructional and professional development decisions
·  Students, teachers and administrators can articulate the importance of writing
·  School schedules have been revised to more fully support writing instruction
·  There is a clear reading/writing connection in all content classrooms
The Measures/Evidence we will use are:
·  Completed, approved Literacy Plan
·  Content pieces in working folders
·  Writing folders
·  Data collected from review of writing folders
·  All writing folders contain content pieces and reflective pieces.
·  Teacher and administrator feedback regarding professional development needs
·  Walkthroughs evidence writing is improving
·  Students are motivated to write as evidenced in engagement during walkthroughs
·  School schedules are reviewed by district
·  Program reviews in writing are completed and analyzed by the district
120 Days Action Strategies / Who is on point? / By when? / How communicated?
District Writing Plan approved by Board / Cindy Rogers, Corey Keith / May 15, 2015 / Board agenda and minutes
Writing folder contents will be finalized and implemented fully in all schools. / Literacy teams at each school
District literacy team / May 15, 2015 / Literacy team meeting minutes
The writing program review will be completed and analyzed by the district literacy team to ensure writing needs are identified and addressed / District program review team / May 15, 2015 / Program review analysis by district team
The results of writing folder analysis will be used to plan the inclusion of writing instruction in the summer curriculum PD work. / Cindy Rogers, Corey Keith, Mary Davis, Principals / May 15, 2015 / PD plans for each school
A writing lead teacher will be identified at each school who will support teachers as they learn to fully implement writing across the curriculum. / Principals / May 15, 2015 / emails