Free State
Contact person: Ms Koyana K. : 012 319 8096 / 051 409 2614
A total of 1595 new smallholder producers were identified in Free State.
Fezile Dabi / Ikemeleng trust / LRAD / Water reticulation, fence, kraal for small stock, layer, layer cages, 20+1 Bonsmara cattle, chicks, feeds and medication / 2
Fezile Dabi / Maja Trust / LRAD / Vegetable production inputs, seeds, fertilizer, chemicals, water reticulation, storeroom, shade net or vegetable tunnel, vegetable tractor and irrigation system / 6
Fezile Dabi / Cornelia Youth / Communal/ Leased / Production input / 10
Fezile Dabi / Mphohadi Project / Communal/ Leased / Fencing, soil improvement / 3
Fezile Dabi / Masala (Pty) / Private / Fencing, Roller Baler, Water / 1
Fezile Dabi / Jwale ke nako Agricultural project / Communal/ Leased / Seeds and fertilizers, implements, tractor, irrigation pipes / 5
Fezile Dabi / Ifepeng / Communal/ Leased / Market, vegetable shade nets / 5
Fezile Dabi / Madihlofa / Communal/ Leased / Electricity, Water, Market, Transport / 6
Fezile Dabi / Tswaranang United trust / Communal/ Leased / Land, Fodder / 6
Fezile Dabi / Khambule Farm (Twiestiet) / LRAD/ Private / 5
Fezile Dabi / Moshoadiba Brothers / Communal/ Leased / Fence, Water supply, better livestock breed / 4
Fezile Dabi / Mabahloki / Communal/ Leased / Roofing, Vandalism, Electricity, Fence, Water / 24
Fezile Dabi / Rebecka Motloung Piggery / Communal/ Leased / Water, Transport, feeds, fence, Access Road, Land contract / 1
Fezile Dabi / Shine the way / commonage / transport / 2
Fezile Dabi / tweenfontein / private / 2 water reservoir, water troughs, livestock handling facility, crash pan, piggery farrowing pans, pigs / 2
Fezile Dabi / Bovenult / private / land, farm implements and mechanisation / 1
Fezile Dabi / Letsoho Mohomeng / commonage / fence / 23
Fezile Dabi / Semela Family trust Koppie een 84 / LRAD / water, fence, tractor and implements / 14
Fezile Dabi / Moshoeshoe / commonage / access road, water troughs, fence / 25
Fezile Dabi / Master Eangle / commonage / funds, piggery structure, pigs, feeding troughs, water tank, fencing, feeds / 5
Thabo Mofutsanyane / Phumelela warden / Commonage / Fence need to be repaired, water reticulation and establishment of pasture / 1
Thabo Mofutsanyane / Vlakplaats / LRAD / Submersible pump for vegetable irrigation / 4
Thabo Mofutsanyane / Roodewaal farm / Restitution / Submersible pump for vegetable irrigation / 8
Thabo Mofutsanyane / Wesselsbron / LRAD / Feeds / 41
Thabo Mofutsanyane / Live and hope / LRAD / Feeds / 6
Thabo Mofutsanyane / Zamokhuhle / LRAD / Water supply, handling facility, financial records, marketing, veld management and fencing / 3
Thabo Mofutsanyane / Zacharia moloi / LRDA / Financial support / 1
Thabo Mofutsanyane / Laang farm / Commonage / Fences needs repairs, water reticulation, ESTA bushment pastures / 4
Thabo Mofutsanyane / Siyazizamela / Commonage / Water, Tractor, shade net for vegetable / 6
Thabo Mofutsanyane / Moloi farming / LRAD / Water reticulation, camping / 4
Thabo Mofutsanyane / Nhlanhla farming / LRAD / Fencing, farm management, windmill, maintenance, carrying for sheep, business skills / 6
Thabo Mofutsanyane / Vrede commonage / Commonage / Implements, sanitation system / 29
Thabo Mofutsanyane / Bonang Lesedi / Commonage/ Leased / Transport, tractor, water irrigation pipes, tunnel, garden tools, chemical spray, working suits / 4
Thabo Mofutsanyane / Phahameng trust / LRAD/ Private / Tractors, implements, storeroom and transpor / 9
Thabo Mofutsanyane(mahlabeng) / Tiger glue / Sekhosana / Other / Electricity, fence / 10
Thabo Mofutsanyane(mahlabeng) / De Clerk Spruit / Caretaker / Land ownership, infrastructure, fence, electricity, water, storeroom and farm house / 4
Thabo Mofutsanyane(mahlabeng) / Firesesolo trust farm / LRAD / Water, fencing, farm houses, kraal, transport, market / 3
Thabo Mofutsanyane(mahlabeng) / Thusanang CPA / SLAG / Machinary, mentor, water reticulation system , solar, implements, tractor, transport / 11
Thabo Mofutsanyane(mahlabeng) / Mofokeng Habach Kleinbooi / LRAD / Machinary, electricity, water, transport / 14
Thabo Mofutsanyane(mahlabeng) / Motloung / Private / Broiler infrastructure, livestock / 2
Thabo Mofutsanyane(mahlabeng) / Mama - pepe vegetable project / Commonage/ caretaker / Livestock drinking water, machinery, water pump, irrigation system, storeroom, transport / 2
Thabo Mofutsanyane(mahlabeng) / Spuyfontein farm ( Mokoena ) / LRAD / Water pump for two bore hole, water reticulation system, store house, fence / 5
Thabo Mofutsanyane(mahlabeng) / Wolhhuterskop farm / Commonage / water reticulation, fence, production livestock,
tractor and implements to supplement the feeds / 3
Thabo Mofutsanyane(mahlabeng) / Gangers cottage / Private / water reticulation, fence / 5
Thabo Mofutsanyane(mahlabeng) / Rieglagte youth / State land / electricity, tractor and implement, windmill, water, farm house / 15
Thabo Mofutsanyane(mahlabeng) / Sehgoutlong trust / LRAD / transport, water troughs, Tractor, electricity, water reticulation system / 14
Lejweleputswa / Marathodi Farm / Private / Fence, electricity and repair of farm infrastructure ( pig sty) / 2
Lejweleputswa / Blesbokfontein / Restitution / Electricity, market, theft, vegetables training and livestock training / 9
Lejweleputswa / Bulfontein / Commonage / Windmill and feeding programme / 54
Lejweleputswa / Phike farm / LRAD / Production inputs ( seeds, fertilizer, chemicals), fence, storeroom, boom sprayer, irrigation system, tractor and implements, tunnels or centre pivot / 9
Lejweleputswa / Masakhane / LRAD / Fence, water reticulation, 500 carrying capacity layer house, chemicals, vegetable tractor, layers and feeds and medication / 4
Lejweleputswa / Mokhathi trust / LRAD / Fence, vegetable production inputs, water reticulation, tunnel, 600 layers and feeds, vegetable tractor / 5
Lejweleputswa / Klipplaatsfontein / LRAD / Bakkie to take the chickens to market, cold room storage / 8
Lejweleputswa / Mahole / Private / Equipped Layer house, start layer stock and feeds, egg grader and initial package material / 8
Lejweleputswa / Matshabela / Private / Piggery house, water reticulation, fence and drip irrigation system / 5
Lejweleputswa / Kopanang development / community / Restoration of the tunnels, drip irrigation, vegetable production inputs / 43
Lejweleputswa / Monane / LRAD / 6
Lejweleputswa / Thusanang / SLAG / Fence, kraal, handling facility, water reticulation system, chicks broiler, 10+1 Bonsmara cattle and training in farm and financial management / 4
Lejweleputswa / Masilo CPA / SLAG / Drip irrigation, production inputs for feeds, chicks, medication, water reticulation and fence / 4
Lejweleputswa / Taunyana / LRAD / Fence, water reticulation, production inputs, training farm and marketing n store house and handling facility tractor and implements / 10
Lejweleputswa / Phejane trust / LRAD / Production inputs Tractor & implements / 10
Lejweleputswa / Maja / LRAD / Vegetable production inputs, seeds, fertilizer, chemicals, water reticulation, storeroom, shade net or vegetable tunnel, and irrigation system vegetable tractor / 6
Lejweleputswa / Masibambane / LRDA / Financial Support / 18
Lejweleputswa / Mposi / LRAD / Water, tractor, implements and electricity,dwelling house and store / 12
Lejweleputswa / Msihlanga / LRAD / electricity, fence, production inputs / 6
Lejweleputswa / Mosia / LRAD / Production inputs, tractor and land / 6
Lejweleputswa / Motati / LRAD / Machinery tractor, implements. Storehouse, dwelling house, animal handling facility / 9
Lejweleputswa / Kgothule / LRAD / Handling facility, store house, Land / 10
Lejweleputswa / Marumo / LRAD / Production inputs Tractor & land / 10
Lejweleputswa / Loop and vaal / LRAD / Financial support / 10
Lejweleputswa / Pula madibuho / LRAD / Financial support / 10
Lejweleputswa / Tsokodibane / LRAD / Financial support / 10
Lejweleputswa / MBM / LRAD / Financial support / 9
Lejweleputswa / Mbilane / LRAD / irrigation system and water reticulation / 10
Lejweleputswa / Sandvet / LRAD / production inputs / 13
Lejweleputswa / Multilayer / LRAD / fence and production inputs and irrigation system / 8
Lejweleputswa / Modikanele / LRAD / fence and implements / 12
Lejweleputswa / Mathobisa / LRAD / Loan payment & mechanics / 11
Lejweleputswa / Raikopanya / 16
Lejweleputswa / Masokolara / commonage / Fence, water reticulation system and troughs, Animal handling facility and production Bull / 75
Lejweleputswa / Driefontein / PLAS / Electricity, fire fighter equipment and dwelling house / 1
Lejweleputswa / Molemo wa letswai / commonage / Operating equipments, revitalizing of salt pan / 74
Lejweleputswa / Soutpan poultry hub / commonage / Production infrastructure; abattoir house and the working equipments / 14
Motheo / Jacobs trust / LRAD / Fence, Access to water, Land / 10
Motheo / Zoko trust / LRAD / Fence, Trailer & Planter for maize / 3
Motheo / Ebenezer trust / Private / Store house, electricity, water, windmill & reservoir / 9
Motheo / Matsha project / LRAD / Tractor & implements, security / 4
Motheo / Boichoko / Private / Production input, market & storehouse / 10
Motheo / Ureka no 3 / Private / Production livestock, Water reticulation, farm infrastructure store house, fencing and market / 2
Motheo / Homewark/ Ruitfontein no119 / Private / Water reticulation, farm infrastructure store house, fencing and market / 1
Motheo / Milton / Private/ Caretaker / Market / 1
Motheo / Follow the Star trading / Private / Production input, market, agro processing& storehouse / 1
Motheo / Batlokwa trust / Private / Production input & Arable land / 10
Motheo / Mokhele trust / Private / Finance, Inputs & fence / 6
Motheo / EMS farm / Private / Finance, Inputs & fence, transport, camping, remuneration of the labourers / 1
Motheo / Khwezilukusa property development trust / LRAD / Electricity bill, water, market, security, access to land / 6
Motheo / Ntlangeni trust / Private/Leased / Livestock / 10
Motheo / Dikwekwe project / SLAG / Water, Fuel, renovation of reservoir / 5
Motheo / Kgotwe farm / LRAD/Private / Water reticulation, transport, electricity bill, fence / 2
Motheo / Yaso / LRAD / Dwelling house, storehouse, transport, tractor & implements, hoe, press, infestation bystansbos / 6
Motheo / Springside / LRAD / Water, and fencing / 5
Motheo / Dipapatlele / LRAD / Beef cattle, market, fence for division of camps, wind mill, and handling facility / 4
Motheo / Mabotle / LRAD / Tractors and implements / 5
Motheo (mangaung) / Worsall Marseilles / PLAS / water system (solar panel), maintenance of livestock kraal, water irrigation system, increase livestock, piggery stay improvement, tractor & implements / 5
Motheo (mangaung) / Veelhoek / Private / livestock theft, tractor implements, livestock medication / 1
Motheo (mangaung) / Pleasant View / Private / shed, tractor, Bailer, planter (maize) / 3
Motheo (mangaung) / Farm Ford Savage / Private / milk tank, planter (maize) / 40
Motheo (mangaung) / Cambridge FarmDriefontein Trust / PLAS / centre pivot (irrigation system) / 8
Motheo (mangaung) / Lebeko trust / LRAD / water reservoir, water pump &windmill, access road / 6
Motheo (mangaung) / Voorwarts / FALA / water troughs, water reticulation system, fence, tractor, livestock kraal / 7
Motheo (mangaung) / Fortuin / LRAD / financial support, resources / 10
Motheo (mangaung) / Mahlomaholo Farm / Private / tractor, green house for vegetables / 4
Motheo (mangaung) / Manyatseng Farmers / Commonage/communal / water reticulation system, fence, livestock feeds / 20
Motheo (mangaung) / Ladybrand Piggery / Commonage/communal / structure, feeds, water, stock (to increase production) / 13
Motheo (mangaung) / Driefontein / LRAD / 5
Motheo (mangaung) / Westridge 570 / LRAD / water and distribution of water to camps, division of arable camps, fencing, water reservoir, windmill repair, tractor and transport / 9
Motheo (mangaung) / Thabanchu Agricultural Co-operative / production inputs, electricity and market price / 35
Motheo (mangaung) / Iketsetseng primary co-op / Commonage / Water electricity, production inputs and start-up for poultry chicken / 26
Motheo (mangaung) / Twylfelfountein farm / LRAD / Not active due to unresolved issued with land affairs. Intend to farm mainly with crops / 10
Motheo (mangaung) / Kabelo trust / LRAD / Animal handling facility,Transport,Tractor to supplement feeds for livestock / 10
Motheo (mangaung) / Ventura farm / Private / Transport, Water reticulation maintenance
Access road, Theft of livestock, Tractor implements / 4
Motheo (mangaung) / Khabs trading / Private / Poultry structure and water reticulation / 1
Motheo (mangaung) / Vanrooyel trust / LRAD / Tractor and implement to supplement to feeds for livestock / 8
Motheo (mangaung) / M-Carmel / LRAD / Production livestock (cattle, Sheep and Production) / 10
Motheo (mangaung) / Kleinburg family trust / LRAD / Transport / 9
Motheo (mangaung) / Tweespruit co-op / Commonage / Cash flow
Production stock / 12
Motheo (mangaung) / Bofulo trust / LRAD / Water reticulation system for human consumption and animals, Production inputs( seeds, diesel, and fertilizer), Fence / 6
Motheo (mangaung) / Goai trust / PLAS / finance, water and implements / 5
Motheo (mangaung) / Lechabile trust / LRAD / 28
Motheo (mangaung) / Ellasrus farm / Private / Breeding, milking equipments, feed lot / 2