Year 5 and 6
Who or what is God?
Year 5 and 6
Christianity/ Islam/Humanism / ATT 1: Learning about religion and belief
Who or what is God? / ATT 2: Learning from religion and belief
What do I think a God is?
Introduce the key question: Who or what is God?
Week 1 / Children engage with a fun based activity around who or what is God?
Children to be split into groups to discuss ideas of how they would rule the world.
Ask them to think about:
  • What their job would be
  • What qualities would they need to have
Ideas can be written as a group and then added together as a whole class.
Alternatively, children could write a job description out for ‘Leader of the World’ and hot seat each other as applicants.
Introduce the key question: Who or what is God?
Develop questions about who or what is God?
Week 2 / T: What questions do we need to ask in order to better understand who or what is God?
Create enquiry questions with the children, ideally these questions should be generated by the children but could include the following:
E.g. What is a God?
Who is God?
What does God look like?
What other religions have a God?
What does their God’s look like?
Who believes in God?
Why do we have a God?
What does God do?
Who or what is God?
Week 3/4 / Activities might include:
Look at the trinity. Discuss the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Read the Trinity Snowman poem.
Explore different God’s from various religions.
Investigate what other religions think about their Gods and what they look like.
BBC clips
  • 3582 - Is God real?
  • 2801 – Is there a God?
  • 4796 – Explanation of the Hindu God’s.
  • 3033 – What do Muslim’s believe about Allah?
  • 3799 – Belief without God.

Responding to, analysing and evaluating what they have learned
– have we answered our questions?
Week 4 / Refer back to the enquire stage. Have we answered our questions?
Do we have an idea of who or what is God?
Using A3 paper on each table with one of each of the children’s questions ask the children to circulate and add their own views to each question.
Discuss any differences and similarities.
Focus back to the key question.
Expressing knowledge and understanding – children answer the key question.
Week 5/6 / The final task is introduced.
Children answer the key question ‘Who or what is God?’ with one of the following activities:
  • Children to design a poster or piece of art showing their own ideas of a God. Can maybe use symbols for body parts to show their qualities. E.g. – heart body (caring), big ears (good listener)
  • Children to write their own trinity snowman poem, writing each part individually in the three body parts of the snowman