Appendix 1:Example Format of Proposal

Attention: Mr. Kenji Akiyoshi

Executive Director, Member of the Board

Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation

Proposal for

“Online Database Service – Offshore Drilling Rig Information”

DD, MM, 2017

Note: Proposalsmust include, but not be limited to, the following items according to Request for Proposal.


・Company profile
・Organization to manage and provide the Online Database Service
・Financial status of company

(2)Service(Offshore Drilling Rig Database)Overview

・Overview of the OnlineDatabase Service (operational track record(start date), number of customers, customer satisfaction index, etc.)
・Contents of the Online Database Service (information on rig day rates, rig utilization, rig contracts, equipment specifications on on each rig etc.)

(3)Covered region (area)s of database

・Regions covered by database(Middle East, Africa, South East Asia, Oceania, Latin America, North America, Russia, Europe, etc.)

(4)Customer Support

・Frequency of workshop and/or training on the database, information mail delivery service, etc.

(5)Fee forthe Online Database Service and its Breakdown

・Estimated total price (in US dollars)
・Breakdown of the fee (in US dollars)

(6)Draft of the Agreement

・The format of the standard agreement for the Service should be attached.

(7)Certificates of Work-Life Balance Promotion*1 (optional)

If applicants have any certification, action plans, or confirmation notice on work-life balance promotionetc., listed below, the copies of those documentsshall be submitted.

・Certification based on the Act on Promotion of Woman’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace (“Eruboshi” certification) awarded by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, Government of Japan
(limited to corporations that fulfill the standards with respect to working conditions, such as working hours)
・Certification based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children(“Kurumin” certification or “Platinum Kurumin” certification) awarded by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare,Government of Japan
・Certification based on the Youth Labor Welfare Act (“Youth Yell” certification), awarded by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare,Government of Japan
・Submitted action plans for business owners under the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace (limited to corporations with 300 or less full-time employees)

・Confirmation notice (for non-Japanese companies) which shows a work-life balance promotion companyequivalent to the companies with the above certificates, issued by the Director of Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office of Japan

(8)Contact Person








Signature Date


End of “Example Format of Proposal”