Borough of Haddon Heights

September 20, 2011 – 7:00 p.m.

Governing Body Regular Meeting

Mayor Alexander opened the regularly scheduled meeting with Salute to the flag and moment of silence.

Mayor Alexander stated, “In accordance with Section 5 of the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, P.L. 1975, notice of this meeting was posted on the bulletin board designed for that purpose and notice was mailed to the official newspaper provided by Resolution adopted January 2, 2011.”

Upon roll call the following Governing Body members were present: Councilwoman Fitzgerald, Councilman Haggerty, Councilman Forte, Councilwoman Lange, Councilman Berryhill, Mayor Alexander and Solicitor, Richard DeMichele. Councilman McCollum was absent.

Mayor Alexander and Chief Kinkler presented a proclamation honoring Jack Merryfield for an incident that took place July 26, 2011. Jack was accompanied by his family while Chief and the Mayor praised him for being a good citizen and a genuinely good person.

Public Remarks on agenda items only:

Jan Ewing – 1509 Prospect Ridge Blvd – Ms. Ewing had questions and comments in regard to Resolution 2011:97. She also referenced a radio station that discussed rain gardens and asked Councilwoman Fitzgerald if she had ever listened to this particular station.

David McGee – 301 Fourth Avenue –Mr. McGee commented that he believes that the minutes are not accurate.

Councilman Haggerty made a motion to close the public comment portion of the meeting, seconded by Councilman Forte. Motion carried. All governing body members present voted in favor.

Approval of minutes from the August 16th council meeting:

Councilwoman Fitzgerald made a motion to approve the minutes from the August 16, 2011 council meeting with amendments, seconded by Councilman Haggerty. Motion carried. All governing body members present voted in favor with the exception of Councilman Haggerty and Councilwoman Lange who both abstained and Councilman Berryhill who voted no.

Governing Body Reports:

Councilwoman Fitzgerald – Ms. Fitzgerald thanked Kelly Santosusso and reported about the staging event that took place September 16th at the Community Center. All of the flowers, food, and the tent were donated. As a result of the staging event, two rentals have been booked for the future. The civic events meeting was held on the first Wednesday of the month and no one was in attendance. The next meeting is scheduled for October 18th. Also, a 12 soldier team of the U.S. Army's Revolutionary War period ceremonial and show unit, United States Infantry Regiment Fife and Drum Corps will make a special appearance in Haddon Heights on Saturday, October 8, 2011 during the Revolutionary War Re-enactors Encampment of the Second Pennsylvania Regiment and the Forty Third Regiment of Foot, Inc. which will be held from 10 to 4 on North Park Drive.Councilwoman Fitzgerald also discussed that Bob Hunter is retiring from the Library and Chris Walter will be taking his place as the Director. Bob Hunter’s retirement party is being held at Tavistock Country Club on September 28th. Tickets are $40.00 per person. Senior citizens continue to meet and play mah-jong on Monday and Friday. Also, on Station Avenue a new candy shop will be opening up where Main Street Reality used to be and a crepe shop will be opening up where Emmy’s used to be.

Councilman Haggerty – Councilman Haggerty will provide a report at the next meeting.

Councilman Berryhill – Councilman Berryhill spoke about the flood issue on Station Avenue stating that he has been in touch with Camden County Freeholder, Ian Leonard. According to Mr. Berryhill the county will make an initial allocation of $100,000.00 and will meet again in a couple of weeks to finalize plans. Mr. Berryhill reported on the Firecracker race mentioning there were 475 people entered in the race. The Streetscape Committee has met and discussed donations for lighting on Station Avenue.

Councilwoman Lange – Councilwoman Lange reported on the Summer Recreation program stating that the program earned $9,000.00 and plans are in the works for 2012. Fall recreation program is also underway at the Community Center and rentals at the Community Center are going strong. Year to date, the gross income for program rentals is $30,000.00. Parks and Recreation will meet on Thursday. Lines need to be repainted and minor cracks need to be repaired on the tennis courts. At the Board of Education meeting Mike Adams, Superintendant discussed the goals for the year and he also discussed the dress code for the students. Historic Preservation Commission did not meet in August.

Councilman Forte – Councilman Forte thanked Public Works for doing a job cleaning up after Hurricane Irene. He mentioned that inlets have been cleaned out and the pump station at Maple Avenue needs to be repaired. Also, Councilman Forte reminded residents to use the larger recycling bins.

Mayor Alexander –Mayor Alexander discussed that the Fall Festival will take place on October 1st from 9-4pm. Also, between the cabin and community center the rentals revenues are at about $16,000 and the program revenue is at about $27,000.00 so both are on forecast for the year and are double from last year’s revenues.


Public hearing and final adoption of Ordinance 2011:1370

Ordinance 2011:1370 – An Ordinance Amending Chapter 400 of the Code of the Borough of Haddon Heights

Councilman Haggerty made a motion to approve Ordinance 2011:1370, seconded by Councilwoman Fitzgerald. Motion carried. All governing body members present voted in favor with the exception of Councilman Forte who voted no.


Introduction of Ordinances 2011:1371, 1372, and 1373. Public hearing and final adoption scheduled for October 18, 2011 at 7pm in the Municipal Building

Ordinance 2011:1371 – An Ordinance Amending Post-Retirement Health Benefits to Borough Unrepresented Employees Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:10-22 et seq.

Councilman Haggerty made a motion to introduce Ordinance 2011:1371, seconded by Councilwoman Fitzgerald. Councilman Berryhill made a motion to table the ordinance, seconded by Councilman Forte. Motion carried. Under a roll call vote all governing body members voted to table the ordinance with the exception of Councilman Haggerty who voted no.

Ordinance 2011:1372 – An Ordinance Establishing the Official Tax Map of the Borough of Haddon Heights

Councilman Forte made a motion to introduce Ordinance 2011:1372, seconded by Councilman Haggerty. Under a roll call vote, all governing body members present voted in favor.

Councilwoman Fitzgerald mentioned that there should be discussion in regard to historic districts at the next caucus meeting.

Ordinance 2011:1373 – An Ordinance Approving Station Avenue Walkway Agreement

Councilwoman Fitzgerald made a motion to introduce Ordinance 2011:1373, seconded by Councilman Forte. Under a roll call vote, all governing body members present voted in favor.

Resolution 2011:92 – Resolution Adopting a Hazardous Mitigation Plan for the Borough of Haddon Heights

Councilman Forte made a motion to approve Resolution 2011:92 with amendments, seconded by Councilwoman Lange. Motion carried. All governing body members present voted in favor.

Resolution 2011:93 – Resolution Approving a Raffle License for the Marine Corps League 1775 Detachment

Councilman Forte made a motion to approve Resolution 2011:93, seconded by Councilman Berryhill. Motion carried. Under a roll call vote, all governing body members present voted in favor.

Councilwoman Lange had a question about the location of the raffle. It will be held at Wise Jewelers on Station Ave.

Resolution 2011:96 – Resolution Approving Payment of Bills & Claims for 2nd Half September

Councilwoman Fitzgerald made a motion to approve Resolution 2011:96, seconded by Councilman Haggerty. Motion carried. Under a roll call vote, all governing body members present voted in favor.

Councilman Forte had a question regarding one of the bills and Mayor Alexander provided an explanation.

Councilwoman Lange had a question about a letter to the CFO and asked that Dave Somerville, Finance Manager to explain.

Resolution 2011:97 – Resolution Establishing a Haddon Heights Rain Garden

Councilman Forte made a motion to approve Resolution 2011:97 with amendments, seconded by Councilman Berryhill. Motion carried. All governing body members present voted in favor.

Councilman Berryhill commented that the work on the rain garden needs to get started now.

Resolution 2011:98 – Resolution Awarding a Contract to Road Safety Systems, LLC in the Amount of $36,869 for the East Atlantic Avenue Retaining Wall Fence Removal and Replacement Project

Councilwoman Fitzgerald made a motion to approve Resolution 2011:96, seconded by Councilman Haggerty. Motion carried. Under a roll call vote, all governing body members present voted in favor.

Bob Calloway, Pennoni Engineer provided an explanation of what is exactly being done and Mayor Alexander stated the safety is the number one concern in this case.

Resolution 2011:94 - Resolution Setting the Curfew Hours for Mischief Nightand Halloween Night and Trick Or Treating Hours for Halloween

Councilman Forte made a motion to approve Resolution 2011:94, seconded by Councilwoman Lange. Motion carried. All governing body members present voted in favor.

Public Comments:

David McGee – 301 Fourth Avenue –Mr. McGee asked about the soil removal at the old DPW site, referenced the March 18th Retrospect, and asked when the vision workshops will be completed. Mayor Alexander told Mr. McGee that if he has any questions to feel free to email him. Councilwoman Fitzgerald explained to Mr. McGee that so far one zone has been approved and 6 more zones will be completed in the future.

Richard DiRenzo – 415 Second Avenue – Mr. DiRenzo had questions and expressed his concerns in regard to the discussions and meetings taking place with the county about the flooding issue on Station Avenue. Mr. DiRenzo pointed out that the local police, fire and business owners should be more involved in the process. He also commented about FEMA, the US 30 Highway, and the fact that if the county does make some changes, it will not be a total fix. Mr. DiRenzo asked the governing body to consider various options before making any final decisions. There was some discussion between Mr. DiRenzo and the governing body.

Audrey DiRenzo – 415 Second Avenue – Mrs. DiRenzo commented that the county is aware and responsible for the flooding issue on Station Avenue. The business owners want a solution and are not willing to have their businesses disrupted. Mrs. DiRenzo also commented that the sand bags provided by DPW were a good idea.

Bill Lange – 26 First Avenue – Mr. Lange said that the intersection at Kings Highway and White Horse Pike where people are soliciting funds is not safe. He suggested that the police department contact Audubon police and regulate the situation.

David McGee – 301 Fourth Avenue –Mr. McGee asked what the cleanup cost is for the old DPW site and he asked about the RFP. Mayor Alexander told Mr. McGee that the borough contracted the engineers to complete the work and they do the RFP.

Bob Calloway, Pennoni Engineer discussed soil removal, ground water samples and the process that will take place. Soil remediation will start next week.

John Rayser – 611 W. High Street – Mr. Rayser commented that Mr. McGee is a total embarrassment to Haddon Heights. He thanked the governing body for volunteering their time.

JaniceCiarrocchi– 212 Crest Avenue –Janice spoke about her mother’s house on Crest Avenue and explained how a prospective buyer decided not to purchase the home and rebuild after an informal review before the planning board. Councilwoman Fitzgerald discussed what an informal review consists of and the purpose for an informal review. Mayor Alexander suggested that Janice provide options to the architect. There was more discussion.

William Troutman – 1509 Chestnut Avenue – Mr. Troutman let everyone know that he has a timer at home and he will bring it to the next meeting if need be.

JohnProveznek – 12 Seventh Avenue –Mr. Proveznek informed the governing body that he was cited by Ron Newell, Zoning Official for a sidewalk repair which is going to cost him $1,800.00. He mentioned that he saw something about the CDBG grant in the April Heights Report and asked the governing body how he would go about filling out an application. There was more discussion.


Councilwoman Fitzgerald made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Councilman Haggerty. Motion carried. All governing body members present voted in favor.

Melissa Bovera

Deputy Borough Clerk