The Archibald Corbett Society

Minutes ofBoard Meeting,10.5.14, Torridon Rd Library.

Present / Peter Ranken, Tony Dobson, Janet Tyler, Tom McEvoy, Barbara Gray, Mike Hage, Rosanna Downes, Godfrey Smith, Ben Honeybone, Julia Burke, Graham Magnurson, Victoria Smith, Jeanette Kenyon. / ACTION
Apologies / Maggie Halcrow, Min Langridge, Liz Coulson, Sylvia Whitter.
It was agreed that members of the Board missing 4 consecutive mtgs indicates lack of intent and that they should therefore be removed from the Board. / JB to inform all members of Board.
2/3 / Minutes from last meeting. / Approved. Matters arising to be discussed within agenda.
4 / Finance and Admin.
Bank account now set up, ready for use. / Peter to pay in monies by end of week.
5 / Open Meeting, 9.6.14. 7.30pm, GlenfargChurch.
i)Content – Follow CRA model.
ii)Speakers – approx 15mins each. Report on achievements so far, aims & objectives – Peter. Neighbourhood Forum & Catford (Lovers) Society – Barbara. Corbett Portraits Competition – Ben& Tom. Lewisham Town Centre developments and Catford Regeneration – LBL.
iii)Membership – Joining forms to be available.
iv)Publicity –Posters to be displayed in key venues – library, PO, cafes, schools, CRA noticeboard, etc.
Leaflets to include website, info on Open Mtg., extract from Corbett Stories section of website + pics. Also info on N.Forum and its implications, with link. Map – boundaries TBA, large copy to be used for display at mtg & subsequently on notice boards.
v) Distribution of flyers, weekend of 24th May. / JB to check out power pt equipment etc in church, report back.
Peter to speak to LBL.
Tom - design flyers, posters; BG - placement list.
JB - laminate posters.
Photos – all to RD.
Copy – Peter to RD.
Links – Rosie.
Map – Tom.
6 / Website.
Up & running with regular up-dates. Need for more photos. / JB – Harry Lyle pics. All – archive pics (old firework displays, Snow Wardens etc). RD – look at ‘’Ideal Homes’’ website. BH – H.Green. video.
JB/BG – scan Harry Lyle text for reproduction.
7 / Planning issues.
i)S106 - letter has gone to John Miller. Matthew Pullen(LBL) to arrange meeting with LBL, selected ACS board members, L&Q, Hexagon.
ii)Area of Special Character – BG has not heard from Regina.
iii)Neighbourhood Forum – draft constitution ready. Name agreed: ‘’Corbett Estate N.F.’’ 21 members needed with wide range of expertise/experience/qualifications and to include a ward councillor. Council required by law to support but it is not likely to be straightforward. Need to show consultation.
Timescale – End of June – group set up.
iv)Reporting issues to Planning –Aces Bar. They have retrospective licence to sell alcohol but behaviour outside bar, late at night is unacceptable and causing distress to neighbours. There has been a stabbing. PR has contacted Heidi Alexander and has met with W’meadow tenants; an approved submission has been sent to Planning, recommending the retrospective permission be removed, with enforcement. It has been made clear that the ACS does not want to block applications for alcohol licences per se. / PR – bring up Excalibur Est.
BG contact Regina
All – put names up for potential membership.
Use of Board Mtgs to make plan – set up sub group.
8 / Our Place Neighbourhood.
Awareness of Afro-Caribbean health issues – application for funding for this project has been submitted but is pending as ACS not an incorporated body. PR has resubmitted with Teachsport as lead partner as they are a registered company. / BG/PR
Teachsportsigning lease 23rd May. Work will start, w/c27th on field(TBC); end of June – building will be demolished. Pavilion should be up and functioning, end August. Field will be in use, April ’15.
PR has received £5000 from Pocket Parks for community garden.
11 / Corbett Portraits Competition.
To be launched in June. Open to all; local schools to be involved.
Ben has designed application forms which need to be checked for suitability/legality of content. PR to investigate. Forms will be available in the library, also online.
Publicity, LBL website etc.
Exhibition will be in the library, in October. Elisabeth Blanchet to be one of judges.
Ben to recruit all who ticked ‘photography’ on joining forms. / BH/VS. RD to send ‘Living Streets’ forms to BH, BG, JK, PR, VS, TBr. for reference.
JB to check list

Date for next meeting – Sat,7.6.14. at Torridon Rd Library, 10am.