New Member Checklist

☐Download and Use GPS Listing Presentation

-Login to your myKW account at

-Click the + sign next to myMarketing on your eEdge Control Panel, then click “Create Marketing Materials”

-Click “Design Library” under “Create Marketing”

-Pull the drop menu down under “Collection” and select “GPS Materials”. Access all the available pieces, including the Buyer’s Guide (Buyer Consultation) and the Sellers Presentation (Listing Presentation).

-Edit/customize these pieces with the ‘GPS Graphic and International Stat Library’, located on the GPS Community site under ‘Marketing Materials’.

☐ Join GPS Facebook Group

-Go to, login with mykw username and password

-Scroll down to “Referral Resources” section (middle of left side of page)

-Click “Join our Private Group”. If prompted, login to Facebook.

-Request access to group

  • Authorization will then be approved within about 24 hours

-After approved, verify access by logging on to facebook and visiting the “KW Global Property Specialists” group page (it will be listed under your Groups section)

-Set yourself a daily/weekly reminder to review GPS facebook group page

☐Connect to 100 Agents on Proxio

-Go to, login with mykw username and password

-Scroll down to ‘Proxio’, click ‘Access your Proxio Premium account’, then click ‘Find an INTL Agent’

-Set Geography and Language search to desired fields

-Press Green button with arrow to conduct search

-On results, press house icon TWICE to sort results based on agents with the most listings

-Click first agent’s name, press invite, edit message if desired, and click send.

-Click “Agents” under “How it works” tab to get back to search results

-Click house button twice to sort again on number of listings

-Click next agent and repeat invite process.

-Takes about 30 seconds per agent, so 100 agents will take 50 minutes. Repeat monthly to create a large network of agents.

☐ Setup Proxio Social Search

-Setup a FB business page (or use an existing one). To create, login into Facebook, and select create page (bottom left of page under the “Pages” section)

-Go to, login with mykw username and password

-Scroll down to ‘Proxio’ section, click ‘Installing Proxio Widgets’, and then ‘Guide: Facebook SocialSearch Setup’

-Verify app loaded by going to your Facebook business page, and pressing the real estate icon (shown below)

-Note: if you have several app icons, may need to re-arrange icons through business page settings so that social search appears on front page.


☐Setup Proxio Website Widget

-Go to, login with mykw username and password

-Scroll down to ‘Proxio’and click ‘Installing Proxio Widgets’

  • To install the widget on you eEdge website, click on ‘Guide: Proxio search widget to eEdge website’
  • To install the widget on your eAgentC website, click on ‘Guide: Proxio search widget to eAgentC website’

-Your widget should look like this upon successful installation.

☐Start CIPS Classes

-Go -> Member Login -> CIPS Online Training

-Scroll CIPS online training section (top right)

-Click on desired course

-Make sure you are logged in to your Realtor University account. If you don’t have an account, you will need to create one. Make sure to save your password!

-The coupon code KWGPS2012 should automatically be included and applied. If the code is not automatically included, enter the code in the ‘Coupon or Gift Card’ box, click ‘Update Cart’, then ‘Checkout Now’ to continue. The subtotal should be $0.

-When you have completed your order, click the ‘click here’ link below to access your class. You can always access your class at any time by clicking the name of the class on the GPS Community site -> login to your Realtor University account -> click Learner Home.