Undergraduate Student Government Association
General Assembly Meeting
Date: December 7, 2010
Location: Media 160
- Call to order: 9:03 PM
- Motion: Erica Timmons
- Second: Lauren Indelicato
- Roll Call
- Approval of Minutes
- Motion: LeighaDolemaseolo
- Second: Rachel Lawrick
- Dr. Heath
- Wishes everyone well with exams and returning home
- Sustain productivity and enthusiasm
- Officer Reports
- Chris Carl – Executive President
- Thanks for attending the Christmas Tree Lighting
- Food is available – mozzarella sticks and chicken fingers
- Mike Finegan is not coming tonight, will be postponed to next semester to allow more time to ask questions
- Come to a good closing spot for the semester in committee meetings
- Please attend Feast of Immaculate Conception Mass at 12:05pm in Marian Chapel tomorrow, 12/8/10
- Christina Mennella – Special Events Coordinator
- Updates on Holiday Dinner
- It will be held this Sunday 12/12/10at 6:00pm
- Sign ups to help set up will be available after tonight’s meeting
- Committee Meetings
- Continue with goals
- Come to a conclusion point
- Committee Reports
- IT Committee: Ian Isbitski
- Brad met with Tony:
- Universal Card – dining hall is getting new cash registers, implementing new card to put actual cash on it and will be able to use in bookstore soon (Summer 2011)
- New printer in Naz – just looking for someone to man it
- Printing allotment is being looked into
- New location for color printers
- Routers in art field and commons; others will be updated
- Dining Services Committee: Alexis Willey
- 100 block meal plan – will be ready for next semester, just waiting on prices
- Weekly block plan – still being looked into; will hopefully be ready by next fall (2011)
- Ryan Jones DJing Flapjack Fest – send emails for music suggestions ()
- Eateries closed at 2pm on Tuesday November 23 before Thanksgiving break but classes remained in session until 9pm; this well be brought up to Tom Notchick’s attention
- The Connection – why is it only open until 2pm? Pour your own coffee might make morning line go faster
- Ice cream – currently unsanitary, possible soft serve?
- New menu options for catering?
- Student Academics: Nicole Claase
- Woodword article regarding lack of weekend activities on campus – will provide survey to see what students would like to see on the weekends
- Activities period – meeting set up with Dr. Levine
- More student involvement
- Easier office hours
- Sports
- Student Affairs: Erica Timmons
- Everyone got assigned different colleges to research their universal grading policies over the Christmas break
- Open Floor
- Ian Isbitski – Pledge to the Senior Gift; get free socks before12/14/10
- Leigha Dolemaseolo– new group being formed “Athletes for Christ”; first meeting will be held next semester; will have free food; email with questions
- Chris Carl – thanks again for working so hard this semester
- Mass at 4:30 on Sunday 12/12/10before Holiday Dinner (business casual attire)
- Reception after tomorrow’s mass next to Marian Chapel
- Adjournment at 9:47pm
- Motion: Caitlin Light
- Second: Monica Bixby
Alexis Willey
SGA Executive Secretary