Undergraduate Student Government Association

General Assembly Meeting

Date: December 7, 2010

Location: Media 160

  1. Call to order: 9:03 PM
  2. Motion: Erica Timmons
  3. Second: Lauren Indelicato
  4. Roll Call
  5. Approval of Minutes
  6. Motion: LeighaDolemaseolo
  7. Second: Rachel Lawrick
  8. Dr. Heath
  9. Wishes everyone well with exams and returning home
  10. Sustain productivity and enthusiasm
  11. Officer Reports
  12. Chris Carl – Executive President
  13. Thanks for attending the Christmas Tree Lighting
  14. Food is available – mozzarella sticks and chicken fingers
  15. Mike Finegan is not coming tonight, will be postponed to next semester to allow more time to ask questions
  16. Come to a good closing spot for the semester in committee meetings
  17. Please attend Feast of Immaculate Conception Mass at 12:05pm in Marian Chapel tomorrow, 12/8/10
  18. Christina Mennella – Special Events Coordinator
  19. Updates on Holiday Dinner
  20. It will be held this Sunday 12/12/10at 6:00pm
  21. Sign ups to help set up will be available after tonight’s meeting
  22. Committee Meetings
  23. Continue with goals
  24. Come to a conclusion point
  25. Committee Reports
  26. IT Committee: Ian Isbitski
  27. Brad met with Tony:
  28. Universal Card – dining hall is getting new cash registers, implementing new card to put actual cash on it and will be able to use in bookstore soon (Summer 2011)
  29. New printer in Naz – just looking for someone to man it
  30. Printing allotment is being looked into
  31. New location for color printers
  32. Routers in art field and commons; others will be updated
  33. Dining Services Committee: Alexis Willey
  34. 100 block meal plan – will be ready for next semester, just waiting on prices
  35. Weekly block plan – still being looked into; will hopefully be ready by next fall (2011)
  36. Ryan Jones DJing Flapjack Fest – send emails for music suggestions ()
  37. Eateries closed at 2pm on Tuesday November 23 before Thanksgiving break but classes remained in session until 9pm; this well be brought up to Tom Notchick’s attention
  38. The Connection – why is it only open until 2pm? Pour your own coffee might make morning line go faster
  39. Ice cream – currently unsanitary, possible soft serve?
  40. New menu options for catering?
  41. Student Academics: Nicole Claase
  42. Woodword article regarding lack of weekend activities on campus – will provide survey to see what students would like to see on the weekends
  43. Activities period – meeting set up with Dr. Levine
  44. More student involvement
  45. Easier office hours
  46. Sports
  47. Student Affairs: Erica Timmons
  48. Everyone got assigned different colleges to research their universal grading policies over the Christmas break
  49. Open Floor
  50. Ian Isbitski – Pledge to the Senior Gift; get free socks before12/14/10
  51. Leigha Dolemaseolo– new group being formed “Athletes for Christ”; first meeting will be held next semester; will have free food; email with questions
  52. Chris Carl – thanks again for working so hard this semester
  53. Mass at 4:30 on Sunday 12/12/10before Holiday Dinner (business casual attire)
  54. Reception after tomorrow’s mass next to Marian Chapel
  55. Adjournment at 9:47pm
  56. Motion: Caitlin Light
  57. Second: Monica Bixby

Alexis Willey

SGA Executive Secretary