Delaware FFA Student Code of Conduct
1.I will, at all times, respect all public and private property, including the hotel/motel in which I am housed.
2.I will spend each night in the room of the hotel/motel to which I am assigned.
3.I will strictly abide by the 11:30 p.m. curfew and shall respect the rights of others by being as quiet as possible after curfew so I am fully alert for the next day's activities. If I leave my room or cause a disturbance, after curfew, I will be disqualified from any competition in which I am a competing or participating.
4.In the hotel/motel I will help project a proper and safe image by keeping the door completely open when girls are visiting in boys rooms and when boys are visiting girls rooms. I will not allow strangers into my room, nor will I enter the room of anyone I do not know or have just met.
5.I will not possess or use alcoholic beverages. I will not possess or use drugs unless I have been ordered to take certain prescription medications by a licensed physician. If I am required to take medication, I will, at all times, have the orders of the physician or signed note by my parent, on my person and will inform my advisor. I understand that violation of this rule will result in me immediately being sent home at my own expense, and notification of my school principal.
6.I will not leave the hotel/motel without the express permission of my advisor or the state advisor. Should I receive permission, I will leave a written notice of where I will be.
7.I will be courteous, polite and considerate to others. As a result, I will gain the respect of others.
8.I will keep my chapter advisor or state advisor informed of my whereabouts at all times.
9.I will not smoke or use tobacco products while traveling with the FFA.
10. I will arrive at least five minutes early for all activities that I am assigned to and registered for.
11. I will adhere to the dress code at all times.
12. I will listen to not only my advisor but other advisors in attendance.
I understand any violation of the above items will result in a notification to my parents and school, disqualification from competitive events and activities, as well as exclusion from any other State or National FFA activities for the remainder of the school year. I understand that for violation of item number 5, I will be sent home at my own expense. I also understand that I must abide by my school’s discipline code while traveling for or participating in FFA activities.
As a representative of my school and the Delaware FFA Association, I agree to abide by the above rules and regulations.
Students SignatureDate
Parent/Guardian SignatureDate
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