RMIT University, School of Art Research Committee

Minutes of Meeting held at 10am Tuesday 6th June 2006

Present: (Chair), Dr Lesley Duxbury, Prof Elizabeth Grierson, Robert Baines, Peter Ellis, Linda Williams, Linda Erceg, Phil Samartzis and Kathryn Wardill (Minutes)

Guest: Dr David Thomas

Apologies/Absent: Dr Irene Barbaris & Dr Louiseann Zahra

Member Roles Names

Chair & Postgraduate Dr Lesley Duxbury

External Grants Prof. Elizabeth Grierson

Practice Research Robert Baines

Publications Dr Linda Williams

Galleries Dr Louiseann Zahra

Metasenta Hub (Web) Dr Irene Barbaris

TAFE Research Linda Erceg

Professional Development Peter Ellis

Staff Research Phillip Samartzis

Minutes Kathryn Wardill

Minutes from Previous meeting

The minutes from the previous meeting were passed by Dr Linda Williams and seconded by Peter Ellis.

Elizabeth requested that when minutes have been passed that they are emailed to Fiona Nolan.

These minutes will now be available on the RMIT website (staff login required)

Dr David Thomas

A report (4 pgs) was submitted to the committee via email prior to the meeting and Dr Thomas outlined the report during the meeting. David proposed ‘Composite Practice Studio (Time and Space)’ which would conduct practice and theoretical research involving RMIT School of Art staff and research students, a range of international artists, and a wide range of associates from RMIT, and other institutes.

The committee commented on David’s proposal that it should include links to Media Arts and also Art Theory & History RMIT staff.

Also suggested in this framing document should include time based ideas.

This should be linked to Metasenta

This project also needs to address/answer the question:

How does this maximise a dual sector advantage?

Louiseann Zahra/Peter Westwood/AIRP - artists

Phillip Samarizis to converse with David, as this project would be a natural fit with sound and media art.

David is open to linking his proposal with current School of Art Research areas and this could fit within the Space and Environment area.

The next step is to put the document onto the website and invite interested parties to a meeting to help refine the project.

Robert Baines – Practice Research

Robert commented that many of the people who are listed by David Thomas for inclusion do not have a research profile or have not contacted/responded to the email to staff to collect information on staff members for the design research institute. He noted the lack of reply and that many lecturers are not active in the research area. David’s proposal could help turn a negative into a positive.

Robert noted that the outputs from David’s project/s will need to meet the quality research outcomes; some of these outputs will include publishable documents.

The design institute has now been approved by the vice chancellor and it identifies

the themes,

sub programs,

Identifies the big research questions and how would you know when you have achieved them?

It also questions what would be the RMIT distinctive edge?

There are 4 areas across the university for research, 2 have now been approved by the Vice Chancellor.

Robert discussed that RMIT researchers can move between the 4 RMIT clusters.

Robert attended meeting for the ‘Design Sector’ to hear the announcement of a design hub/building, a place to be built in 2009 at the Carlton United Site, CBD, including the Melbourne City Council, State Government. The whole site will be developed and revenue raised will fund the ‘Design Sector’

From this meeting, there was a push to define and be clear about who we are as researchers, aim international, less on National, and to have a fluid structure, researchers moving between areas.

Staff Research - Philip Samartzis

There have been 3 presentations to date. 1st by David Thomas which attracted 2 staff, 18 Postgraduate students which was a good result. 2nd by Lesley Duxbury with 1 staff member and 9 students and the 3rd by Louseann Zahra which was cancelled due to lack of numbers. With the lack of support, it maybe better held within the Forum or another event.

The annual Architectural conference weekend was discussed as a possible model. It was open to all staff and Postgraduate students; an intensive time that was compulsory and acknowledged in work plans to be held in 2007.

ACTION: A working group for this idea was formed Phillip, Lesley and Linda, to meet in Semester 2 to discuss

Professional Development – Peter Ellis

There were 3 applications this round, 2 of these received funding.

Prue Venables to attend a ceramics conference

Dr Sophia Errey to attend a Conference in Sydney to present a paper related to her PhD research which is to be published.

Keeley McCarrow – Sense of Health Conference in July at Oxford.

Meeting scheduled for tomorrow with new applications from David Thomas and Sally Mannall, Sally Celery and Shane Hulbert. Natasha Vincent is intending to submit an application for VET staff to attend a conference in Sydney.


It was suggested that a tracking system needs to be set up to keep records on who receives funding and when and how their outcomes have be achieved/verified.

ACTION: Peter & Kathryn to set up this system

TAFE – Linda Erceg

Money fro TAFE research should be sourced through the staff development fund. Within TAFE Research is not acknowledged, money is not available, there are no time allowances, no budget, or area within the work plan or the option for a casual to replace staff while researching.

Robert Baines is to re-send Linda the Research Profile information, as staff are still able to join.

This issue needs to be re-addressed through Tony Dalton and need to go through the DSC Research Committee.

ACTION: Lesley & Elizabeth

Metasenta – Irene Barberis

This is an URGENT area at the next meeting.

Galleries – Louiseann Zahra

This is an URGENT area at the next meeting.

URGENT Request to be circulated before the next meeting is an updated version of the galleries exhibition list with details for each exhibition stated

1.  Link to Research, Quality and Impact

2.  Funding implications

3.  What are we investing in?

Publications – Dr. Linda Williams

Report was submitted to the committee which outlined the studio areas in relation to publications.

ACTION: Linda W and Linda E

As a result of this report Linda Erceg requested a meeting with Linda Williams, and it was also suggested that Kellyann Geurts be included.

It was also requested that Administration staff and Technical Staff be included in publications as several of them have research profiles.

Many exhibitions with a catalogue can be worked into a DEST book and also PhD candidates could consider publishing their research.

Painting exchange between Hong Kong and Melbourne, publication with an essay

Laura Brearley Journal

Jane Ponting Project – Art & Architecture in RMIT

Meet with Louiseann (Galleries) Peter Westwood (AIRP) and Irene (Metasenta)

Elizabeth’s extensive range of publications

(books, book chapters, conference papers journal articles, editing journals)

ACTION: Linda document for circulation at next meeting regarding the Arts and Sustainability Research Group.

Postgraduate Research – Dr. Lesley Duxbury

Website update required

Potential Research students should be able via the website to access our School Research areas to put themselves inline with our current 3 main groups. More information is required in conjunction with Metasenta.

ACTION: Working Party Elizabeth, Irene and Lesley

External Funding - Prof. Elizabeth Grierson

Linkage Grants

Elizabeth is working with Keeley McCarrow on this project Promoting and Maintaining good health with partner St Vincent’s Hospital and this is due in Sept/Oct.

Application with Peter linking with Siemens, Art and Industry is progressing.

Linkage between Public Art and Geoff Hogg offers the school an impressive array of options which are being brain stormed at the moment.

Elizabeth has been appointed an ‘International Expert Reader’ ARC College of Education. This week Elizabeth is reviewing 5 ARC grants. This is significant for the school.

Other Business

Chair for the next meeting will be Lesley Duxbury

Meeting times/dates will be altered. They will need to alternate between Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Committee Membership

It was unanimously supported that Geoff Hogg be invited to re-join the committee. Geoff has been successful in securing major income for the school through industry links and his committee title will be “Industry Links”

Agenda Items for next meeting

Priorities - Irene & Louiseann

Chair for remainder of 2006 meetings

Meeting Concluded at 1.30pm - Next Meeting is Thursday 6th July 2006

RMIT University

Document: Minutes 6 June 2006.doc/Kathryn Wardill

Save Date: 05-07-2006

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