Business As Usual in the 21st Century
By Chen Ying, ChinaEnterprise Confederation
As a result of China's accession into the WTO, increased flows of foreign investment and dramatic increases in sourcing from Chinese enterprises, China will undoubtedly become a critical player in the CSR arena. As is obvious from the articles assembled here, CSR is already greatly impacting Chinese businesses and especially those that are exportfocused. In light of this, understanding CSR trends and thoroughly analyzing CSR issues has become an important topic facing Chinese enterprises.
The Basis of Chinese CSR
We have always believed that the reform, evolution and success of business practices all rely on strong employee support of the enterprise. Accordingly, all businesses and businesspeople should make raising the quality of employees and developing human resources a core strategy for growth. In promoting a management philosophy that puts people first, businesses can build a culture that allows employees and employers better collaboration and a system that encourages mutual accountability.
Regardless of whether a country is Eastern or Western, developed or developing, everyone expresses their understanding of CSR similarly – that is, in their pursuit of profit, enterprises must also take responsibility for the needs of the environment, society and stakeholders. In today’s environment business people must take on the newest business thinking.This means strengthening business performance and its obligation to economic, environmental and social development. As stated by CEC President Chen Jinghua, enterprises must improve their consciousness of CSR and recognize the importance of CSR work.
Undoubtedly, profit is still the main motivator for most business. But for modern enterprises, success is not just measured by economic returns, but also through how much of a contribution they make to society more broadly. Shouldering some responsibility for CSR is an important characteristic of enterprises operating in the 21st century.
Rising Expectations Must Cut Both Ways
The year 2004 seemed to be the watershed in China as several multinational enterprises approached their supply chain partners in China with various CSR standards and certification requirements. This had the effect of causing some confusion within these enterprises and impacting them greatly. The reality is that implementing CSR is a “double-edged sword” of sorts. If implemented poorly, its impacts are significant for all companies.If done well, but without a mind to the rigorous demands of the market, it can introduce some peril. At bottom, it raises a host of investment and management issues for the enterprises that undertake it.
Many developed countries have used CSR as a basic requirement for market entry, using it as a way to restrict the competitiveness of countries undergoing development and greatly impacting the export economies of these developing countries. In recognition of this, multinational enterprises need to work with their Chinese suppliers to jointly shoulder the burden of implementing CSR standards as opposed to simply requiring small Chinese enterprises improve labor conditions while simultaneously coming to them with a voracious appetite to continually drive down prices. The two demands are fundamentally at odds with one another.
The Way Forward: CSR with Chinese Characteristics
Since the CSR agenda has started to be pushed in China, multinationals and international organizations have already set out hundreds of CSR standards, criteria, guidelines and management systems that Chinese enterprises have found rather unwieldy and difficult to manage. As we know, there are duplicative certification schemes and substantial costs for certification and its demands, both of which have wasted the time and money of Chinese enterprises.
It is not that these standards or management systems are not well thought out, but most of them are designed based on standards and laws that apply in developed countries, and do not necessarily account for China’s current reality. Some of these standards also contain political ramifications. For example, on the topic of human rights, some international organizations promote standards or systems that run counter to existing Chinese law. China already has quite a comprehensive and developed legal system that guarantees its citizens rights. Among these are: Chinese labor law, Chinese union laws, women’s rights protection law and others. If one looks closely, all of these laws contain information that is quite relevant and central to CSR.
And there is no doubt that we must work to assure consistent implementation of these laws within Chinese enterprises and to press deliberate efforts to make it more systemic. At the same time, we must do our own work examining Chinese law to ensure it meets the local realities here on the ground.Doing so will help condition international expectations and make sure that CSR management systems in China are both relevant and prevent confusion when it comes to managing business practices here.
One final item of common ground to point out is that CSR today is very distinct from corporations taking full responsibility for an entire society’s well being (as was the case in China’s history when Chinese enterprises were expected to provide a society with all of its needs). In the West as in China, contemporary CSR is an expectation of operating in a market-based economy that recognizes enterprises need to have goals and strategies that account for their responsibilities to employees, consumers, shareholders and their communities. As such, as these enterprises create profits, they are also gaining a good brand reputation and recognition, creating a win-win situation for society and the enterprise.
Managing the social side of business well is critical to any notion of brand, and larger Chinese companies are now beginning to develop their brands in powerful ways. In recognition of this, a good number of these companies have already taken on CSR as a core management practice and are working hard to develop goals for what this means in practice.
What does this mean going forward?CSR is here to stay in China. It will continue to get the serious attention of more and more enterprise leaders as our businesses grow both here and abroad.
Madame Chen Ying is the Deputy General Secretary of the ChinaEnterprise Confederation. For more information, visit