Patrick J. Donovan

Director, Maritime & Intermodal Transportation

Nick J. Rahall, II Appalachian Transportation Institute

Director, National Maritime Enhancement Institute

Marshall University

Post Office Box 5425, Huntington, WV 25703

(304) 696-7098,


2005 -2010 Director, West Virginia Department of Transportation, Public Port Authority

2004 -2005 Acting Director, West Virginia Department of Transportation, Public Port Authority

2001-2004 Development Coordinator, West Virginia Public Port Authority

2000-2001 Director, St. Albans Renaissance Group

1999-Current Adjunct Professor of Geography, Marshall University

1987-2009 United States Army, Active Duty, Reserves, National Guard


National Academy of the Sciences, Transportation Research Board, Waterways Committee

Association of American State Highway Transportation Officials, Standing Committee on Water Transportation, Standing Committee on Rail

Appalachian Regional Commission, Network Appalachia Study Team

National Waterways Conference, Inc. Vice President

Putnam County Parks and Recreation Commission

Putnam County Board of Zoning Appeals


As Director for Maritime and Intermodal Transportation, Patrick J. Donovan is responsible for establishing, managing and implementing programs to facilitate the development of transportation facilities that support the Appalachian Regions integration into the Global Economy. Working with various Stakeholders to include Federal, State, Local and potential Private Partners to help facilitate and establish public-private partnerships for development, operations and financial of intermodal transportations projects throughout the Appalachian Region. Patrick’s past experience as Director of the West Virginia Public Port Authority has provided access to the necessary intermodal transportation decision makers to ensure the success of this program. Patrick also is the Director of the National Maritime Enhancement Institute at Marshall University.


Prior to joining RTI, Patrick was the Executive Director of the West Virginia Public Port Authority performing a variety of functions. He help establish five Local Port Authority Districts throughout West Virginia. He help facilitate the establishment of the model public – private partnership which led to the implementation and opening of the Heartland Corridor. He pioneered the first public private intermodal rail terminal partnership strategy for the State of West Virginia. He is a recognized Inland Navigation Leader serving as Vice President of the National Waterways Conference, Inc. He is the current Vice-Chairman of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Standing Committee on Waterway. Patrick also serves as the State of West Virginia’s appointed representative on the Appalachians Regional Commissions, Network Appalachia Study Group. Patrick is a member of the Transportation Research Board’s Committee on Waterways and is founding member of SmartRivers. Patrick currently serves in an advisory role to the Tri-State Airport Authority as well as the Cabell-Wayne Local Port Authority District.


Patrick is active in Community services. He is a Putnam County Parks and Recreation Commissioner. Prior to his appointment to the Putnam County Parks and Recreation Commission Patrick severed for over 6 years on the Putnam County Board of Zoning Appeals. Patrick has over 10 years of youth soccer coaching experience, as well as over 10 years of Cross Country and Track and Field experience working as a volunteer for both the local Middle and High Schools. Additionally when he is not participating in local running and triathlon events he volunteers his time to help organized and host local events.