1. All kinds of the paperssubmitted to "Zabaikalsky Medical Vestnik", are subject to compulsory peer review. Peer review is carried out to maintain a high level of scientificand theoretical publications and to select the most valuable and relevant (upcoming) papers.
2. The Executive Editor of the Editorial Board determines the papers’ congruity tothe journal’s profile and the registration requirements; The Executive Editor
(or his alternate) transmits it for review toDoctor of Science or Candidate of Sciences, having the closest (nearby) specialization to the subject theof the paper. Reviewers are notified that the paperis the intellectual property of the authors and is not subject to disclosure. Reviewers are not allowed to make copies for their own use.
3. If necessary, re-reviewing of the paper can be made by another expert (s). The arguments for re-reviewing are:
• insufficient experience in issues dealt in the paper;
• low level of initial expert opinion;
• debatable issuesstated in the paper.
4. The review deadline is determined by DeputyExecutive Editor taking into account conditions for publication of the paper. As a rule,peer reviewshouldn’t take morethan 3 weeks.
5. The review covers the following questions:
1) general level of scientific work;
2) correspondence of the article’s title to its content;
3)significanceof a chosen theme;
4) scientific novelty,theoretical value and practical significance of the conclusions, methodology;
5) adequacy of the statistical data processing;
6) clarity of design, language, style, arrangement of the material, tables, diagrams, figures for readers;
7) presence of debatable issuesand / or incorrect statements.
The reviewer also fills in "ReviewerCard."
6. In conclusion, the reviewer expresses his/ her opinion on the possibility of publication of the paper in "Zabaikalsky Medical Vestnik" (unconditionally accept; accept with minor revision; accept it in the event that its authors modify it in certain ways; reject it, but encourage revision and invite resubmission; reject it outright).
7. The review is signed indicating thename of the reviewer, his/her scientific degree, rank and position. Reviewer’ssignature is certified by the Human Resource Department.
8. The review shall be conducted confidentially.The author has an opportunitytoget acquaintedwith the text of the review. The violation of confidentiality is possible if there is falsification or unreliability of the data contained in the article.
9. If the reviewcontains recommendations for correction the Executive Secretary sends the text to the authorwith the proposal to take them into account and prepare a new version of the article or to confute them. Improved paper is re-reviewed.
10. The article which is notrecommended for publication cannot be re-reviewed. The text of a negative review is sent to the author by e-mail, fax or mail.
11. The positive review is not sufficient for the publication. The final decision is madeby the Editorial Board and recorded in theprotocol.
12. After the decision ismade the Executive Secretary informs the author and points out the terms of publication.
13. The original version of the reviews is stored in the "Zabaikalsky Medical Vestnik" for five years and, ifnecessary, must be available upon the request of the HAC (High Attestation Committee)experts.