Bylaws of the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association Unit 19-2 Carthage NY, Published 20 October 2015
ADENDUM to: Combat Veteran Motorcycle Association By-Laws Revision M1
ARTICLE 1: All bylaws of the National COMBAT VETERANS MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION and CVMA Unit 19-2 located in Carthage, New York will be adhered to.
The following additions and addendums pertain to the local Chapter Unit 19-2 located in Carthage NY only. These additions are due to unique situation of many of the membership being on active duty with the Armed Forces of the United States.
Section 6: Misconduct
a. In the event of misconduct by any member, under the by-laws of the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association, the Board of Directors possesses the right to revoke that member's membership. Misconduct is defined as failure to abide by the by-laws of the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association and any organization that the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association supports.
b. Bringing dishonor upon the Combat Veterans Association in action, word(s), or deeds to include as example but not limited to this list;
1. Bar hopping while wearing colors.
2. Personal relations with another member’s significant other.
3. Criminal misconduct; drugs, theft, felonies etc.
4. Drinking and driving
Election of local officers
All officers are to be nominated and elected at the Unit level. Nominations for office will be made, and voted on at the following meeting after review of Senior Advisory Board. All officers will assume office within 30 days of the election and hold that office for 24 months or until their successors are duly qualified. Consecutive terms are permitted. If the member will be gone for 9 months or more, said officer will resign their position for the betterment of the Chapter. Office will be open for election for completion of term. Any officer who misses 6 meetings without extenuating circumstances will be removed from position and an election will be held.
Every November of the odd year will be an election of Commander, Secretary and SAA.
Every November of the even year will be an election of Executive Officer, Treasurer and PR Officer.
Section 1: Requirements for Commander
Must be a member in good standing, served successfully a full term as an officer, have at least 3 years membership and a working knowledge of Roberts Rules of Order.
Section 2: Requirements for Executive Officer
Must be a member in good standing, be a prior officer, and have at least 1 year membership and a working knowledge of Roberts Rules of Order.
Section 3: Requirements for Secretary
Must be a member in good standing, chaired at least 3 committees or served as an officer, have at least 1-year membership and working knowledge of the Roberts Rules of Order.
Section 4: Requirements for Treasurer
Must be a member in good standing, chaired at least 3 committees or served as an officer, and at least 1-year membership.
Section 5: Requirements for Sgt. at Arms
Must be a member in Good standing, chaired at least 2 committees or served as an officer and at least 1-year membership.
Section 6: Requirements for Publicity Officer
Must be a member in good standing, chaired at least 2 committees or served as an officer, and at least one-year membership.
Section 7: Requirements for Senior Ride captain
Must be a member in good standing, must have completed the Ride Captains Course and served actively on at least 1 committee. Must have at least one year of membership. Must, have a working knowledge of road safety rules and good knowledge of local roads and byways. Member must also have a road worthy motorcycle.
Additional Road Captains may be appointed by the Unit Commander. Must be a member in good standing.
Section 8: Quartermaster
Must be a member in good standing and actively served on at least 1 committee.
Section 9: Senior Advisory Board/Board of Directors
SAB/BOD constitutes the Executive Board of the CVMA Unit 19-2. The duties and responsibilities are described within the Bylaws
Section 10. Senior Advisory Board/Board of Directors Membership
The SAB/BOD will consist of the ten original founding members and the officers from the previous election. Each must be a member in good standing and must be an original founding member of Unit 19-2, or must be a member in good standing and served successfully a full term as an officer in the previous Unit 19-2 elections. The previous term members will only serve until the next election for their office. The original members will have permanent seats on the board as long as they meet the requirements of membership in Unit 19-2 and the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association. One member of the SAB/BOD will serve in the position of alternate Treasure to ensure that a treasurer is always available to carry out Unit 19-2 business.
Section 1: The Unit Commander will preside over all meetings of the unit, act as executive officer member of all committees, issue the call for regular and special meetings, schedule regular elections, and be sure they are held IAW this constitution, and carry out the directives SAB/BOD
Section 2: The Executive Officer will perform all duties of the Unit Commander in his absence and other duties as directed by the Commander and the SAB/BOD.
Section 3: The Secretary shall keep minutes of the general membership and special meetings. The Secretary shall provide copies of minutes to State representative and the general membership within thirty days of regular meetings. The Secretary will maintain a file of all official correspondence to and from the unit, meeting attendance sheets, maintain an updated NY CVMA 19-2 membership roster and other duties as directed by the Commander and the SAB/BOD.
Section 4: The Treasurer will collect dues and other forms of income due to the unit, maintain the accounting books, make payments from the units funds when so ordered by the Commander, sign all units checks and make regular reports of the units financial status to the State representative and the general membership and other duties as directed by the Commander and the SAB/BOD.
Section 5: The Public Relations Officer will maintain a file and have it ready to present at each meeting and all unit functions. He or she will be in charge of all the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association Unit 19-2 publicity, in conjunction with and approved by the unit Commander and other duties as directed by the Commander and the SAB/BOD.
Section 6: Sergeant At Arms has and will maintain order during Unit 19-2 meetings and check members ID cards before each meeting will start. The SOA will be the sweeper on all rides to maintain order and discipline and other duties as directed by the Commander and the SAB/BOD.
Section 7: The WEB Master will be in charge of all the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association Unit 19-2 website, in conjunction with and approved by the unit Commander. Duties will include: Historian, club file, pictures, newspaper articles, TV and radio announcements and the associations web site and
Section 8 Senior Road Captain will be in charge of all major rides of Unit 19-2. He will ensure that all local laws and regulations are followed and routes selected are safe for the ride. He will ensure that all participants in a ride are physically fit for the ride and remain so. He will provide a pre-ride briefing covering all aspects of the ride to all participants. He will also perform other duties as directed by the Commander and the SAB/BOD.
Section 9: The SAB/BOD constitutes the Executive Board of the Association, responsible for the execution, through its officers of the authorized policies, by majority votes, fills vacancies in any office of the SAB/BOD and submits to the associations meetings any recommendations affecting the policies of the association which have been previously approved.
Section 1: A quorum for conducting business shall be those present at any given meeting.
Section 2: The Commander or two active members can call special SAB/BOD meetings.
Delegates will be appointed by the Commander, but are subject to the approval of the SAB/BOD, to represent the association at any convention, meeting, rally, or other assembly that may be deemed necessary, and all delegations are authorized to exercise only those powers specifically vested in them by the SAB/BOD.
Section 1: Amendments, when ratified by three fourths of the delegates present at a CVMA meeting, take effect immediately.
Section 2: Bylaws Amendment procedure:
a. When any member at large desires to seek a vote to change the bylaws of this association, they must complete the "BYLAW CHANGE PROPOSAL" and submit through the SAB/BOD to the Bylaws Committee.
b. All proposals must be submitted using the bylaws change proposal form.
Section 3: Bylaws Committee
a. Members of the Bylaws Committee consists of the Commander, Executive Officer and three of the original members, if any are still active members. If sufficient original members are not available, replacements will be elected by the membership
b. Responsibilities: Receive, review, correct, clarify, and consolidate bylaw change proposals.
1. Shall arrange proposals in order according to Article, Section, Subsection.
2. Shall check proposals for conflicts with CVMA principles, language, grammar, alignment with the proper By-Law article/section/subsection, and redundancy.
3. When necessary, discuss with the proposal's Point-of-Contact such areas needing clarity, intent, consolidation with other proposals, etc.
4. Provide such comments as the Committee believes useful for the membership. Such comments shall be attached to the proposal as "Bylaws Committee Comments" and can be in support, recommending disapproval or no comment and a reason for the position taken.
5. All proposals denied, postponed, consolidated or changed will require such decision to be communicated to the Point-of-Contact for the proposal.
Section 9; Voting by Proxy
Deployed active duty military members may vote by proxy if the ballots are e-mailed directly to the Chapter Secretary. The Chapter secretary will immediately send an e-mail back to originator confirm receipt of said ballots.