AWA Executive Meeting - Monday 7th December.
Minutes of Meeting.
1. Meeting opened at 7.40.
2. Attendees.
Ross Cant, David Rose, Murray Tingey, Trevor Letchford, Dick Morrow.
3. Apologies.
Greg Russel-Brown.
4. Chairman's Report.
4.1. MAAA Meeting in Melbourne. Discussion centred around the functionality of State organisations, specifically NSW which had/has three administration groups: Radio Models, Free Flight and Control line.
A motion was put forward to disband the three administrations and amalgamate into one.
MAAA to organize one administration and set up a new state organisation to govern all three groups. This would be run by the MAAA for three [3} years, elections would then be held and a new committee would be elected to run the NSW association, i.e. one president/one association, not three.
Motion voted and passed by delegates to meeting.
4.2. Victorian President tabled application for $500,000 to establish new field.
A business plan was presented, expected initial membership to be approximately 90.
Voted and passed.
4.3. Discussion in relation to introducing sum of money to fund MAAA public relations activities to promote state/national events:
i.e. Wings over Whiteman, Warbirds at CAMS .
A sum of $10,000 was agreed upon.
Motion was put, voted on and passed.
4.4. A thirty [30] minute report on the AWA Control Line World Championships was presented and was well received by the meeting.
5. Treasurers Report.
5.1. Finances for the AWA Control Line World Championships were discussed.
AWA has donated $20,000 seed money to the event, MAAA has donated an amount of $50,000.
If proceeds from sponsorships, catering etc does not cover costs, AWA will underwrite the event with a sum of $35,000.
5.2. $87,295 in AWA account.
Signatures for the account to be changed to current committee.
6. Correspondence.
6.1. MAAA Council Conference. Reports needed from clubs buying land with MAAA funds. two clubs effected are CAMS and SWARMS. Letter to be sent to respective secretaries which outlines requirements for report.
6.2. World Championship Funding . Neil Pollock request.
AWA supports up to $600 per participant. Neil supports his request with statements /receipts of expenditure. Moved to General business.
6.3. Minutes of MAAA Executive Meeting - 14 October 2015. Tabled.
Minutes can be seen on MAAA Website.
6.4. Letter from MAAA re. complaint to ACCC. {Tabled].
Refer to MAAA Website to read. Moved to General Business
7. Matters Arising/Agenda.
7.1. Budget Discussion for 2015/2016. No current budget for 15/16 has been formulated.
Discussion on grants to clubs, there is a ceiling of $30,000 per annum allocated for distribution.
Auditors report was tabled.
7.2. Murray T to action the review of AWA procedures and processes for grants and report back to the General Meeting.
7.3. General discussion on Applications for Displays and Height Restrictions.
Moved to General Business.
8. Committee Business.
8.1. Discussion on how/where to find up to date list of clubs.
MAAA Website has map with clubs listed and maps, this is currently badly out of date/deficient. Murray T will action an update Website.
8.2. Email will be sent to all club secretaries re. MAAA Website.
8.3. Certified copy of auditors report 2014/2015 needed to support grant application for funding for World Championships. This was tabled.
8.4 Contest report from Steve Revell to be forwarded to Dick Morrow to be tabled at General Meeting.
8. General Business.
8.1.Dorothy Buckley Trophy - presented to AWA in 1946 is in need of refurbishment: cost $260 - voted and passed.
8.2. All state events calendar was put into Windsock, as Windsock is now discontinued, events will be placed in the MAAA Website for information.
Dick Morrow will develop list, Murray Tingley to action and put onto MAAA Website.
8.3. Award Medallions for state competitions to be continued [1st, 2nd, 3rd places]. cost to be determined. Voted and passed.
8.4. World Championship Funding - Neil Pollock request.
An amount of $600 to be granted. Voted and passed.
8.5. Applications for Displays.
All Applications for displays and all relevant forms, i.e. Height Restrictions, Risk Assessment etc. are required by the State Secretary, forty [40] days prior to the event being undertaken. This requirement is needed to be followed as CASA requires thirty [30] days to complete the formal approval process.
Meeting Closed at 9.35pm.