Detailed Facilitator Agenda
DHSS/DAC LPHA Survey Results Discussion Sessions
A.Share back the results from the Foundational Programmatic Activities and Expertise DHSS/DAC Survey.
B.Provide a opportunity for local health departments to interact with some of the data and discuss what some of these results mean for them in their local public health work.
C.Identify strategies for addressing increasing capacity to provide key services.
Preparing for the Session:
1.Identify which of the five issues you would like to discuss (you can choose more than one). There are five separate worksheets that summarize the results for Chronic Disease & Injury Prevention, Communicable Disease Control, Environmental Public Health, Maternal/Child/Family Health and Crosscutting SupportServices.
2.Set a date and time to meet with colleagues to discuss the issue area. Plan for about an hour.
3.Share the worksheets with the people who will participate—giving them some time to think about what the results mean before convening your session.
4.The room needs will depend on the size of the group.
a.For a group of 10 or smaller you can use a regular meeting room or board room. Ideally you want people set up so they all the participants can see each other and thefacilitator.
b.For a group larger than 10 people organize into smaller groups of 6 to 10. Each group should have someone who can record notes for thatgroup.
5.Recording the conversation. We don’t need copies of the results of the discussion. We will be gathering that input at the conference in March. However, if you’re not able to participate in the conference in March we would accept a summary of the results of your session. There will be three sets of questions. If you would like this information for your own purposes and/or to prepare to participate in the March conference, there are two primary ways we recommend capturing perspectives.
a.Use the participant worksheet to have participants capture their thoughts.
b.Have someone serve as a recorder and take notes during the general discussions. Ideally using an easel pad but simply taking notes is fine as well.
1.Review the survey project with the whole group. (10 minutes)
Review the Goals of the discussion
a.Share back the results from the Foundational Programmatic Activities and Expertise DHSS/DAC Survey.
b.Provide a opportunity for local health departments to interact with some of the data and discuss what some of these results mean for them in their local public health work.
c.Identify strategies for addressing increasing capacity to provide key services.
Review purpose of the survey project
The Foundational Areas – Programmatic Activities and Expertise DHSS/DAC Survey following survey was conducted to measure our capacity to conduct the activities that are important to governmental public health. It is based on a national standard being adapted to Missouri.
a.Create a baseline measurement of current capacity
b.Communicate the strengths and needs of Missouri's public health system to legislators, the public and partners
c.Set the agenda of priority focus areas (data, outreach, workforce development and foundations for healthy communities)
d.Foster support of collaborative networks
e.Attract additional resources for the governmental public health system Introduce Ground Rules
Hand out the worksheet for the theme(s) you are most interested in discussing and give them a couple of minutes to review the results.
2.Discussion Question 1: Is the combined value of “able to do well” and “very well” high enough to appropriately address the issue? (10minutes)
Go around the table and ask each person to share what they think and why. If they are comfortable with the scores then they should explain way. If not, they should talk about what the scores are problematic to them.
Follow-up question if the discussion is slow:
a.Why do you think the scores are high or low?
3.Discussion 2: What are three ideas you have that can help improve your capacity to provide that service? (20 minutes)
Before people start share that it is assumed that if you had more money and staff you could do more. The purpose here is to think through things that can be done to improve capacity. So, if funding is an issue (and it is for most Have each person take two or three minutes to write down their ideas on the “participant feedback worksheet”. Go around and ask each person to share their ideas one at a time. Have a recorder record the ideas on one place (ideally on an easel pad so everyone can see them). Once the list is complete ask the following
a.Are there things you can do together
b.Are there resources that can be leveraged with other LPHA’s/community collaborators?
4.Discussion 3: What kind of support do you need to begin to increase your capacity to provide these services? (15minutes)
This is a brainstorming session. Again, give people a couple of minutes to write down their ideas on the “participant feedback worksheet”. Have everyone share their ideas and record them (preferably on an easel pad so everyone can see them).
Follow up Questions
a.What support is most accessible?
b.Can collaborating with other LPHAs and other organizations locally or regionally help you get the support you need?
5.Wrap-Up 5minutes)
a.You can take a few minutes to discuss how you might use these results in your own work locally. Remind people that we will have a larger discussion at the conference in March.
Additional Tips:
1.If you have more than one group arrange for discussion leaders for each table.
2.Appoint a recorder and timekeeper from thegroup.
3.Guide the discussion
4.Incorporate time limits into eachquestion