cell line - hybridoma
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GhentUniversity - Department of Biomedical Molecular BiologyTechnologiepark 927
9052 Gent - Zwijnaarde
Tel.: +32 (0)9 33 13 843Fax: +32 (0)9 33 13 504
Web site: / BCCM/LMBP use only
Accession number:
Date of receipt:
SD number:
BCCM/LMBP accepts (recombinant) genetic material (as isolated material or in a host), (genetically modified) animal and human cell lines and hybridomasnot exceeding biocontainment level 2 following the EU directive 2009/41/EC and its updates (see also the Belgian risk group classification (
1.Contract partners
The depositary:
GhentUniversity, hosting the BCCM/LMBP Plasmid Collection (hereafter referred to as BCCM/LMBP) is represented here by the person mentioned in article 7.
The depositor:
Name or Institution*:
*In case the depositor is a legal entity, name and function of the authorised representing person should be completed in article 7.
Tel.:Fax: E-mail:
If applicable, please provide the purchase order number:
and the VAT number of your institution:
The depositor shall notify the depositary of all changes of address, contact details, name of authorised representing person, transfer of rights, etc.
2.Purpose and modalities of the contract
The depositary agrees to keep the cell line or hybridoma mentioned in article 3 under the following conditions:
2.1The depositor deposits the cell line or hybridoma in the BCCM/LMBP collection.This deposit does not interfere with the property rights concerning the cell line or hybridoma. The information related to the cell line or hybridoma and the depositor remains strictly confidential and shall not be publicly catalogued. Ampoules shall be distributed only to the depositor or to third parties with the prior written agreement of the depositor.
2.2The cell line or hybridoma shall be preserved by cryopreservation in liquid nitrogen. The viability of the cell line or hybridoma shall be checked once a year.
2.3The mycoplasma contamination test shall be performed by the depositary at the time of deposit on one of the samples derived from the batch of samples submitted by the depositor. If the batch is contaminated, a replacement may be sent by the depositor or the safe deposit contract may be cancelled (expenses incurred will be charged).
3.Information related to the cell line or hybridoma
3.1Name of cell line or hybridoma:
Reference (+ PMID; attach reprint if available):
3.2Supplied material (minimum 20 frozen samples of the same batch containing 4x106 viable cells/ampoule):
Number of samples:
Batch number or date:
Name on recipients:
3.3Conditions for testing the viability (medium, incubation temperature, selection marker(s), other specific
requirements, …):
Average percentage of viability:
3.4Scientific description:
3.5Risk assessment:
Hazardous to humans? / Yes, risk group: / No / Not aware of such properties
Hazardous to animals? / Yes, risk group: / No / Not aware of such properties
Hazardous to plants? / Yes, risk group: / No / Not aware of such properties
Disease name and symptoms:
Genetically modified (GMO)? Yes No
If yes, please provide biosafety risk groups (parent strain(s), donor organism(s) of DNA, vector, …):
The cell line or hybridoma has to be handled under the laboratory containment level L1L2.
3.6Other remarks:
4.Discharge of responsibility
The deposited cell line or hybridoma will be handled with utmost care according to the prevailing professional methods. However, as the deposit concerns living biological material, the depositary cannot, in any case, be held responsible for temporary or permanent changes of properties that might exceptionally occur during preservation or storage. The depositary cannot be held responsible in case of loss due to extraordinary events or circumstances beyond the control of the parties, such as acts of nature, war, civil unrest, crime, etc.
5.Costs per cell line or hybridoma
- Preservation and first year of safe-keeping(1) (2)
- Additional year of safe-keeping (3)
- Supply of a sample(4)
- Administrative costs/invoice
(1) including viability and Mycoplasma contamination test and safekeeping in liquid nitrogen, administration;
(2) reduced fee if the deposit is made after June 30: 331EUR;
(3) including one viability test with report;
(4) only to the depositor or to third parties with the depositor’s written authorisation.
Prices are VAT excluded.
Prices may be modified without prior notice, please visit our web site for updates.
6.Duration & Invoices
The safe deposit is agreed for a period starting on the date of receipt and ending according to the options below. The depositor requests one of the options by ticking the corresponding box.
Undefined period- the contract is automatically continued. It can be terminated in writing each year up to one month before the coming civil year.
Invoices for the annual maintenance fee are sent on a yearly basis.
Defined period- the contract ends with the end of the civil year after a predefined number of years, as indicated below. After this period the contract can be extended.
Requested initial period in years:
One invoice covering the full contract period is sent at the start of the contract.
At the end of the contract period the depositary will send to the depositor form F408 with options for extension or definitive termination of the safe deposit, transfer of the material to the patent status, or destruction of the remaining material stored. If, after every reasonable effort by the depositary to contact the depositor, no reply from the depositor is received, the cell line or hybridoma will be at the disposition of the depositary and may be destroyed.Notwithstanding the termination of the contract, the depositor remains in charge of all costs encountered before the date of this termination.
Contract prepared in duplicate, of which each party receives one copy.
The depositor / The depositary
Date: / Date:
Name*: / Name:
Function*: / Function:
Signature: / Signature:
*In case the depositor is a legal entity, name and function of the authorised representing person should be given.