Applications are invited for one PhD and one postdoc positions in the area of computational modelling:
Multiscale modelling of contact and friction
Fig.1. Sketch of two metal rough surfaces pressed against each other and sheared.
Our current knowledge of the friction process is still incomplete and mainly phenomenological. The reason why a clear picture of friction is still missing, despite it is a is that it is a very complicated problem that involves several material length scales: friction initiates at the nanoscale where the controlling mechanism is (de)adhesion between contacting atoms but affects, and is affected, by mechanisms at the micro- and macroscale. Dislocation nucleation is, for instance, an atomic scale phenomenon that causes plastic deformation at the micro-scale. Plastic deformation at the microscale, in turn, affects the atomic sliding of the contact.
The aim of the project is to develop a multi-scale model to study contact and friction from the atomistic to the macro-scale. The job involves developing and running computer programmes with the goal of reaching a better insight in the friction behaviour of metals.
This project is funded by the Dutch National Science Foundation (NWO).The positions are to commence in March 2015 or as soon as possible thereafter.
PhD position:
University: Delft University of Technology
Faculty: Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering
Department: Materials Science and Engineering
Level: Master degree
Working hours: 38 hours per week
Contract: 4 years
Salary: €2083 to €2664 per month gross
1. A Master degree in Materials or Mechanical Engineering, Physics or a related field.
2. Strong computer programming skills.
3. Strong verbal and written communication skills.
PostDoc position:
University: Delft University of Technology
Faculty: Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering
Department: Materials Science and Engineering
Level: Doctor degree
Working hours: 38 hours per week
Contract: 3 years (max)
Salary: €2664 per month gross
REQUIREMENTS Postdoc position:
- A Phdin Materials or Mechanical Engineering, Physics or a related field.
- A minimum of three journal publications
- Strong computer programming skills
- Strong verbal and written communication skills.
TU Delft offers an attractive benefits package, including a flexible work week, and the option of assembling a customised compensation and benefits package. Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities.
As a PhD candidate you will be enrolled in the TU Delft Graduate School. The TU Delft graduate school guarantees a high standard in supervision and doctoral education throughout your PhD, and provides a doctoral education programme aimed at developing your transferable, discipline-related and research skills. Visit for more information.
Applicants are requested to provide a cover letter describing research experience and interests including a detailed curriculum vitae, transcripts of BSc and MSc grades, an abstract of the M.Sc. thesis, and the contact information for two (2) potential referees (include name, title, address, phone, and email) to Dr. Lucia Nicola via email (). All documents must be submitted as a single pdf file. Screening of applications will begin on 15 January 2015 and continue until a suitable candidate is identified.