AACN NCF Local Chapter Minutes
March 10th, 2015
Officers and Board Members in Attendance:
Officers: President Shelley Young; Secretary Julie Smith; Vicky Klink, Treasure; Treasurer-Elect Dironada Gross
Officers Absent: Norton, Rebecca, Norton, Harvey
Board Members: Ester Shupe, Bianca Vasquez, Donna York
UF Student volunteer: Amira Malik
Board Members Absent: Julie Arnold, Kim Butka, Jennifer Klein, Christopher Lee, Peggy Marker, Veronica Mc Nichols, Antonnette Reyes, Genevieve Vansickle,
Event Date / AgendaAACN Website Update – / Julie/Dironada
Scholarship ideas --NTI, Swamped (will discuss further next meeting) / Shelley
Google Drive –updated forms to be placed in google docs / Julie
Donation letter created by Kim Hand, added NCF chapter officers and return address & will posted to google docs (Julie)
Name tags for Vendors/Speaker
Name badge insert sheets 3x4 (300) and name badge holders (red, black, green) & lanyards
Name tag Labels 7 speaker & 5 Vendor, lots of “ask me”, “association member”
Two Rolls of Raffle tickets (would need to tear in half)
One banner for NCF chapter that could be used for outside the building / Shelley
AACN Elections -- Nominations thru April 13th. Voting will be April 15-29th. Sent out email to all NCF chapters. / Julie
Recent Events updates : NONE
Upcoming Events:
April 25th 2015
HPNP building (8-430). / 1. SWAMPed with Knowledge: 1 day conference –master vendor list updated on the google docs by Shelley, Biancia & Amira Malik
a. Speakers (on google docs)
Stroke/TPA (Genetech)
Why tissue Donation (RTI Donor Services)
ARDS & Prone Therapy (ArjoHuntleigh)
Chamberlain College of Nursing/ UF College of Nursing
Smith & Nephew
Sage products
Halyard Health/Kimberly-Clarke
I) Publicity of event --Send email out about SWAMPED conference (agenda, speakers, etc –created by Amira) sent out to all (Julie/Shelley)
II) 5 vendors sponsoring speakers
III) 6/8 vendors paid for event
IV) Google drive –master vendor list updated and posted on google drive (Amira/Shelley)
b. Venue contract _--Dironada verified there is a plug in the vendor area (to plug in HilRom bed)
I) Rooms G-101 (bigger 138 people) G-103 (30-40 people max)
II) Tables 18 (vendors, food, registration) + Chairs 32 = $ 212.50
Tables and chairs will be delivered Friday prior to Swamped Event on April 24th
Table cloths –Dirononda will get for tables
c. FOOD –Lunch --Pollo Tropical (Dironada), Breakfast --BakeryMill&Deli (Vicky),
Catering menu from the Bakery Mill and Deli –sent to board members (Vicky)
Can get regular size muffins at a discounted price of $1.35 each (not on the attached menu)
The Bakery Mill and Deli will deliver at no cost for orders greater than $60 but we should still include a tip for the delivery person.
The order needs to be placed as least 48hr ahead of delivery time. (Vicky)
NCF will get water, sodas, coffee instead of paying for catering—cheaper option
d. Raffle/Donations –Esther has done a great job getting donations for SWAMPed event, may use some donations for give away at CCRN review. List of all donations on Google share drive. Thank you card to be created by Amira –for all vendors/supporters of the event.
e. NCF gift bags –update from Donna York (ordered) & Donna has picked up some PENs from UF to put in bags. Exploring opportunities to get note pads for the participant bags.
Other discussion points regarding SWK EVENT:
Raffle prizes
Please access the google drive and look at the outreach donation spreadsheet. We need collaboration!!
/ Shelley
Amira Malik
May 12, 2015 / Painting with a Twist
· Last EVENT did not have enough participants to give any money to St Frances House. NEED to have at least 9 people participating to raise money. Email sent out to all NCF chapter members (Julie)
Springtime full moon paint for a great Cause!
Tuesday, May 12
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Painting with a Twist Gainesville, FL
618 NW 60th St., Ste B
Gainesville, FL 32607 / Shelley
June/Sept? (TBD) / Genetech Sponsored event –Topic Stroke / Bianca
TBD/Oct? / 5K run
exploring options for a local event to raise funds for NCFC / Bianca
Chapter 2015-16 year plan
· Continuing growth of NCF chapter members –hold SWAMPED, CCRN reviews, Sponsored dinners (2-3 per year), Painting with A Twist events, Feb Meet and greet (Hosting a BEACON unit), continue bulk membership & CCRN testing
· Publicity of events –to get the word out to a variety of areas
Create a Manager/education email group to include members from South GA, Jax, St Augustine, Tallahassee, UF, NF, VA, Lake city, Ocala (Shelley has been working in establishing contacts with all area hospitals)
--Send out event notices more frequent
· Scholarships –members can apply for scholarships, offer 2 conference scholarships,
CCRN test (pass within ?days will pay for cost of the test), Amira to create a scholarship document for applying for scholarships
· Meeting expectation and schedule –2-3 mandatory board meetings per year scheduled July 2015. Monthly meetings MUST attend at least 50% ALL Board members.
· Newsletter –highlight members on newsletter
· Celebration of Beacon Units—create a letter
· Thank you notes –create and give to all the helpers of the event (CCRN, SWAMPed, etc) / Shelley
NEXT MEETING Tuesday April 12, 2015