Instructions for RN Orientee Training and Orientation

Registered Nurse -Orientee Competency Checklist and Orientation Guide

The Registered Nurse (RN) “Orientee Competency Checklist and Orientation Guide” is to be used for all new RN staff regardless of experience. New staff or staff members whoare new to this position will need to go through the information in the checklist and demonstrate competency. Verification of competence may be by:

  1. Demonstration - novice performs task/procedure in safe, capable manner. This may include simulations, lab setting, skills stations, &/or direct care performance.
  2. Verbalization - novice explains process and/or planning that evidences safe, reliable knowledge base and planning for care. This may include case scenarios, discussion, description of plan

The primary preceptor will work with the charge nurses to schedule adequate time for training and evaluation based of the individual needs of the employee taking into account past experienceand requirements of the position. Job shadowing, individual instruction, group instruction, simulated learning situations and other methods of instruction shall be used to educate the new employee. For those employees with experience and/or certification,orientation instruction will emphasize organizational and unit specific policies and procedures.

It is expected that most competencies can be verified (and documented) within 30 days of initial employment. If the specific subskill is not included in the job description please document in the N/A column. If theRN is unable to verify competency by that time due to lack of exposure to the item or need for further instruction,a plan for completion must be implemented and documented in the comment section (page 6 of document).The charge nurse for that staff member and the nurse educator must be notified at the time the plan for completion is initiated. The plan must include:

  • Specific, measurable goals
  • Activities that can be done to achieve the goals outlined (simulated learning and demonstration, video education with demonstration, case studies, working other shifts/units to increase exposure, etc ;)
  • Timeline for completion
  • Method and dates for re-evaluation
  • Date and signature of orientee and preceptor signifying agreement of the plan

The initial competency evaluation should be completed prior to the 90 day performance evaluation. Referral for remediation should be made if there is inadequate progress made towards completion by that time. Charge nurses must be made aware if remediation is anticipated. Remediation may include referral to the Nurse Educator for intense teaching sessions, additional training through internet/CD/DVD programs or extension of the orientation period.

It is the responsibility of the new staff member along with their preceptor and charge nurses to assure that they have been given the instruction and information needed to do their jobs as outlined in their job description. Each member of the team should contribute to a positive learning experience for the newest member of the team so that we can provide the best and safest care possibleto our customers.

Thank you