TELPAS 2011-12 Calendar of Events

Fall / Conduct English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) and TELPAS professional development sessions.

Fall / Identify LEP students, including parent denials.
Fall / Verify years in U.S. schools for all LEP students in Gr. 1-12.
Fall / Identify TELPAS raters and distinguish new raters from returning raters.
Fall / Review past TELPAS results for all ELLs to see if they are making steady progress learning English.
Fall or January / Coordinator with Technology Dept. to determine readiness for online testing.

Fall or January / Confirm that CTC’s have accounts in the TexasTrainingCenter and the Texas Assessment & Management System (TAMS).
Fall or January / Ensure that returning TELPAS raters confirm/update their information (My Info) in the TexasTrainingCenter and new raters establish accounts (Self-Registration).
Jan. 16 / Assembling & Verifying Gr. 2-12 Writing Collections course available in TexasTrainingCenter (send email to CTC’s to complete by spring break)
Jan. 23-27 / TELPAS Manual due in districts (read & study from cover to cover)
Jan. 27 / End date for DTC training (all TELPAS components) (GISD training for CTC’s on TELPAS Holistic Components & Test Security/Confidentiality)
Jan. 30 / Online basic training courses for new K-1 & Gr. 2-12 raters available (optional for returning raters)
Jan. 30 / Supplemental support provider recorded web-based training available
Feb. 9 / GISD training for CTC’s on TELPAS Reading administration procedures
(TEA’s deadline last year was 2/14, the 2nd Monday in Feb.)
- CTC’s schedule TELPAS reading student tutorials (before spring break)
(Tutorials to be updated for TesNav 7)
- CTC’s complete TELPAS Online Testing Plan (before end of Feb.)
Feb. 10 / End date for CTC training (holistic components)
Early to mid-Feb. / Conduct Tech Facilitator training
Feb. 20 / End date for training raters on administration procedures.
Feb. 20 / Calibration window opens for new and returning raters (first 2 sets)
Feb. 20 / Earliest eligibility date for TELPAS writing samples
Feb. 29 / 3rd and final calibration set available
By Feb. 29 / Submit TELPAS data file in TAMS (official window January 16 - April 13, 2012)
Mar. 2 / CTC’s review and verify TELPAS precoded student list.
Before & during testing/rating window / Finalize online rating and testing rosters in TAMS.
CTC’s use New TELPAS Student form to provide demographic and testing information.
Mar. 19 - April 11 / TELPAS assessment window for holistic ratings and online testing
Apr. 2-10 / Campus verifiers ensure that Gr. 2-12 writing collections meet all assembly criteria
Apr. 9-11 / Extended collections window (if needed to collect more writing samples)
April 11 / Deadline for CTC’s to enter all holistic ratings in TAMS
Apr. 12-13 / Data verification window