Thursday 24th November
2-4pm at Trinity Church
Reduce, Re-use, Recycle
The Eco Group are planning to hold a Table Top Sale on Saturday ** 1/8 October, 10am – 12.00noon in Trinity Church, Westhill. The cost of taking a table will be £6. Further details will be available in the next few weeks.
If you are interested in renting a table please leave a note of your name, address and phone number at the Trinity Church Office. Please address your note of interest to “The Eco Group”.
** date to be confirmed
"My Life in Music Through the Decades"
onWednesday 7th September
in Trinity Church at 7.30 p.m.
Tickets at £5 each available from Trinity Office or Margaret Mearns. Tel. 740176 / JOSEPH LONG PIANO RECITAL
on the new Classic Grand Piano recently installed at Skene Church.
Friday 28th October
Tickets will be on sale from the Trinity Office and Margaret Mearns nearer the event


15 Meadowlands Drive


Aberdeenshire AB32 6EJ

Dear Friends,

Someone asked Henry Wadsworth Longfellow why apple trees seem to have more beautiful blossoms each spring than they had the year before. Longfellow is reported to have said – “the apple tree grows a little new wood each year therefore its blossoms are more beautiful with the coming of each springtime”.

At this time of year with the apple blossom gone from the trees, and the fruit well formed and swelling, and with most of the congregational activities and organisations shut down for the summer, now is perhaps a good time to ask “how much new spiritual wood have we grown in recent months?” Each of us will know the answer to that as it applies to our self. More difficult to assess is what the answer would be in relation to the congregation.

New growth is encouraged and fostered by our continuing to worship together, and through the dedication of our time, talents and resources to the work which God has given us to do within and without the congregation. Perhaps at this time of vacancy all of us should consider how best we might maintain the fruitfulness of the congregation and encourage new growth.

All the gospels remind us that Jesus made a habit of going out early in the morning to a place of solitude and quietness just to be alone with God. It is clear that at these times his own faith was renewed and his sense of the direction of his ministry was confirmed. Why should we be any different? All of us need a sense of the direction which we are to travel. We need to feel that it is God who points the way. We need to wait upon the Lord; to be open to the Holy Spirit.

My hope would be that all of us have a good summer. Enjoy holidays and renew our strength. That come the Autumn the harvest will be good. That in the months to come new growth will follow through the building up of organisations and congregation through all sharing in the effort to achieve the best for the Church of Jesus Christ in this place.

With every good wish,

Yours sincerely

Matthew A. Rodger


Vestry Hour is held in Trinity Church each Wednesday from 6.00-7.00pm to arrange baptism, weddings, etc. or to offer support to anyone seeking help.


Each Wednesday from 7.15pm to 7.45pm there is a service in the Chapel of Trinity Church.


It is appreciated that some members may have difficulty in attending Sunday morning Church Services owing to a lack of transport. A “Transport Group” has been established that is willing to transport people to and from Church. Anyone wanting a lift to Church should contact Iain Miller on 741406.


We welcome to the Congregation the following new members:

Mrs Glenys Mckay 11 Broadshade Crescent, Westhill


It has been our pleasure to welcome to our Church Family by Baptism:

Isla Courtney Jones, Flat 2L, 189 Clepington Road, Dundee

Abi Olivia Low, 60 Mountain Mint Crescent, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Lance James Reith, 4B Queen’s Gardens, Aberdeen


We remember with thanksgiving those who have died recently, and we offer their relatives our prayerful sympathy:

Mrs Margery Morgan, 9 Blackhills Court, Westhill

Mr Harry Third, 34 Birch Avenue, Westhill

Mrs Jane Baker, 37 Keir Circle, Westhill

Mrs Margaret Jones, 17 Hillview Road, Westhill

Mr Leslie Durno, 1 Kirkton Cottages, Kirkton of Skene

Mr Eric Shepherd, 16 Brimmond Drive, Westhill

Mr Robert Shanks, Ealasaid, Elrick

Mr Matthew McDonald, 4 Lawsondale Drive, Westhill

Mrs Christina Nicol, Rowan Court, Cults

Alexandrina McGregor, Kirkton Lodge

Mr William Johnston, 4 Carnie View, Westhill


As they begin their married life together, we offer our congratulations to:

Graeme George Reith to Claire Lavery, 4B Queen’s Gardens, Aberdeen

Laura Morris to Peter Mutch, 28 Hutcheon Low Place, Aberdeen

Gary Mathers to Julie Milton, 28 Rowan Drive, Westhill

Kara McCracken to Scott Benzie, 19027 Crescent Bay Drive, Houston

Kathryn Simpson to Ian Trimmer, 23 St Swithen Street, Aberdeen


Many thanks to all who helped in any way to raise money for Christian Aid during Christian Aid Week in May - the contributors, collectors and counters. The total sum raised this year was £9,888.77. This will be increased by tax returns from Gift Aid contributions. We are especially grateful for contributions raised through the following events – Concert by the Orpheus Choir, Ask the Panel Evening, Pampered Chef Evening and donations from the Wednesday Teas and the Fairtrade Fund.


Crèche facilities for children ages 0-3years are provided during morning worship in both Churches. Sheila Smith organizes the Trinity Church Crèche and can be contacted via the church office (tel 742512) while information on the crèche at Skene Church can be had from the Minister.


Thanks to all who contribute to making the teas at Skene and Trinity Churches, so enjoyable. If you wish to help call Ann Findlay 741591 Trinity or Margaret Mearns 740176, please come along and enjoy a lovely tea/coffee we even have hot chocolate, see you there.

Enquiries to Ann Findlay (Trinity) 741591 or Margaret Mearns(Skene) 740176.


The months seem to be slipping by as the vacancy moves slowly towards finding your next minister for the Parish of Skene. I am slowly getting to know one or two of you and would like to express my thanks for all the help that I have received as Interim Moderator during this vacancy so far. There are so many able and active people in the congregation that things are ticking along nicely, at least as far as I can see. The congregation benefits greatly through the work of the Locum minister Matthew Rodger whose work makes my time as Interim Moderator very easy and Matthew is supported and encouraged by your Deacon Marion Stewart. The work of ministry in the parish is in these two in good hands.

I have enjoyed the occasional visit to Skene to lead worship and chair various meetings of the Board the Session and the Nomination Committee. My last visit to Skene to preach was after an accident refereeing school football tournament where I tore my calf muscle. As I stepped gingerly out of the Manse here in Monymusk my son was heard to say, poor old man hobbling to work. I certainly felt it that day but was helped and encouraged by the kind words and care from the congregation at Trinity and Skene. Maybe I have to be a bit more careful in the future about what I do but I am glad to report its all back to normal.

I enjoyed the supper organised for the last meeting in June attended by a good number of board members and elders. Fellowship is so important for the life of any congregation and this was a classic case of fellowship before work.

I would like to put on record my sadness at the sudden death of Bill Johnston who was Convener of the Nomination Committee. I did not know Bill well but over the course of a number of meetings I quickly realised that he was a gentleman of the old school, kind and hard working. He wanted only the best for the church in its search for a new minister. It was a testimony of the man and all that he had done over the years with the attendance at his funeral in Skene and the gracious words offered by his family and his friends andMatthew Rodger who brought it all together so well. I am sure that we shall all remember his family and friends in our prayers.

I have said this often in the pulpit that the work of the Nomination Committee continues and that when there is something to report I will make sure that you are all kept in the picture. In the meantime please do not ask the members of the Committee for any information or encouragement but remember them in your prayers. They are working hard on your behalf.

With continued best wishes to you all.

Euan Glen

Interim Moderator


Sunday School and the Grid Group are now back after the Summer break – hope you all had a great time! If you haven’t been before and would like to join us – we would be delighted to see you – do pop in to Trinity Church any Sunday at 10.00am and one of the leaders will make you very welcome. Alternatively give Marion Stewart a call (743407) for further information.


We are a group who meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month in Trinity Lounge at 7.30pm. We come together and encourage each other in faith through Bible Readings, videos, speakers, etc. You are not asked to pray, sing or read out loud – come along and simply listen and enjoy the fellowship.

Please do not feel you have to come every week, we will be delighted to see you whenever you can make it. As we said, these meetings are to encourage one another, and those of us who are there find them challenging and comfortable. For further information please phone:

Iain and Dawn Miller 741406 or John and Susan Anderson 743503


Will all Elders and Congregational Board members please note that during the period of the vacancy the dates of the meetings may be changed. Please check on the church website, the Family News or contact the church office to confirm when and where the meetings will be held.


Do you enjoy arranging flowers? If so would you be willing to help in the rota for Trinity and Skene Church flowers. A meeting will be held in Skene Church on Tuesday 4th October at 7.00pm for anyone interested.

For further information please contact the church office or Leslie Reid on 740737. We look forward to see you there.

Lesley, Margaret and Norma - the flower arranging team


The table at Trinity continues to get support, there are a large selection of gifts and goodies to be purchased and catalogues can be uplifted at both Trinity and Skene Churches anyone needing anything or would like me to give a talk can contact Ann Findlay 741591


I dream of a Church
where love and people
are more important than stone and steeple / I dream of a Church
where milk and honey
will flow more freely than power and money
I dream of a Church
with an open door
where no one is privileged except the poor / I dream of a Church
where young and old
will be inspired to change their world
I dream of a Church that will make my dreams come true.

I came across this poem when I visited St Columba’s Church, Largs (also in a Vacancy), hopefully it will encourage us during our Vacancy.

For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:11-13

Marion Stewart


Advance Notice !

The “Circle of Care” Calendar for 2012 is being produced at this very moment – 12 lovely Scottish scenes and an envelope-all for £4-50.This is a small increase in price since last year, but still excellent value-and delivered in to your hand! Depending on order and delivery dates, I hope to offer calendars to Board, Session and Guild members, and also to the congregations at Trinity and Skene, if time permits.

Please have a look at for small gifts, and, at a later date, Christmas cards and other Seasonal goods. By purchasing these items, and Calendars, you are supporting the care that Crossreach gives through their wide range of services, across Scotland, every day of the year.

Ann Stewart Tel. 741656


If you or a relative, friend or neighbour are going into hospital please let us know so that a visit can be arranged. You can either contact Rev Matthew Roger (tel: 743184) Marion Stewart (tel:743407) or the church office (742512).


The group starts back on Wednesday, August 24th at Skene Church 7.30pm. Please come along and enjoy the singing conducted by Morag Simpson.

Need more info. Contact Morag on 078184645430 or Ann Findlay on 741591


We have had a busy summer with the Guild Fayre in June raising a grand total of £1750. we appreciate the support given to us and all the background helpers that make it such a terrific day, and our outing to see the Kings Collage Chapelon the Monday after was well attended and we had sandwiches at The Four Mile afterwards, which we all enjoyed. We also provided a Strawberry Tea for the Blackhills Court residence, along with our fireside members, the entertainment went down well even the singing.

Our theme for this year is to Walk Humbly with God

We start off our year with our dedication service at Skene Church on Sunday 9th October at 11.15am. Can we have the support of as many Guild members as possible, if you require a lift let us know. There will be teas after the service.

Monday 10th October we have the Rotary Glee Club coming to entertain us - if anyone wants to come and join us for the evening they will be most welcome.

Our November meeting is the N. E. Sensory Services.

We also have a Coffee Morning at Milne Hall on the 26th Nov.10am till 12 o’clock. Tickets £2 for Adults, 75p for Children with stalls.

If you are interested in joining the Guild and want more information contact

Ann Findlay (President) on 741591 or Flora Buthlay (Secretary) on 741186


We are a group that started through the church commitment programme. We have a list of volunteers who are interested in befriending anyone who is housebound and in need of company.

If you are one of those people or if you know anyone needing a little friendly company please let us know.

Dawn Miller tel 741406


Thank you to all who took part in and contributed to our annual fund raising walk, held in May. The total raised was £1,947. A stall at the Echt show, netted £550

The next fund raising event is a Coffee morning, on Saturday 1st October at the Lyne of Skene Hall, from 10am – 12 noon. Teas, coffees and home baking will be served and there will be the usual stalls. Entry is by donation and everyone is welcome.

Anyone willing to help at our fund raising activities should contact a committee member, or phone the secretary on 01330 860226

Kath MacBeath (Skene Committee of Macmillan Cancer Support)


If you have M.S. and are able to get out and about, why not join us for a chat and supper at our monthly meetings, usually held in one of our local pubs.

For more information, please contact: Margaret tel 742929 or Brenda tel 745761


Christian Aid Week

It is quite some time since Christian Aid Week in May but I am pleased to report that the Teas gave a cheque for £200 towards this worthy cause. We feel it is important that we share our good fortune with those less fortunate. Our Church Treasurer has duly acknowledged our involvement. Thank you to all who came along to Teas on the Wednesday of Christian Aid Week to make this possible.

Co-ordinator of Wednesday Teas

After some twelve years I have decided to hang up my apron as Co-ordinator of Wednesday Teas.

I should like to thank everyone for their support to me personally and to the Wednesday Teas in particular. I do hope that some-one will come forward who is prepared to carry on the role of Co-ordinator before the usual starting date towards the end of September.

From experience over the years, it has been proved that it is preferable to have one person to keep their finger on the pulse to ensure the kitchen is staffed each week and there is sufficient baking coming in. This does not mean to say the Co-ordinator cannot get some Wednesdays off but a ‘communication’ link is most important.