Newcastle University Archery Club Constitution

1.0 Name of the Club

1.1The Club’s name shall be the Newcastle University Archery Club. It will be referred to henceforth as the ‘Club’.

1.2Those chosen to collectively represent the ‘Club’ shall be referred to as the ‘Committee’.

1.3It will be affiliated with Archery GB, the national governing body.

2.0 Aims and Objectives of the Club

2.1The aims and objectives of the Club are to promote the interests of archery amongst members of the Club.

2.2To provide an opportunity for members of the Club to meet and participate in archery activities together.

2.3To act on behalf of and in the interests of the Club members.

2.4To assist in the safe education and introduction of students to archery, through the use of courses and experienced members.

2.5 To provide the opportunity for intermediate and experienced archers to practice and improve their skills, as well as gain experience coaching beginners.

2.6To ensure a duty of care to all members of the Club.

2.7To provide its services in a way that is fair to everyone.

2.8To ensure that all present and future members receive fair and equal treatment.

3.0 Membership of the Club

3.1Membership of the Club will be open to all members of the Athletic Union of Newcastle University in accordance with the Athletic Union Constitution.

3.2 Full membership of the Club shall be dependent upon completion of ‘Probationary Membership’ (see section 4).

3.3Membership of the Club may be revoked at any time, for unsafe practice as determined by the Disciplinary Committee (see section 12).

3.4Club membership is not open to minors.

3.5 Alumni may be permitted, where it can be shown that they will provide a benefit to the Club, as a result of their experience.

3.6For as long as the club uses Newcastle University Student Rifle Clubs range, all Members are to become Honorary Members of the Newcastle University Student Rifle Club and are subject to their Constitution.

3.7All members are required to have at least a Silver Sports Membership to the Newcastle University Sports Centre in order to use the Newcastle University Student Rifle Clubs range. Membership of the Club may be revoked with the absence of a Silver Sports Membership or above.

4.0Probationary Membership

4.1 Prior to the full Membership of the club, all members shall complete a period

of Probationary Membership

4.2 Probationary Membership shall consist of the attendance of a beginner’s

course. Full Membership may be granted upon completion of the course.

4.3 Probationary Membership may be bypassed where an individual is deemed

competent by a Club Coach, with the approval of the President.

4.4 Failure to complete the beginners’ course will end the individuals Probationary

Membership, and the fees paid will be non-refundable.

5.0 Management of the Club

5.1Management of the Club will be entrusted to the Club Committee (see point 7.0).

6.0 Club Subscriptions and Finance

6.1 An annual membership fee is required from all Club Members.

6.2 This fee is decided by the Committee and reviewed on an annual basis.

6.3 Students’ Union members shall receive no payment from the Club, except in legitimate expenses incurred in connection with Club business.

6.4Any funds drawn against Club finances (with the agreement of the Committee) should hold the signature of the Treasurer. Any funds drawn by the Treasurer shall require the signature of the President or Secretary.

6.5 A part payment of the annual membership fee is required to receive Probationary Membership. The remainder of the full Membership fee must be paid upon completion.

7.0 Club Officials

7.1Committee will conduct the Club’s administration. This will not operate in an autonomous manner.

7.2The democratically elected Committee will consist of:




*Equipment and Safety Officer

*Social Secretary(s)

*Publicity Officer

* Records Officer

*Club Captain

7.3All of the Committee shall be full time members of the Newcastle University Union of Students.

7.4Each individual on the Committee shall serve one complete academic year, unless they resign or are removed from office by the Disciplinary Committee.

7.5 Written notice of resignation must be given two weeks in advance to the Committee, and duties must be carried out as normal until a replacement member is voted in by the Club. An EGM will be announced no later than one week after notice has been received.

8.0 Duties of Club Officials

8.1The Club President is responsible for:

*Ensuring that Club policies (i.e. the Constitution) are adhered to.

*Ensuring the Club Committee contains officers named in 7.0 (except in exceptional circumstances).

* Delegation of duties to other Committee members.

*Chair all meetings of the committee and the Club, and have a casting vote in the event of a tie.

*Informing the Secretary of club related matters

*Any other duties as agreed by the Committee.

8.2The Club Secretary is responsible for:

*Administration of the Club

*Informing the President of club related matters

*Keeping track of club related matters

*Providing a full and detailed list of Club Members to the AU Officer.

*Providing a full and detailed list of Club Members to the sitting secretary of the Newcastle University Student Rifle Club.

* Issuing the minutes of meetings to Club Members.

* Ensuring affiliation to the relevant national governing body

* Administering the Club’s insurance policies

* The registration for tournaments both local and BUCS as well as any

administration involved such as booking accommodation and transport

* Any other duties as agreed by the Committee

8.3The Treasurer is responsible for:

* Administering and reporting (to the Committee) the Club’s finances.

* Producing the club’s annual budget

* Obtaining sponsorship for the club in line with the sponsorship

guidelines of the Athletic Union.

* Any other duties as agreed by the Committee

8.4Social Secretary(s) is/are responsible for:

*Overall organisation of social events, including Fresher’s Week, Regular and one- off events.

* Keeping Club Members informed of all new events.

*Any other duties as agreed by the Committee

8.5Publicity Officer

*Publicising club events and news on the Club noticeboard and Website.

* Wider advertisement and responsibility for the Club’s external image.

*Organisation of recruitment events e.g. Fresher’s Fair.

*Designing of publicity material.

*Any other duties as agreed by the Committee

8.6Equipment/Safety Officer

*Producing an annual inventory of the Club equipment and filing a copy of this document.

*Storing and maintaining all equipment in accordance with the manufacturers and Club guidelines.

*Keeping accurate records of all safety checks in an Equipment Log Book.

*Recording information regarding equipment failure or damage in the above mentioned book

*Recording the whereabouts of all equipment in the Equipment Log Book and ensuring that returned equipment, intended for further use, has been returned in a satisfactory condition.

*Ensuring that club equipment is not misused, and is only used for the intended purpose.

*Ensure that club equipment is not normally loaned for personal use, with the exception of Club trips. (Exceptions also made at the discretion of the Equipment/Safety Officer).

*Ensuring that club equipment is returned promptly to its place of storage.

*Preventing the use of deemed unsafe equipment, and arranging the disposal of such equipment.

*Maintaining the Club Safety Policy and ensuring that all members on trips have read the policy and signed to confirm this.

*Any other duties as agreed by the Committee

8.7 Records Officer

*Collect, record and analyse scores submitted my Club members

*Encourage members to submit scores.

*Helping the secretary to arrange tournaments

*Informing the club of scores needed for upcoming tournaments

*Take minutes on the absence of the Secretary

*Any other duties as agreed by the Committee

8.8Club Captain

*Represents the Club at competitions and attends captain meetingsalongside the Club President.

*Responsible for liaising with the North of England Universities Archery League (NEUAL)

* Organises competition entries with the Club Secretary and Records Officer for tournaments both local and BUCS

*Any other duties as agreed by the Committee

8.9The Club Committee will be convened by the Secretary of the Club with no less than three meetings per year.

8.10The quorum required for business to be agreed at Club Committee meetings will be 5 members of total committee.

8.11 Resolution shall be passed by absolute majority

8.12The Club Committee will have powers to appoint advisers to the Club Committee as necessary to fulfil its business.

8.13The delegated Disciplinary Committee (see section 12, part 2) will be responsible for disciplinary hearings of members who infringe the Association/Club rules/regulations/constitution. The Club Committee will be responsible for taking any action of suspension or discipline following such hearings.

9.0Rules of the Club

9.1The Committee will be responsible for adopting and publicising new policy, codes of conduct and rules that affect the organisation of the club, in accordance with the Club Constitution.

10.0Club Meetings

10.1All Full Members are allowed to attend both General Meetings (AGM/EGM) and Club Committee meetings. Non-committee members only have the right to vote at General Meetings.

10.2 The President shall call the Annual General Meeting (AGM) by informing the Secretary, who will then inform the rest of the Committee.

10.3The AGM will receive a statement of the audited accounts by the Treasurer.

10.4Special notice is required for elections for committee positions (Special notice shall consist of written notice to the Club one week in advance).

10.5Elections of officers are to take place at the AGM.

10.6 General Meetings must be announced to all club members one week prior.

10.7All Full Members have the right to vote at General Meetings (see point 10.1)

10.8Anyone in theClub Committee has the right to appeal to the President to call for Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs) outside the AGM. Procedures for EGMs will be the same as for the AGM.

10.9Members unable to attend General Meetings may submit a vote application to be accepted or denied by the Committee, with their reason for non attendence and their vote for the upcomming meeting.

10.10Upon majority acceptance by the Committee of a successful vote application. (see 10.8) a Committee Member shall declare the vote on the applicants behalf.

11.0Amendments to the Constitution

11.1The quorum required for amendments to be agreed at the AGM/EGM (See section 10.0) will be 10 members.

11.2Special notice (see above) of any amendment is required.

12.0Discipline and Appeals

12.1The Club shall form a Disciplinary Committee when necessary.

12.2This committee shall consist of the President, Secretary and the Equipment/Safety Officer.

12.3Should one of the above members be unable to sit on the disciplinary committee for whatever reason, another member of the Committee shall sit in their place; the disciplinary committee may not sit with less than three members.

12.4No member may sit on the disciplinary committee if they have a vested

interest of any kind in the outcome of a decision.

12.5 Any person who is to be the subject of a disciplinary committee shall be entitled to 7 days’ notice and may;

*Attend the meeting.

*Have representation from either another member of the club, or another member of the Athletics Union.

*Speak at the meeting.

*Produce whatever evidence may be appropriate should they disagree with any allegation(s).

12.6 The Disciplinary Committee shall convene (no later than 21 days) under the following alleged circumstances:

*Bringing the Club into disrepute.

*Fraud (of any kind).

*Unfair Discrimination or breach of the Clubs Equality and Diversity policy.

*Any potential or actual safety breach or breach of the safety policy

*Failure to report any Safety/Rule Breach.

*Any abuse of position (in the case of club officials).

*Failure to adequately perform the duties of their office (in the case of club officials).

12.7The committee may use the following sanctions following a finding against

any individual as deemed necessary:

*Verbal Warning

*Written Warning

*Placement on probationary membership

*Removal from position of authority (in the case of club officials)

*Temporary Suspension of membership

*Revocation of membership

*Any other sanction that the disciplinary committee feels appropriate in the situation, this does not extend to financial sanctions

12.8 All members have the right of appeal against any decision made by the disciplinary committee. The appeals process should follow the process below.

*With the Disciplinary committee

*With the Athletic Union Executive

*With the Durham and Northumberland Archery Association.