President Brenda Kreitzer called the regular meeting of the North Winneshiek School Board to order on February 13, 2017, at 4:30 p.m. Other Board members present were Myron Rediske, Scott Fairchild, Jon Wangsness and Ben Lange as well as Supt. Tim Dugger. There were four visitors.

Motion by Rediske to accept the amended agenda as follows. Under V. C. List of vouchers for payment, add Decorah Community School $76,898.28. VI. New Business: add D. Certified Staff Master Contract. VII. Information and Discussion: add to Open enrollment out to Decorah for 2017-2018: Kathleen Delphey (6) and Kendall Delphey (1) and C. Senate file 213 and House file 291. Seconded by Lange, motion carried unanimously.

President, Brenda Kreitzer welcomed the visitors.

Phil Richert shared with the board information he received from the Winneshiek County Historical Society regarding North Winneshiek historical items. Phil Richert would like to form a committee to gather information and create a list of historical items.

The consent items were reviewed as follows:

a. Minutes of the January 9, 2017 regular meeting.

b. Invoices and monthly financial reports for general, management, PPEL, capital projects, activity and food service funds as listed.

Motion by Wangsness to approve the consent items. Seconded by Lange, motion carried unanimously.

New Business items included:

1. Motion by Lange to approve the Drivers Education Fees. $245.00 for in district students and $405.00 for out of district students. Instructor Calvin Nygaard salary being $195.00 per student. Seconded by Fairchild, motion carried unanimously.

2. Motion by Rediske to approve school board policy updates – 200.1R1, 210.2, 411.2 and 701.3. Seconded by Wangsness, motion carried unanimously.

3. Motion by Lange to approve Emily Rocksvold, Special Education Associate contract for the remaining 2016-2017 school year. Seconded by Rediske, motion carried unanimously.

4. Motion by Lange to approve the Certified Staff Master Contract for the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 school years. An increase of $400 on the base each year. Seconded by Rediske, motion carried unanimously.

The March regular board meeting will be changed to Thursday, March 2, 2017 at 6:30 p.m.. There will be a community meeting with Margaret Buckton from Iowa School Finance and Information Services at 7:00 p.m..

The board made the following statement regarding SF213 and HF291. “The North Winneshiek School Board opposes SF213 and HF291 to be approved with such haste and little input”.

Superintendent Tim Dugger informed the board that summer Driver’s Education will begin

July 10, 2017 and run approximately 2 weeks.

Motion by Rediske to adjourn the meeting at 5:34 p.m.. Seconded by Fairchild, motion carried unanimously.

The North Winneshiek Board of Education will hold their next regular meeting on March 2, 2017.

Brenda Kreitzer, President Wendy Twait, Board Secretary