PTO Minutes
Tuesday, December 9, 2014 Meeting
Present: Julie Horn, Kirsten Barrett, Lauren Keeler, Aimee White, Brett Tingley, Julie Gruss, Josanna Kawakami, Joan Keith, Laura Hellstedt, Becky Searls, Carmen Gray, Kelly Mitchell, Kristin Greenberg, Jill Mizer, Jill Milburn, Tammy Yockey and Jason Fine
Welcome - Julie Horn
- Guests were welcomed and introductions occurred
- Approval of the November minutes –
- Motion made by Laura Hellstedt
- Seconded by Julie Gruss
- Minutes approved.
Principal’s Report - Jason Fine
- Special thanks given to those volunteers that worked with the Student Council and the students for an amazing Thanksgiving in a Bag drive. It was an unbelievable experience for all involved.
- Alex Sheehan did a great job with the kids. He kicked off PAW day activities with his “Because I Said I Would,” and many students related to his story. Thanks to PTO for supporting this speaker.
- Thank you also to PTO for supporting the school assembly with the world’s best jump ropers – including one of OSU’s own. The students loved the presentation.
Treasurer’s Report - Laura Hellstedt
- Budget was distributed (and attached) and all numbers are looking good.
Committee Reports:
Artists in the Schools – Kelly Mitchell
- Themes for Artists in the Schools were discussed. Many were excited about the possibilities. Many thanks for the hard work Kelly is putting in this endeavor to enhance the students’ educational experience.
Mini Grants - Brett Tingley
- Money was requested for the health department to purchase Jump Stretch flex bands. More than 500 students will use these in their course work. Amount requested - $250
- Motion made by Aimee White
- Seconded by Jill Milburn
- Motion passed unanimously.
- Money was requested for supplies for the 7th grade Spanish projects – which include 3D modeling and utilizing more technology. Amount requested - $150
- Motion made by Laura Helstedt
- Seconded by Jill Milburn
- Motion passed unanimously
Website - Carmen Gray
- The Volunteer Background Check link for school volunteers has been added to our site.
- Mr. Fine was asked to include the website in his next newsletter. Driving parents to the website is an important component of our communications efforts.
- Discussion continued about the best way to reach our parents and help them find the information they need about PTO and all the Jones activities.
Next Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Minutes submitted respectfully by Kirsten Barrett