Chief William E. Ridgway
Departmental Standards Directive
CODIFIED: / 4.9DATE OF ISSUE: / 10. 15. 14
EFFECTIVE DATE: / 10. 15. 14
CFA STANDARD: / 17.02,17.07M
AMENDS: / 4.9 (04. 22. 13)
PAGES: / 13
The purpose of this Directive is to establish guidelines and standards for the operation and maintenance of all vehicles in the inventory of the DeLand Police Department.
The efficiency of the DeLand Police Department is directly related to the competence and well-being of all members of the Department (both sworn and non-sworn).
In order to properly address problems within the City of DeLand, it is necessary for the Police Department to utilize certain types of specialized vehicles. The type of vehicle and the manner in which the vehicle is operated has a direct bearing on the amount of confidence that is placed in the Department by the general public and in the Department’s ability to effectively carry out the duty of enforcing the law.
It is the policy of the DeLand Police Department that all Departmentally owned vehicles, operated by members of the Department, will be properly equipped, properly maintained and operated in a safe manner in accordance with all laws governing the operation of law enforcement and non-law enforcement vehicles.
Marked Police Unit - As used in this Directive, a marked police unit is any vehicle visibly marked as a law enforcement vehicle/vessel to include automobiles, vans, motorcycles, bicycles, all terrain vehicles and boats.
Unmarked Police Unit - As used in this Directive, an unmarked police unit is any motor vehicle used by sworn personnel in the official performance of law enforcement duties with the exception of patrol duties. The unmarked units are not required to have any specific equipment however, these unmarked units must be in a safe mechanical condition.
Special Purpose Vehicle – A vehicle used because of considerations of weather, terrain, or the need of inconspicuous appearance, quietness, storage requirements, special operational needs, etc. Includes SWAT trucks, bomb disposal vehicles, mobile command posts, boats, aircraft, prisoner transport vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, and animals.
Police Equipment - As used in this Directive, police equipment includes, but is not limited to, weapons, emergency equipment, mechanical gear, machinery or any other item either designed for police or, adapted for police use.
Police Fleet Manager – Operations Deputy Chief
Support Supervisor - Those persons designated by the Chief to handle fleet related issues for the department. Will monitor the assignment of all department vehicles and prioritize new vehicle assignments by identifying replacement needs
Maintenance – Routine maintenance will be done on all department vehicles ever 3000 miles.
Repairs – All vehicles will be taken to Public Works maintenance garage for repairs. Vehicles under warranty will be taken to the nearest competent authorized dealership for warranty repairs and will be coordinated through the Fleet Manager at the City of DeLand Public Works department.
Vehicle Assignment – Vehicle assignment will be the responsible of the Operations Deputy Chief (Police Fleet manager)
4.9.1 Normal, routine patrol functions will be carried out with the use of a marked police unit only, an unmarked unit will not be utilized for this function. These marked vehicles must be equipped with the following items:
· Functioning warning lights, red and blue in color; (exception: bicycles)
· Functioning siren; (exception: bicycles)
· Exterior spotlight (except bicycles & motorcycles);
· Safety barrier designed to keep the prisoner from gaining access to the front passenger compartment. The vehicle shall also have safeguards in place to prevent the prisoner from being able to open the rear doors;
· Functioning public address speaker (except bicycles);
· Markings on both sides of the vehicle (or vessel) identifying the unit as a police vehicle or police vessel;
· A functioning police radio.
4.9.2 A radio may be mounted in the vehicle/vessel or a portable radio with sufficient power to transmit and receive from inside the vehicle/vessel may be used.
4.9.3 All personnel assigned to the field shall have access to a portable or vehicle mounted radio.
4.9.4 Equipment that is required in each Patrol Vehicle
1. Fire Extinguisher
2. First Aid Kit
3. Crime Scene tape
4. Flash Light
5. Blanket
6. Personal Protective Equipment
7. Finger print kit
8. Evidence collection bags
9. Flares
Officers shall ensure that all equipment is accounted for and in proper working order. Officers on routine patrol are required to have a sufficient supply of all department report forms readily accessible during his/her tour of duty.
4.9.5 Each officer utilizing a marked police unit shall ensure that supplies are replenished or replaced as needed.
4.9.6 No addition to, modification of or alteration of installed telecommunications equipment will be permitted without written permission of the Operations Deputy Chief or Chief.
All request for testing and evaluation of new equipment or products will be forward to the Operations Deputy Chief for approval and coordination
4.9.7 All Department employees are required to use seat belts when occupying any police or City vehicle in accordance with State Statue 316.614. Note: This applies only to vehicles equipped with seat belts.
4.9.8 All operators of Department or City vehicles shall ensure that any passenger, employee or non-employee, riding in a police or City vehicle shall utilize an installed seat belt, with the following exceptions:
· Prisoners transported in the rear caged section of a patrol unit or in a prisoner transport van;
· When there is a preexisting condition or injury which may be aggravated by the use of a seat belt.
4.9.9 At no time are police employees permitted to operate or ride in the front seat of a police vehicle without using a seat belt. No medical waivers for the use of a seat belt will be granted to any police employee while using a Department vehicle.
4.9.10 In the event juveniles five ( 5 ) years of age or under are transported in a police vehicle they shall be restrained in accordance with State Statue 316.613.
4.9.11 At no time will any member of the Department use a vehicle, with an inoperative or malfunctioning seat belt. The vehicle will be immediately placed out of service and the maintenance facility will be notified.
4.9.12 When arriving at an emergency call or when initiating a traffic stop the seat belt may be removed prior to the police vehicle coming to a complete stop. This action is to facilitate a quick exit from the vehicle if the situation warrants such action.
4.9.13 Once a vehicle has been involved in a crash where the safety belt was stressed, the vehicle shall be placed out of service until the belt is replaced with an approved new belt.
4.9.14 It is the policy of the DeLand Police Department that all employees who operate City or Department vehicles posses a valid Florida drivers license and have it in their immediate possession when operating police or City vehicles.
4.9.15 Those employees who are in a position where they may operate City or Department vehicles, will have periodic checks of their drivers licenses completed by the Professional Standards Section or their immediate supervisors.
4.9.16 The safe operation of a motor vehicle is essential in the performance of law enforcement duties. Those employees who fail to maintain safe, prudent driving records, while on duty, may be required to complete additional drivers training.
4.9.18 It is the policy of the Department that police vehicles will be dispatched to and arrive at the scene of calls as quickly and as safe as possible.
4.9.19 The officer is required to obey all applicable traffic laws during normal operation of the police vehicle.
4.9.20 Whenever the police vehicle is in motion the screen on the Mobile Data Computer shall be in the down/closed position.
4.9.21 Response to calls for service will be classified in accordance to the urgency at which the officer is needed at the scene.
4.9.22 In determining the response, factors to be considered include, but are not limited to:
· The nature of the call;
· Injured persons and the nature of the injury;
· Potential harm to the victim or the public;
· Potential for property damage or loss;
· Passage of time;
· The likelihood of apprehending the perpetrators of an in-progress crime.
4.9.23 Police vehicle response is categorized into three levels; those levels are:
· CODE 1 Routine Response - Units will respond by observing all traffic laws and regulations. Situations where the protection or preservation of life is not a consideration, units will proceed with no emergency lights or siren activated. Traffic violations and minor infractions may be addressed while enroute to the call for safety reasons.
· CODE 2 Expedited Response - Proceed directly to the dispatched call while observing all traffic laws and regulations. Do not stop to address traffic violations or minor infractions. Emergency lights or sirens will not be used in this response mode.
· CODE 3 Emergency Response - Officers in this mode of response may disregard traffic control devices and traffic laws, after slowing down for safe operation and as long as they do not endanger life or property. When responding in this mode, the emergency lights and siren will be activated. In situations such as in-progress calls, the emergency lights and siren may be turned off prior to arrival so the offender will not be warned of the police response.
4.9.24 Only police units equipped with functioning emergency lights and siren are designated emergency vehicles in the DeLand Police Department.
4.9.25 The exemption from complying with traffic laws is granted to emergency vehicles in Section 316.072 and 316.126(3), Florida State Statues.
4.9.26 The provisions granted to the operator of an emergency vehicle shall not relieve the operator from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons, nor shall such provisions protect the operator from the consequences of his/her reckless disregard for the safety of others.
4.9.27 An emergency vehicle is authorized to disregard traffic control devices only when emergency equipment is activated. This includes visual warning (flashing lights) and audible warning (siren). In situations such as in progress calls, the emergency lights and siren may be turned off prior to arrival so the offender will not be warned of the police response.
4.9.28 Responding to the following situations shall be considered an emergency and warrant an emergency ( Code 3 ) response:
· In progress calls where there is an immediate danger of death or great bodily harm; ( i.e. armed robbery, rape, home invasion);
· Calls where immediate danger of death or serious injury is present. ( i.e. seriously sick or injured persons, crash with injuries);
· All officer needs assistance calls of an urgent nature. Also where there is a reasonable indication of imminent danger to the officer and the dispatcher is unable to ascertain the status of the officer on the scene;
· Any calls where the supervisor determines an emergency response is required;
· Calls or situations where the personal knowledge of the officer justifies an emergency response. This information should be conveyed to a supervisor prior to initiating the emergency response;
· Pursuit of a violator when the violator refuses to stop, and the continuing use of emergency lights and siren are necessary in the interest of warning others of the hazardous conditions. All pursuits shall be conducted in accordance with Directive 17-8 “Vehicle Pursuits”.
4.9.29 Responding to the following situations shall warrant an expedited ( Code 2 ) response:
· Residential and business alarms or 9-1-1 hang-ups; where there has not been a confirmation of an actual crime in progress;
· Crashes where there is no report of injuries or the injuries are known to be only minor;
· Disputes, to include domestic disputes, that are verbal in nature and there is no indication of pending violence;
· Sick or injured person calls of a non-serious non-life threatening nature;
· Calls regarding suspicious persons, vehicles or incidents.
4.9.30 All other calls for service will warrant a routine ( Code 1 ) response mode.
4.9.31 At no time will unmarked units that are not equipped with both emergency lights and siren be operated in an emergency mode. In addition, unmarked units equipped with emergency equipment must exercise extreme caution due to the limited visibility of emergency lights on an unmarked police unit.
4.9.32 At the beginning of each shift the Officer shall be responsible to thoroughly check their assigned vehicle for any damage. Should any new damage be discovered, the officer shall check the vehicle damage book in operations to determine if the damage has been reported. If the damage has not been reported, the officer shall contact their supervisor and report the damage, prior to going into service the officer shall also check the vehicle for missing or damaged equipment, and or Contraband that might be concealed in the vehicle. Officers will be responsible for new damage, and missing or damaged equipment that is discovered and not reported
4.9.33 Each duty day, each officer will be responsible for checking the fluid levels of their assigned vehicle. This includes checking the oil, inspecting the coolant reservoir, fan belts and tires.
4.9.34 The shift Sergeant will inspect each vehicle assigned to their shift on a monthly basis (Every 4 weeks). This inspection will include the interior and exterior for cleanliness or fresh vehicle damage. This also includes vehicles that are not driven on a regular basis, such as pool cars. This inspection will be for unreported damage, missing, damaged or expired equipment and a determination if service is past due.
4.9.35 In the event a vehicle is found to have inoperable emergency equipment or dangerously low fluid levels the vehicle will be placed out of service and the supervisor shall be notified.
4.9.36 Under no circumstances will a vehicle with inoperable emergency equipment or other equipment related to the safe operation of the vehicle be used for any reason.