SITS Data Table Links
Summary description: This document provides guidance on how key data tables in SITS are to be linked together in Microsoft Access databases, order to correctly interrogate SITS data in queries and reports.
Scope: All staff
With effect from: March 2013
Other related policies/documents:
Contact for further information: Deputy Registrar, Student Administration
SITS Data Table Links
Registry: Student Administration, March 20131
Student Course Enrolments
STUDENTSITS uses one basic record to hold all of a student's personal details. This unique Student (STU) record will remain with them for the whole of their studies at YSJ, from initial application, enrolment and alumni. / STUDENT COURSE JOIN
Once registered at YSJ, a student can join a course. When a student joins a Course (CRS) a Student Course Join (SCJ) record is created. A student can join more than one course at a time or consecutively. / STUDENT COURSE ENROLMENT
Having joined a course, a student must enrol on each course block/occurrence that s/he wishes to take. Students cannot enrol on a course block/occurrence unless they have joined the course. / COURSES, PROGRAMMES and ROUTES
Courses, programmes and routes hold various combinations of course-related information. For example, Course: BAJJJFT BA (Hons) Joint FT, Route: ARENJ Art and English Literature
stu_code:Student Code / scj_code:Student SCJ Code / / sce_scjc:Student SCJ Code / crs_code:Course Code
stu_surn:Surname / / scj_stuc:Student Code / sce_ayrc:Academic Year / crs_name:Course Name
stu_fnm1:Forename / scj_begd:Begin Date / sce_crsc:Course Code / …
stu_dob:Date of Birth / scj_endd:Actual End Date / sce_blok:Block
… / scj_eend:Estimated End Date / sce_occl:Occurrence
… / sce_stac:Enrolment Status / INS_PRG
sce_prgc:Programme Code / prg_code:Programme Code
sce_rouc:Route Code / prg_name:Programme Name
… / …
rou_code:Route Code
rou_name:Route Name
Student Module Results
STUDENTSITS uses one basic record to hold all of a student's personal details. This unique Student (STU) record will remain with them for the whole of their studies at YSJ, from initial application, enrolment and alumni. / STUDENT PROGRAMME ROUTE
The student’s SPR record is similar to their SCJ record. All the student’s module and award records are accessed via this record. A student can join more than one programme at a time or consecutively. / PROGRAMMES and ROUTES
As above, programme and route records hold various combinations of course-related information. For example, Course: BAJNT BA (Hons) Joint Honours, Route: ARENJ Art and English Literature / STUDENT MODULE RESULTS
Each module a student undertakes will have a results record showing marks and grades. These are initially entered as ‘actual’ and become ‘agreed’ following sign-off at Subject-area Assessment Panels (SAPs) / MODULE AVAILABILITY
An entry in this table makes a module available for study within a particular year / period. Entries in this table are referred to as module occurrences. Modules can be available more than once in a period. / MODULE
The Module (MOD) record is used to record the individual unit in which a student studies in order to obtain credits.
All staff have a PRS record with basic contact details
stu_code:Student Code / spr_code:SPR Code / / spr_code:SPR Code / CAM_MAV / INS_MOD
stu_surn:Surname / / spr_stuc:Student Code / INS_PRG / mod_code:Module Code / mod_code:Module Code / mod_code:Module Code
stu_fnm1:Forename / prg_code:Prog Code / prg_code:Prog Code / mav_occur:Occurrence / mav_occur:Occurrence / mod_name:Module Name
stu_dob:Date of Birth / rou_code:Route Code / prg_name:Prog Name / ayr_code:Acad Year / ayr_code:Academic Year / …
… / awd_code:Award Code / … / psl_code:Period / psl_code:Period
… / smr_actm:Actual Mark / prs_code:Staff Code
smr_actg:Actual Grade / … / INS_PRS
INS_ROU / smr_agrm:Agreed Mark / prs_code:Staff Code
rou_code:Route Code / smr_agrg:Agreed Grade / prs_snam:Staff Surname
rou_name:Route Name / smr_agrc:Agreed Credit / prs_fnm1:Staff Forename
… / … / …
Admissions Courses, Programmes and Routes
ADMISSIONS MAS COURSEThe courses to which applicants apply are defined in the MCR table. A MAS Course (MCR) record must exist for every course. / COURSE, PROGRAMME and ROUTE
As above, courses, programmes and routes hold various combinations of course-related information. For example, Course: BAJJJFT BA (Hons) Joint FT, Route: ARENJ Art and English Literature. / VALID ADMISSIONS ROUTES
This record defines the programmes and routes that are valid for a particular MAS course. / INTENDED AWARD
The VAR record also holds data on the MAS course’s intended award. The Award table defines the academic qualifications that students attain by acquiring a number of credits, for example BA (Hons).
mcr_code:MCR Course Code / / var_mcrc:MCR Course Code / prg_code:Programme Code
mcr_name:Course Name / var_prgc:Programme Code / prg_name:Programme Name
mcr_crsc:SRS Course Code / SRS_CRS / var_rouc:Route Code / …
mcr_blok:Course Block / crs_code:Course Code / var_awdc:Intended Award Code
mcr_occl:Course Occurrence / crs_name:Course Name / …
mcr_ucrs:UCAS Course Code / … / INS_ROU
mcr_titl:Full title / rou_code:Route Code
mcr_dmth:Entry Month / rou_name:Route Name
… / …
awd_code:Award Code
awd_name:Award Name
SITS Data Table Links
Registry: Student Administration, March 20131