ELA/ Literacy Unit Map Template
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Title of Unit / Energy MattersGrade Level / Third
Time / 8 Weeks
Key Components
Summative Performance Assessment/ Authentic Audience
Targeted ELA/ Literacy CCSS / RL 3.1-7,9-10;RI 3.1-7, 9-10; SL 3.2-3; L 3.3, 4, 6
Targeted Standards from Other Content Areas (ex. Science, History/ Social Studies, etc.) / PS1a-1d
1a Students know how energy comes from the sun to the earth in the form of light
1b Students know sources of stored energy take many forms such as food, fuel, and batteries
1c Students know machines and living things convert stored energy to motion and heat
1d Students know energy can be carried from one place to another by waves such as water waves and sound waves, by electric current, and by moving objects
Targeted ELD Standards / Grade3-Part I
B.6 (Bridging)
Big Ideas / Energy and Mattter have multiple forms and can be changed from one form to another
Essential Questions / Where does most of the energy on Earth come from?
How do living organisms use stored energy in food as a fuel for life?
How can energy by converted from one form to another?
How do living organisms and machines convert stored energy into motion and heat?
Content / (What they need to know.)
- descriptive language and content specific vocabulary
- how to find main ideas and key details in a text
- nonfiction text features
- computer skills and how to use online resources
- steps in the scientific method
- sources of stored energy
- light from the sun is the source of most of the energy on Earth
- organisms use stored energy in food as as fuel for life processes
- energy can be converted from one form to another
- energy can be carried from one place to another by waves, electric current, and moving objects
- organisms and machines convert stored energy to motion and heat
Skills / (What they need to be able to do.)(How they will show what they know.)
- Describe ideas, phenomena
- Find main ideas and key details in a text
- view multimedia with light support
- use online resources to locate information
(Academic and Content) / Tier 3 Words: Energy, food, photosynthesis, chemical energy, stored energy, fuel, heat, motion, electricity, kinetic energy, battery, radiation, conduction, sound, waves, frequency
Tier 2 Words: Observations, description of ideas, investigations, key details from a text, demonstrations
Formative Assessments
21st Century Skills Targeted
(E- Encouraged; T- Directly taught) / _____ Communication
_____ Collaboration
_____ Creativity
_____ Critical Thinking
_____ Research
_____ Technology
_____ Multimedia
Reflection on Learning / _____ Self-Assessment
_____ Peer Assessment
(print and multimedia)