Minutes of meeting held on the20thApril 2017 inPitmedden Primary School.
Present: / Garth Entwistle, Jim Mooney, George Duncan, Paul Bailey, Audrey Mooney & Brian McDougall.Also Present: / Cllr P Johnston & Cllr C Shand
Apologies: / Cllr A Hendry, Peter McAllister, George Bruce, Rob Henderson,Cllr J Gifford,Matt Kaye& Police Scotland.
Chair: / The minutes from the March2017 meeting were approved byGarth Entwistle and seconded by Audrey Mooney.
Garth Entwistle
Scottish Police
Declaration of Interest
Road Safety Issues
Udny Community Survey and Action Plan
Udny Green Memorial Hall / Apologies were received from Police Scotland as theywere unable to get someone along to the meeting but, asked that any police queries be directed to Sgt Henderson at the Ellon office.
No members of the meeting declared a personal interest in any of the items being discussed.
It was noted by the meeting that the large amount of large tipper type vehicles going through the village of Pitmedden was still attracting complaints for residents.
As discussed at the last meeting the community council members working with Udny Community Trust, Formartine Partnership and the Community planning officerare to use a system called “Place Standard”to hold a community consultation. This survey has now been launched and will be open until the end of April. All community councillors were encouraged to take part in the survey and to promote it within the parish so that we can obtain the best response possible.
It was noted that a local group is in the process of setting up a Community Café in the back room of the hall. This café is scheduled to open on a monthly basis on the last Friday of the month nominally starting at 11am. The main aim is to provide a local meeting point in a relaxed atmosphere and hopefully this will draw people who may be socially isolated.
It was also noted that a request has been submitted to the licencing board to enable the community pub to continue.
Paths Group / It was reported that Steve Baguley has been working with the various land owners to gain consents for the recreation of paths such as the Drove Road. He is at an advanced stage with these negotiations with the Aberdeen Endowments Trust where they intend gifting the required land over to the Community Trust and just need their legal expenses covered.
Community Turbine / Garth informed the meeting that the turbine continued to perform as expected but noted the lower energy prices, to which we are contracted, will mean a reduction of overall revenue which may reduce the amount of money which will be gift aided to the community trust.
Community Trust / The community trust are currently engaged on the creation of the community survey and as previously mentioned this survey has now been issued. They have also set up Health Walks which take place on a Tuesday morning in Pitmedden which encourages people to take gentle exercise.
Pitmedden Park
Other Items / Work is continuing on building the case for providing a new skate park within Pitmedden Park and quotes have been received which helps the preparation of a grant application to Sports Scotland. It was also noted that the drainage problem at the park entrance will need to be resolved.
- Garth said that he was going to spend some time in addressing how to get both new and young members into the community council and encouraged all other members to do likewise so that these people were ready by the next community council elections.
- It was noted that the advisory notices to open an access to the new Claymore site next to the medical centre were issue too late for comments to be possible. This issue will be raised with Philip Leiper of Aberdeenshire Council.
- A request was made by Bob Bamlett to fund the purchase of compost and feed for the flower beds in the village. After discussion the meeting was very pleased to cover this cost especially as Bob continues to do sterling work in making the village look its best.
- It was noted that the speed signs in Pitmedden may be removed if they become faulty as its Aberdeenshire’s policy not to replace these types of signs. If these signs are still required by the community it is possible to self-fund these.
- The first meeting was held to progress the creation of an Udny Community Council website where Rob Henderson is taking the lead. A follow-up meeting will be scheduled to progress especially the content. It was agreed to invite Cllr Johnston to this meeting as he has a lot of knowledge on this topic.
- It was noted that there had beenreports of anti-social behaviour and vandalism in Fleeman Park, Udny Green. These issues are not major but have a big impact on the residents who strive to keep the estate as nice as possible and therefore have been reported to the police to try and get an early resolution. The type of issues being encountered consist of trees being destroyed by breaking their branches, flower beds being plundered and rocks/stones being thrown onto grassed area which in turn destroys the equipment which cuts the grass. In addition off road vehicles are being driven very noisily up and down the street late at night.
- As this was the last meeting before the local elections Cllr Shand took the opportunity to thank the community council for their support over the past 5 year. He said that he has enjoyed this period and looks forward to continuing should he be re-elected.
- End of minute
Next meeting / The next meeting will be on 18thMay2017 at Udny Green Primary School starting at approx. 7:30pm