Eric R. White1

Eric R. White

/Executive Director, Division of Undergraduate Studies, Emeritus

Associate Dean of Advising, Emeritus

The Pennsylvania State University

500 East Fairmount Avenue

State College, PA 16801

Phone: 814-238-1848



Ed.DCounseling Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 1975

M.S. Counseling and College Student Personnel Services, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 1967

A.B.History, with Honors, Henry Rutgers Scholar, Rutgers—the State University, New Brunswick, NJ, 1966

National Certified Counselor (#6208), 1983

Licensed Professional Counselor, PA (#540), 2002

Virginia N. Gordon Award for Excellence in Academic Advising (National Academic Advising Association), 2002

Administrative Excellence Award, The Pennsylvania State University, 2005


2005-2012Associate Dean for Advising, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA

1999-2012Executive Director, Division of Undergraduate Studies, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA

1986-99Director, Division of Undergraduate Studies, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA

1978-Affiliate Assistant Professor of Education (Associate member of Graduate Faculty-appointed 1980), Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education, Department of Education Policy Studies (Program in College Student Affairs), The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA

1984-86Assistant Director, Division of Undergraduate Studies, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA

1975-84Coordinator of Freshman Testing, Counseling and Advising Program, Division of Undergraduate Studies, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA

1973-75Head of Academic Unit, Division of Undergraduate Studies, The Pennsylvania State University, Delaware County Campus (now Brandywine Campus), Media, PA

1970-73Psychological Counselor and Coordinator of Counseling Services, Division of Counseling, The Pennsylvania State University, Media, PA

1968-70Counseling Psychology Intern, Temple University Counseling Center, Philadelphia, PA

1967-68Reading Clinic Counselor, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

1966-67Researcher, Counseling Service, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA


The Pennsylvania State University: Graduate courses in counseling practice; graduate courses and seminars in college student personnel administration and college student affairs practice, CSA 597A (Foundation of Academic Advising), CSA 595 (Internship)


White, E. R., & Steele, G. (2016). Academic advising. In N. Zhang & Associates (Eds.), Rentz's student affairs practice in higher education (5th Ed.) (pp. 96-124). Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.

White, E. R. (2015) Academic advising: A place at the core. Journalof General Education: A curricular commons of thehumanities and sciences. 64 (4), 263-277.

White, E. R. Guest Editor (2015) Journal of General Education: A curricular commons of the humanities and sciences,64 (2).

White, E. R. (2013) General education: An academic adviser’s perspective. Journal of GeneralEducation: A curricular commons of the humanities and sciences,62 (2-3), 137-143.

White, E. R., & Schulenberg, J. (2012) Academic advising-a focus on learning. About Campus, 16(6), 11-17.

Oakes, D. L., Higginson, L.C., & White, E. R. (2011). Creating communication and advertising strategies: Building a brand. In J. Joslin, & N. Markee (Eds.) Academic advising administration: essential knowledge and skills for the 21st century (pp. 73-77). Manhattan, KS: National Academic Advising Association

White, E. R., & Lindhorst, M. J. (2011). Academic advising. In N. Zhang & Associates (Eds.), Rentz's student affairs practice in higher education (4th Ed.) (pp. 96-118). Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.

White, E. R. (2010). Discover House: A living-learning community for first-year students. In S. E. Evenbeck, B. Jackson, M. Smith, D. Ward, & Associates, Organizing for student success: The university college model (Monograph No. 53, pp. 78-82). Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina, National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition.

White, E. R., & Leonard, M. J. (2010). The Practitioner-Researcher: Generating Scholarship from Practice. In P. L. Hagen, T. L. Kuhn, & G. M. Padak (Eds.), Scholarly Inquiry in Academic Advising (pp. 43-52). Manhattan, KS: National Academic Advising Association.

McCalla, E., Darling, R., White, E. R., & Huber, J. (2009, September). NACADA organizational structure. Academic Advising Today, 32 (3). Retrieved August 24, 2009, from

Cramer, G. L., Grites, T. J., White, E. R., Haynes, M. A., Gordon, V. N., McCauley, M., Habley, W. R., & King, M. C. (2007). Putting students first in the campus community. In G. L. Cramer, Fostering student success in the campus community (pp. 407-432). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Hunter, M. S., McCalla-Wriggins, B., & White, E. R. (Eds.). (2007). Academic advising: New insights for teaching and learning in the first year (Monograph No. 46 [National Resource Center]; Monograph No. 14 [National Academic Advising Association]). Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina, National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition.

White, E. R., McCalla-Wriggins, B., & Hunter, M. S. (2007). Challenges and recommendations for today's advisors. In M. S. Hunter, B. McCalla-Wriggins, & E. R. White (Eds.), Academic advising: New insights for teaching and learning in the first year (Monograph No. 46 [National Resource Center]; Monograph No. 14 [National Academic Advising Association]; pp. 225-229). Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina, National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition.

White, E. R. (2006). Using CAS Standards for Self-Assessment and Improvement. Retrieved 7/5/2006 from the NACADA Clearinghouse of Academic Advising Resources Web site:

White, E. R., & Cohen, J. (2004). Creating shared responsibility for general education. Peer Review, 7, No. 1, 8-10.

Hunter, M. S., & White, E. R. (2004). Could fixing academic advising fix higher education? About Campus,9, 20-25.

White, E. R., & Leonard, M. J. (2003). Faculty Advising and Technology. In Gary L. Kramer (Ed.), Faculty advising examined: Enhancing the potential of college faculty as advisors. Bolton, MA: Anker Publishing Company.

Keat, M. S., & White, E. R. (2002) Students in the balance: General education in the research university. Proceedings of thee Penn State Symposium on General Education. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University

Reinarz, A. G., & White, E. R. (Eds.) (2001). Beyond teaching to mentoring. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

White, E. R. (2000). Developing mission, goals, and objectives for the advising program. In V. N. Gordon & W. R. Habley (Eds.), Academic Advising: A Comprehensive Handbook. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Richard, P., Strommer, D., White, E., Spann, N., Minnick, T., Keat, M. (1999). University colleges and the student-centered university. Muncie, IN: Association of Deans and Directors of University Colleges and Undergraduate Studies.

White, E. R., Goetz, J. J., Hunter, M. S., Barefoot, B. O. (1995). Creating Successful Transitions through Academic Advising. In M. L. Upcraft & Gary L. Kramer (Eds.), First-year Academic Advising: Patterns in the Present, Pathways to the Future, pp. 25-34. (Monograph Series, No. 18). Columbia: University of South Carolina National Resource Center for the Freshman Year Experience and Students in Transition and the National Academic Advising Association.

Reinarz, A. G., & White, E. R. (Eds.) (1995). Teaching through academic advising: A faculty perspective. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

White, E. R. (1995). Resources to help faculty improve academic advising, In G. L. Kramer (Ed.), Reaffirming the Role of Faculty in Academic Advising, pp. 41-47. (Monograph Series, No. 1). Manhattan, KS: National Academic Advising Association.

White, E. R. (1993).Coherence through coordinated advising: The Division of Undergraduate Studies at The Pennsylvania State University. In D. W. Strommer (Ed.), Portals of Entry, University Colleges and Undergraduate Divisions, pp. 47-55. (Monograph Series, No. 12). Columbia University of South Carolina Resource Center for the Freshman Year Experience and the Association of Deans and Directors of University Colleges and Undergraduate Studies.

White, E. R., & Higginson, L. C. (1992, January). Standards for Academic Advising: Why Bother? Academic Advising News (The Newsletter of the National Academic Advising Association), pp. 1, 11.

Kelly, J. J., & White, E. R. (1986). Profiling freshman academic characteristics. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University, Division of Undergraduate Studies. (ERIC Document Reproduction Services No. ED 284 458.)

Goetz, J. J., & White, E. R. (1986). A survey of graduate programs addressing the preparation of professional academic advisors. NACADA Journal, 6, 43-47.

Goetz, J. J., & White, E. R. (1984). State of the art: How graduate programs are addressing the preparation of professional academic advisors [Summary]. Proceedings of the Eighth National conference on Academic Advising, 132-133.

Higginson, L. C., White E. R. (program description). In T. J. Grites (1984). Noteworthy academic advising programs. In R. B. Winston, Jr., T. K. Miller, S. C. Enders, T. F. Grites, & Associates, Developmental academic advising. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 474-477.

White, E. R. (1984). "Review of developmental approaches to academic advising" by R. B. Winston, Jr., S. C. Enders, T. K. Miller (Eds.). NACADA Journal, 4, 103-104.

Furst D., & White, E. R. (1984). The Wrenn-Study Habits Inventory revisited. The College Student Journal, 18, 94-100.

White, E. R. (1982). Review of "Academic advising: Getting us through the eighties" by T. J. Grites. NACADA Journal, 2, 101-102.

White, E. R., Higginson, L. C. (1981). Profiling your freshmen: Basis for the pivotal point [Summary]. Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference on Academic Advising, 98-99.

Higginson, L. C., Cohen, K. D., White, E. R., Aronson, J. F. (Eds.) (1981). Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference on Academic Advising.

Higginson, L. C., Moore, L. V., & White, E. R. (1981). A new role for orientation: Getting down to academics. NASAPA Journal, 19, 21-28.

Moore, L. V., Higginson, L. C., & White, E. R. (1981). The priority of freshman needs prior to college attendance. The College Student Journal, 15, 81-87.

White, E. R. (1980). Academic orientation: A developmental model [Summary]. Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Academic Advising, 37-38.

Sagaria, M.A.D., Higginson, L. C., White, E. R. (1980). Perceived needs of entering freshmen: The primacy of academic issues. Journal of College Student Personnel, 21, 243-247.

Kelly, J. J., Wall, H. W., White, E. R., Higginson, L. C., & Danis, E. J. (1979). Twenty years of testing, counseling and advising at Penn State. In D. S. Crockett (Ed.),Academic advising: A resource document, Iowa City: The American College Testing Program.

Kelly, J. J., Wall, H. W., White, E. R., Higginson, L. C., Danis, E. J. (1978). Twenty years of testing, counseling and advising freshmen at Penn State [Summary]. Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Academic Advising, 49-51.


White, E. R., Higginson, L. C., & Moore, L. V. (1979). Freshman testing, counseling and advising program survey. (Available from E. R. White, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.)

Sagaria, M.A.D., & White, E. R. (1977). Freshman issues and concerns survey. (Available from E. R. White, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.)


The DISCOVER House General Education Project, with M. Keat, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, 2000 andThe Penn State Symposium on General Education. Students in the balance: General education in the research university. University Park: Division of Undergraduate Studies, The Pennsylvania State University. The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, $150, 000, 2002

Development of a Pilot Academic Advising Program Designed to Maximize the Retention of Advanced Standing Minority Students from a Pennsylvania Community College, with J. Levin and J. Wyckoff, Educational Opportunity Program Council (Penn State), $5,000, 1984.

Identification of Predictions of Persistence and Success in Engineering Study: Implications for Counseling and Advising, with J. Levin and J. Wyckoff, Phi Delta Kappa District VI, $500, 1984.



“Academic Advising Administration and Leadership Workshop”, with M. Taylor, NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising, 41st Annual Conference, St .Louis, MO, October 11, 2017

“Academic Advising Administration and Leadership Workshop”, with M. Taylor, NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising, 40tth Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 5, 2016

“Academic Advising Administration and Leadership Workshop”, with M. Taylor, NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising, 39th Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV, October 4, 2015

“Academic Advising Administration and Leadership Workshop,” with M. Taylor, NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising, 38th Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, October 8, 2014.

“Understanding WhyStudents Fail: A Mixed-Methods Collaboration,” with M. Dooris, North East Association for Institutional Research, Bethesda, MD, November 6, 2012

“Academic Advising Administrators Seminar,” with L. Higginson, 36th Annual Conference on Academic Advising, Nashville, TN, October4, 2012

“Toward a Better Understanding of DUS Students Dropped for Poor Scholarship,” with N. Warcholak and A. Yin, Quality Advocates Session of the Office of Planning and Institutional Assessment, The Pennsylvania State University, April 16, 2012

“Academic Advising Administrators Seminar,” with L. Higginson, 35th Annual Conference on Academic Advising, Denver, CO, October 2, 2011

"Academic Advising Administrators Seminar," with L. Higginson, 34th National Conference on Academic Advising, Orlando, FL, October 3, 2010.

"Using the CAS Standards, NACADA Core Values, and NACADA Concept of Academic Advising to Assess your Advising Program," with C. Nutt, NACADA 2009-2010 Webinar Series, December 15, 2009.

"Academic Advising Administrators Seminar," with L. Higginson and A. Reinarz, 33rd National Conference on Academic Advising, San Antonio, TX, September 30, 2009.

"Academic Advising Administrators Seminar," with L. Higginson, 32nd National Conference on Academic Advising, Chicago, IL, October 1, 2008.

"Raising the Bar for Advising: Strategic Planning for the 21st Century," with L. Higginson, 32nd National Conference on Academic Advising, Chicago, IL, October 3, 2008.

"Academic Advising Administrators Seminar," with A. Reinarz, 31st National Conference on Academic Advising, Baltimore, MD, October 18, 2007.

"Helping Graduate Students to Craft and Integrate Course Work and Internship Experiences," with J. Goetz, 30th National Conference on Academic Advising, Indianapolis, IN, October 19, 2006.

"Academic Advising Administrators Seminar," with A. Reinarz, 30th National Conference on Academic Advising, Indianapolis, IN, October 18, 2006.

"Academic Advising Administrators Seminar," with A. Reinarz, 29th National Conference on Academic Advising, Las Vegas, NV, October 5, 2005.

"Helping the Next Generation of Advisers Integrate Program Development, Course Work, and Internships," with J. Goetz, 28th National Conference on Academic Advising, Cincinnati, OH, October 8, 2004.

"Academic Advising Administrators Seminar," with A. Reinarz, 28th National Conference on Academic Advising, Cincinnati, OH, October 6, 2004.

"Web Delivered Assessment of Academic Advising: Outcomes for Both Students and Institutions," with L. C. Higginson and J. Levin, NASPA—Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education 86th Annual Conference, Denver, CO, March 31, 2004.

"Students in the Balance: A Report from the Penn State General Education Symposium," with H. Dobin, Intellectual Leadership in the Liberal Arts: A Conference co-sponsored by the American Conference of Academic Deans and the Phi Beta Kappa Society, Charleston, SC, October 24, 2003.

"Academic Advising Administrators Seminar," with A. Reinarz, 27th National Conference on Academic Advising, Dallas, TX, October 2, 2003.

"Assessment in Academic Advising," Fourth National Forum on First-Year Assessment, Atlanta, GA, February 21, 2003.

"Academic Advising Administrators Seminar," with A. Reinarz, 26th National Conference on Academic Advising, Salt Lake City, UT, September 29, 2002.

"The Discover House Learning Community: A Partnership among Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and Academic Departments," The Fifteenth International Conference on the First-Year Experience, Bath, England, July 2, 2002.

"Beyond Teaching to Mentoring," with J. Matlock and A. Reinarz, National Conference on Higher Education, Chicago, IL, March 19, 2002.

"The Discover House Learning Community: A Partnership among Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and Academic Departments," with M. Keat, The First-Year Experience Conference—West, San Francisco, CA, January 10, 2002.

"Advising Administrators' Seminar" with A. Reinarz, 24th National Conference on Academic Advising, Ottawa, ON, Canada, October 11, 2001.

"The Discover House General Education Project: A Learning Community Based on Academic Exploration and the Values of General Education" with L. Brown and M. Keat, The First-Year Experience Conference—West, Costa Mesa, CA, January 25, 2001.

"Why General Education Matters: Communicating its Purposes and Value to Students" with M. Keat, Association for General and Liberal Studies 40th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, November 2, 2000.

"Using the Web to Assess Academic Advising: An Explicit Advising Goal Design Model" with J. Levin, 24th National Conference on Academic Advising, Orlando, FL, October 7, 2000.

"Academic Advising Internships and Practicum: Elements of Good Practice" with J. Goetz, 24th National Conference on Academic Advising, Orlando, FL, October 6, 2000.

"Advising Administrators' Seminar" with A. Reinarz, 24th National Conference on Academic Advising, Orlando, FL, October 5, 2000.

"Preparing the Professional Academic Advisor" with J. Goetz, 23rd National Conference on Academic Advising, Denver, CO, October 10, 1999.

"Advising Administrators' Seminar" with A. Reinarz, 23rd National Conference on Academic Advising, Denver, CO, October 7, 1999.

“Advising Administrators’ Seminar” with A. Reinarz, Preconference Workshop, 22nd National Conference on Academic Advising, San Diego, CA, October 4, 1998.

"Using the CAS Self-Assessment Guide to Improve Academic Advising" with L. C. Higginson, Preconference Workshop, 22nd National Conference on Academic Advising, San Diego, CA, October 4, 1998.

"Using the CAS Self-Assessment Guide to Improve Academic Advising" with D. Tukey, Preconference Workshop, 21st National Conference on Academic Advising, Kansas City, MO, October 5, 1997.

"Using the CAS Self-Assessment Guides to Advocate for Academic Advising" with L. C. Higginson, Preconference Workshop, 20th National Conference on Academic Advising, Washington, D.C., October 6, 1996.

"Reaffirming the Role of Faculty in Academic Advising" with G. Kramer, W. Habley, P. King, and F. Vowell, Postconference Workshop, National Conference on Higher Education (American Association of Higher Education), Chicago, IL, March 20, 1996.

"Information Technology as a Collaborative Activity for Academic Advising" with J. J. Goetz and J. J. Kelly, Annual Conference of the Association for General and Liberal Studies, San Antonio, TX, October 13, 1995.

"Creating Successful Transitions through Academic Advising" with B. O. Barefoot and J. J. Goetz, 19th National Conference on Academic Advising, Nashville, TN, October 11, 1995.

"Where Are they Now: The Story Continues" with E. J. Danis, 19th National Conference on Academic Advising, Nashville, TN, October 10, 1995.

"Discovering Effective Groups of Coursework: Implications for Advising" with E. A. Jones, 19th National Conference on Academic Advising, Nashville, TN, October 9, 1995.

"Assessing the Present and Preparing for the Future: Using the CAS Academic Advising Standards" with L. C. Higginson, Preconference Workshop, 19th National Conference on Academic Advising, Nashville, TN, October 8, 1995.

"Redefining Faculty Roles for Academic Advising" with W. Habley, M. King, and G. Kramer, Postconference Workshop, National Conference on Higher Education (American Association of Higher Education), Washington, D.C., March 23, 1995.

"Achieving Quality Programs Through Assessment: Using the CAS Academic Advising Standards" with L. C. Higginson, Preconference Workshop, 18th National Conference on Academic Advising, Las Vegas, NV, October 9, 1994.

"Creating an Electronic Portfolio: 40 Years of Assessment, Educational Planning and Academic Advising at Penn State" with J. Goetz and J. Kelly, Poster Session, National Conference on Higher Education (American Association of Higher Education), Chicago, IL, March 24-25, 1994.

"Fulfilling the Promise of Academic Advising: New Roles for Faculty and Staff" with S. Frost, W. Habley, M. King, G. Kramer, and F. Vowell, Preconference Workshop, National Conference on Higher Education (American Association of Higher Education), Chicago, IL, March 23, 1994.

"Summer Session - Beyond the Bottom Line," Second Plenary Session, North American Association of Summer Sessions 30th Annual Conference, Portland, OR, November 15, 1993.

"Using the CAS Academic Advising Standards to Achieve Program Quality" with L. Higginson, Preconference Workshop, 17th National Conference on Academic Advising, Detroit, MI, October 10, 1993.

"Assessing Summer Sessions" with J. Brown and N. M. Tischler, 8th Annual Assessment Conference (American Association of Higher Education), Chicago, IL, June 12, 1993.

"The University College Model for Delivering Advising" with D. W. Strommer and M. Spencer, Preconference Workshop, 16th National Conference on Academic Advising, Atlanta, GA, October 11, 1992.