Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in Torpenhow Village Hall on Wednesday 11 September 2013
1521. Present.
Cllrs.Mrs.Kavanagh, Richardson, Powley, Ms. Little, Mrs. Bowe, Mrs. May.
Also present: Cllr. Bowness (C.C.C.)
1522. Apologies.
Apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs. Raine, Mrs. Muir and Cllr. Mrs. Mounsey (A.B.C.)
1523. Minutes.
The minutes of 10 July 2013 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
1524. Declarations of Interest.
Cllrs. Richardson and Powley declared an interest in any items relating to Torpenhow Village Hall.
1525. Public Voice Slot.
The Chairman adjourned the meeting to hear a public voice slot.
a)Mr. Richard Massey of Westward spoke regarding a planning application for 3 wind turbines at Rosley. He asked the Parish Council to object to the development.
b)Cllr. Ms. Little said there was a problem in Torpenhow with children riding bicycles onto the road. She said she had drafted an item for the Parish Newsletter and suggested that the council contact the police and ask them to do something about it. This was agreed to.
1526. Items in Action.
i)Queens Diamond Jubilee Seat.Cllr. Richardson saidhe has a price list and it was decided to purchase the Kensington Iroko seat. It was agreed to check the siting of services before laying the concrete base. (Min. 1508(i) refers.)
ii) Stanger Hill Signpost. A quotation of £250 plus V.A.T. for moving the post had been received from D. Tolson and Sons Ltd. It was agreed to accept this quotation and contract them to move the post. (Min. 1508(ii) refers.)
iii) Village Maps. Amended maps had been received from Ron Williams and it was agreed to ask him to go ahead with printing a map for Blennerhasset and to ask for smaller maps for Kirkland, Whitrigg and Cockbridge. Cllr. Ms. Little is to contact him regarding the Torpenhow map. It was agreed to ask Alan Norman of Threapland to give an estimate of prices for notice boards for the maps. (Min. 1508(iii) refers.)
iv) Village Signs Post Replacement. The Clerk has contacted Cumbria Highways and was informed that Jonathan Brown would call. No reply. A repeat call was made and no-one was available. Cllr. Bowness (C.C.C.) said he would find the answer to our query re: post prices. (Min. 1508(iv) refers.)
v) Highway Flooding at Low Croft, Torpenhow. Cllr. Richardson said a gully needs to be fitted but the drains seem to be running better. (Min. 1508(vii) refers.)
vi) Footpaths Signs. Letters have been sent to the relevant land-owners but no replies have been received. (Min. 1508(viii) refers.)
vii) Publication Scheme. There has been no further progress on this matter. The Clerk was asked to have this completed by the next meeting. (Min. 1508(ix) refers.)
viii) Whitrigg Path. Notices were posted at each end of the path on 29 July 2013 and the relevant forms sent to Cumbria C.C. There have been no further developments. (Min. 1508(x) refers.)
ix) Blennerhasset Village Hall Deeds. Mrs. Caroline Turner is chasing up Waugh & Musgrave (Solicitors) for copies of the deeds. The village hall committee is looking into the various options re: renovations. (Min. 1512 refers.)
x) Grass Cutting. Envirocare has been contacted regarding removal of grass cuttings and up-to-date insurance details but we have not received any reply. Cllr. Ms. Little said she had had a word with the contractors regarding cutting frequency. (Min. 1513 refers.)
1527. Project Groups.
i) Aspatria Rural Partnership. It was noted that the Annual General Meeting of Aspatria Rural Partnership was to be held on 12 Sept. 2013.
ii) Newsletter. The editor said she requires more items for inclusion in the next edition.
iii) Blennerhasset Riverside. Cllr. Bowness (C.C.C.) said he had contacted the Environment Agency regarding the flooding at Blennerhasset Bridge and they had been out and trimmed the island. It appears that some residents of Baggrow have arranged to have the island removed. The meeting also informed Cllr. Bowness that the school wall is being underwashed by the River Ellen. He recommended that the council inform the school that the matter has been brought to its attention.
The Clerk said he was aware of Mrs. Caroline Turner’s concerns regarding access to her field. He has spoken to the Land Registry, as has Mrs. Turner, and he was advised that, should she object to our registration within the permitted time limits, the Parish Council would need to get a solicitor to draw up a Deed of Easement. Should Mrs. Turner not object to our registration then she could get a solicitor to draw up a Deed of Easement and submit it to the Parish Council for agreement.
1528. Finances.
a) The Parish Council’s account stands at £25345.01,
b) The second part of the Precept has been received.
c) The following payments were approved:-
i) to BDO LLP for External Audit 2013£360.00
ii) tothe Clerk for half-year salary (net)£626.50
iii) toHMRC for Clerks income tax£156.62
iv) toZurich Municipal for Annual Insurance Premium £412.02
d)Invoices from Envirocare Maintenance Solutions for grass-cutting in July (£360) and August (£360) were queried. Cllr. Ms. Little said that the village greens had only been cut once in July and once in August. The Clerk was asked to contact Envirocare and authorised to pay a proportionately reduced invoice.
1529. Annual Return of External Auditor.
The Clerk presented the Notice of Conclusion of Audit to the council and read out the Issues arising therefrom. The Parish Council voted to accept the report.
1530. Blennerhasset School Green.
The Chairman proposed the motion that,” this Parish Council arranges for kerbs to be installed around Blennerhasset School Green”. The motion was seconded by Cllr. Powley and after some discussion the motion was Passed by a majority vote. It was decided to obtain two more quotations (one having been obtained from D. Tolson& Sons).
1531.Pole-mounted Lighting.
Cllr. Bowness (C.C.C.) explained the current position that some lights are the responsibility of Cumbria C.C. (Highway Lights) and some are the responsibility of Allerdale B.C. (Footway Lights). He said that Electricity North West must give 6 months’ notice of their intention to remove the poles.
1532. Planning.
A planning applicationhad been received for the demolition of a flat-roofed extension and formation of a two-storey extension to the rear of Corner House, Torpenhow. Objections had been received from councillors particularly regarding the boundaries of the property. Cllr. Bowness (C.C.C.) said he believed the Highways Authority has objected to the application and that it has been withdrawntemporarily.
1533. Correspondence.
A file of correspondence had been circulated to members.
1534. Next Meeting.
The next ordinary meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 13November 2013 in Blennerhasset Village Hall.