Primary Care Data Application Form: Error! Reference source not found. v0.1 18/03/2016

Customer: / NHS England
Title: / Meningococcal ACWY vaccination programme 2016-17
NIC Number: / NIC-00324-N6G7S
SCCI Reference Number: / XXX
BAAS Unique Number: / XXX
Data Sharing Framework Contract Reference Number: / CON-304450-Z1C3W
Version: / 0.1 / Date: / 18/03/2016

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Primary Care Data Application Form: NIC-00324-N6G7S v0.1 18/03/2016


1  Contents

2 Summary 4

2.1 Overview 4

2.2 Customer information 4

2.3 Sponsor information 4

2.4 Senior Responsible Owner information 4

2.5 Why the data are needed 5

2.6 What timescales are required 5

2.7 Requirements for the future 5

2.8 Funding and commitment 6

3 Elaboration of customer requirements 7

3.1 Information Asset Owner information 7

3.2 Classification 7

3.3 What data are needed 7

3.4 Previous governance approvals (for existing data collections only) 8

3.5 Options for delivery of the data 9

3.6 Recommendation 9

3.7 Other relationships/dependencies 9

3.8 Known risks and issues 10

3.9 When and how often the data are needed 10

3.10 Expert HSCIC clinical opinion on the likely quality of the data output 10

3.11 Certification 10

3.12 Data transformation process with the Query Result 11

3.13 How the data will be delivered 11

4 Burden Advice and Assessment Service 12

4.1 BAAS Unique Reference Number 12

4.2 Burden Assessment findings 12

5 Data management 13

5.1 Data retention 13

5.2 Data Sharing Agreement 13

5.3 Data controller 13

5.4 Data processor 13

5.5 Data recipient 13

5.6 Location of processing, data storage and territory of use 13

5.7 Data minimisation 14

5.8 Data dissemination 14

6 Data access request (for patient-level data only) 15

7 Appendix A: Acronyms 16

8 Appendix B: Definitions 17

9 Appendix C: Data delivery process for GPES 18

10 Appendix C: Data delivery process for the CQRS 20

Page 2 of 20 Copyright © 2016 Health and Social Care Information Centre

Primary Care Data Application Form: NIC-00324-N6G7S v0.1 18/03/2016

2  Summary

2.1  Overview

NHS England has asked the HSCIC to collect data on the Meningococcal ACWY vaccination programme 2016-17. The HSCIC’s General Practice Extraction Service (GPES) will extract the aggregated data at GP practice level on a monthly basis.
There are seven counts included in the dataset; two of the counts will be used for payment purposes and the remaining five counts will be used for management information reporting.
The Meningococcal ACWY vaccination programme 2016-17 is an existing data collection that has been running for the last financial year (i.e. 2015-16). In 2015-16, data were automatically extracted via GPES.
There is one additional count that has been added to the 2016-17 service from the 2015-16 service; this is detailed in section 3.3 What data are needed.

2.2  Customer information

Name: / Mark Brodigan
Role: / Senior Programme Manager GP Contracts
Email: /
Telephone: / 0113 825 1137
Organisation: / NHS England
Organisation type: / Other Health and Social Care System Public Body
Further details: /

2.3  Sponsor information

Name: / Mark Brodigan
Role: / Senior Programme Manager GP Contracts
Email: /
Telephone: / 0113 825 1137
Organisation: / NHS England
Organisation type: / Other Health and Social Care System Public Body
Further details: /

2.4  Senior Responsible Owner information

Name: / Martin Severs
Role: / Interim Director of Information and Analytics and Lead Clinician (Caldicott Guardian)
Email: /
Telephone: / 0113 254 7199
Organisation: / HSCIC
Organisation type: / Other Health and Social Care System Public Body
Further details: /

2.5  Why the data are needed

The Meningococcal ACWY vaccination programme 2016-17 forms part of the General Medical Services (GMS) contract, which is agreed each year between NHS Employers on behalf of NHS England and the British Medical Association’s (BMA) General Practitioners Committee (GPC).
The purpose of the service is to enable NHS England to commission Meningococcal ACWY immunisation services of sufficient quantity and quality to prevent the infections and outbreaks caused by these organisms.
The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has advised that there is an outbreak of Meningococcal W and a vaccination programme of all 14-18 year old patients has been recommended.
The conjugate vaccine (ACWY) will be provided by central supply for all patients in this cohort.
In addition the programme to vaccinate first year university students (freshers) is to continue. The intention is to provide the quadrivalent ACWY vaccine to these patients.
The JCVI has advised that changes will make the Meningococcal ACWY vaccination schedule more effective and offer greater overall public health protection; it has a strong evidence base and is highly effective.
The data are needed in order to allow NHS England to monitor and pay GP practices for their activity associated with the Meningococcal ACWY vaccination programme 2016-17. Reporting information for validation and monitoring and calculations for payments will be standardised. This will reduce the workload on local area teams that are involved in the management of this programme.

2.6  What timescales are required

Service start date: / 01/04/2016
Service end date: / 31/03/2017
Extraction frequency: / Monthly
Payment frequency: / Monthly

2.7  Requirements for the future

Until the GMS contract for 2017-18 is agreed, it cannot be confirmed if the Meningococcal ACWY vaccination programme will continue or if GPES will continue to extract data on this programme.

2.8  Funding and commitment

GPES extracting data on the Meningococcal ACWY vaccination programme 2016-17 is a business commitment for the HSCIC. The necessary funding and resources are available to support this commitment.

3  Elaboration of customer requirements

3.1  Information Asset Owner information

Name: / Audra Stringer
Role: / CQRS Programme Manager
Email: /
Telephone: / 0113 397 3967

3.2  Classification

This customer requirement is classified by GPES as: Light/Low

3.3  What data are needed

All GP practices in England (approximately 7,800 in total) will be offered participation in the Meningococcal ACWY vaccination programme 2016-17 via the CQRS. GP practices must choose whether or not they wish to participate in this service.
The customer requirement comprises the following counts:
Count ID / Count Title / Purpose
(the equivalent of this count was included in the 2015-16 collection[1]) / Monthly count of the number of patients aged 18 years on 31 August 2016 or aged 18 years at the time of vaccination who received their earliest MenACWY vaccination administered by the GP practice within the reporting period. / For payment: £9.80 per dose
(the equivalent of this count was included in the 2015-16 collection) / Monthly count of the number of patients who received their earliest MenACWY vaccination whilst aged at least 19 years and before attaining 26 years of age, administered by the GP practice within the reporting period. / For payment: £9.80 per dose
(the equivalent of this count was included in the 2015-16 collection) / Monthly count of the number of patients aged 18 years on 31 August 2016 who declined a MenACWY vaccination within the reporting period. / For management information reporting. To identify the number of patients offered the MenACWY vaccination by the GP practice and declined. This will help NHS England and PHE to assess the success of the programmes and develop new strategies to engage patients; if required.
(the equivalent of this count was included in the 2015-16 collection) / Monthly count of the number of patients aged at least 19 years on 31 August 2016 who declined a MenACWY vaccination within the reporting period before attaining 26 years of age. / For management information reporting. To identify the number of patients offered the MenACWY vaccination by the GP practice and declined. This will help NHS England and PHE to assess the success of the programmes and develop new strategies to engage patients; if required.
(the equivalent of this count was included in the 2015-16 collection) / Monthly count of the number of patients aged 18 years on 31 August 2016 or aged 18 years at the time of vaccination who received their earliest MenACWY vaccination administered by another healthcare provider up to the end of the reporting period. / For management information reporting. To identify patients who have received the MenACWY vaccination but by an alternative provider to the GP practice. This will be used to identify the total number of patients receiving the vaccine.
(the equivalent of this count was included in the 2015-16 collection) / Monthly count of the number of patients who received their earliest MenACWY vaccination whilst aged at least 19 years and before attaining 26 years of age, administered by another healthcare provider up to the end of the reporting period. / For management information reporting. To identify patients who have received the MenACWY vaccination but by an alternative provider to the GP practice. This will be used to identify the total number of patients receiving the vaccine.
(new count for 2016-17 collection) / Monthly count of the number of patients who are aged 18 years on 31 August 2016 who did not receive a MenACWY vaccination and have no recorded reason for not receiving it, up to the end of the reporting period. / For management information reporting. To identify the number of patients who did not receive a MenACWY vaccination and have no recorded reason for not receiving it.
The Read codes that make up this collection will be published in the NHS Employers Technical Requirements 2016-17 document[2].

3.4  Previous governance approvals (for existing data collections only)

The Meningococcal ACWY vaccination programme 2015-16 data collection was approved by the Standardisation Committee for Care Information (SCCI) on 30 September 2015:
Supporting documents for the Meningococcal ACWY vaccination programme 2015-16 data collection include:
·  Cover Sheet:
·  Primary Care Data Application Form:

3.5  Options for delivery of the data

The preferred option for the delivery of the data is via GPES; this involves:
·  General Practice Extraction Tool – Query (GPET-Q)
·  General Practice Extraction Tool – Extract (GPET-E)
·  GP practices
See Appendix C: Data delivery process for GPES for information on how the data will flow from GP practices into GPES and CQRS.
While this data collection will be set up as an automated GPES extraction, it is important to note that the option for GP practices to be able to manually enter the data into the CQRS still needs to be in place. This is because the primary purpose of this data collection is to reward GP practices with monthly payment calculations for meeting the requirements of this service. If there are any issues with an automated GPES extraction, manually entering the data into the CQRS will be used as a back-up option for collecting the data so that the monthly payments to GP practices can still be made. There are a number of reasons as to why data may need to be manually entered into the CQRS:
·  If there is a delay in developing the automated GPES extraction (i.e. if it is not developed by May 2016). This looks likely to be the case for the Meningococcal ACWY vaccination programme 2016-17 as it is currently planned that the data will be manually entered for April, May, June and July 2016 before becoming an automated extract from August 2016 onwards.
·  If GP practices misinterpret the NHS Employers Guidance for this service and therefore enter the incorrect Read codes into patients’ clinical records.
·  If there are any Read code issues and/or issues with GP practices/GP system suppliers not returning the correct data.
·  GPES is not technically able to collect data from shared GP practices and therefore have to manually enter data into the CQRS. It is estimated that there are less than 50 shared GP practices in England.
If GPES cannot extract the data for any reason, the data will be collected manually via the CQRS. This would involve GP practices logging into the CQRS and manually entering the specified activity that has been carried out on the patients registered at their GP practice.
See Appendix D: Data delivery process for CQRS for information on how the data will flow from GP practices into CQRS.

3.6  Recommendation

The recommendation for the delivery of the data is via GPES.

3.7  Other relationships/dependencies

This data collection is dependent on GPET-Q and GPES as a whole.

3.8  Known risks and issues

A large proportion of GP practices may choose not to participate in the Meningococcal ACWY vaccination programme 2016-17, which may result in poor coverage for this data collection.

3.9  When and how often the data are needed

The Meningococcal ACWY vaccination programme 2016-17 runs from 01/04/2016 to 31/03/2017.
The data will be collected on a monthly basis (i.e. there will be 12 data collections in total, one for each month of the service). Each data collection will take place after the month in question as there is a lag between the end of the month and the date that the data are collected in order to allow GP practices to make sure that they have recorded all of the necessary information:
For example, the April 2016 data collection will concern data from 01/04/2016 to 30/04/2016 but the data for this month will not be collected until May 2016 at the earliest.

3.10  Expert HSCIC clinical opinion on the likely quality of the data output

The counts, and corresponding Read codes, that make up this data collection have been reviewed and agreed by the HSCIC Clinical Informatics Advisors.

3.11  Certification

An Extraction Requirement will be sent to the GP practice system suppliers (i.e. EMIS, INPS, Microtest and TPP). This sets out the data that will need to flow to GPES.
To reduce the risk of GP practice system suppliers misinterpreting the Extraction Requirement and to avoid any data extraction errors, GPES offers a certification service. This is where GP practice system suppliers are able to test their technical data extraction specifications against a set of sample data.
GPES offers three levels of certification standards against the Extraction Requirement: Gold, Silver and Bronze, with Gold being the most comprehensive.
The Meningococcal ACWY vaccination programme 2016-17 Extraction Requirement will be certified against the Gold standard.
In addition, pilot runs using live data will be scheduled for limited numbers of GP practices (approximately 20 in total). Data for pilots will be delivered to the Data Management Environment (DME) rather than to the CQRS. This data will be viewed by approved members of the GPES team and compared with the participating GP practices expected results to identify any issues not picked up by certification. At the conclusion of the pilot, the collected pilot data will be deleted.

3.12  Data transformation process with the Query Result