Department Name Here
Building Name Here
Basic Emergency Procedures
Call ______and describe the situation. If ______is not available, call ______, ______or ______.
Person contacted above is in charge of emergency situation until relieved of this responsibility by responding emergency personnel or ______.
Person in charge quickly evaluates level of risk; has ultimate responsibility for organizing basic actions, acting through others as necessary.
· Make an emergency call to appropriate campus authorities.
· Get radios from room #nnn.
· Get satellite telephone from room #nnn.
· Get your emergency notebook/folder with phone numbers.
· If evacuation: Pull fire alarm and call campus police at 911.
Ø Move to the Designated Evacuation Area:
· If lock-down: remain calm and call campus police at 911
Ø Move away from windows
Ø Lock doors
Ø Have access to an exit
Ø If directed, move to the Designated Assembly Area away from YOUR DEPARTMENT:
(ACROSS THE WALK WAY TO THE RESERVED PARKING AREA SOUTH OF THE CHANCELLOR’S COMPLEX – see green box on the YOUR DEPARTMENT Evacuation Map) – or as directed by law enforcement.
· Communicate with the staff to clear and secure public areas:
· Communicate with the staff to clear and secure individual offices.
When a fire alarm sounds
· All staff should secure their office (close windows and doors), leave the building, and IMMEDIATELY assemble and STAY in the designated assembly area.
· All staff should take their emergency notebook/folder, secure their offices, and working under the direction of the designated authority, make sure all other offices and public areas are cleared and secured before evacuating.
· Take keys and other personal items with you.
If reporting an emergency calmly state:
· Your name and location of the emergency (building/room).
· Nature of the emergency; fire, chemical spill, etc.
· Injuries? Hazards which may effect responding emergency personnel?
· A phone number near the scene where you can be reached
During Heavy Shaking
o Duck, Cover and Hold On.
o Get under a desk, table or stairwell. If none are available, move against and interior wall and cover your head with your arms. Remain under cover until the movement subsides.
o Stay away from large windows, shelving systems or tall room partitions.
o After the shaking has stopped, survey your immediate area for trapped or injured persons and ruptured utilities.
o Evacuate the building. Move to the Designated Assembly Area (ACROSS THE WALK WAY TO THE RESERVED PARKING AREA SOUTH OF THE CHANCELLOR’S COMPLEX – see green box on the YOUR DEPARTMENT Evacuation Map) and await further instructions from emergency personnel.
o Everyone must go to the evacuation site before leaving campus to report three things: where you are going, when you are going, and how you are getting there. Our goal will be to make sure everyone is safe and accounted for. We will let everyone leave the campus as quickly and safely as possible.
Fire Procedures
In Case of Small Fire
o Pull the fire alarm and call Campus Police at 911 or from a cell phone call 858-534-HELP (4357).
o Alert people in the area to begin evacuation. Stay upwind from the fire.
o To use a fire extinguisher:
§ Keep an exit available behind you and bring the extinguisher within six feet of the fire.
§ Pull the pin
§ Aim at the base o the fire
§ Squeeze the handle
§ Sweep side to side, at the base of the fire until it is out or the extinguisher is empty
In Case of Large Fire
o Pull the fire alarm and call Campus Police at 911 or from a cell phone call 858-534-HELP (4357).
o Alert people in the area to begin evacuation. Stay upwind from the fire.
o Close doors and windows to confine the fire.
o Move to the Designated Assembly Area (ACROSS THE WALK WAY TO THE RESERVED PARKING AREA SOUTH OF THE CHANCELLOR’S COMPLEX – see green box on the YOUR DEPARTMENT Evacuation Map) and await further instructions from emergency personnel.
o Have persons knowledgeable about the incident and location assist emergency personnel.
Building Evacuation
o If a fire alarm or designated authority calls for evacuation, quickly move outside of the building using the nearest door marked with an EXIT sign.
o Close and secure all windows and doors as you leave. Take your keys with you.
o Proceed to the nearest safe stairway.
o Be certain all persons in the area are evacuated immediately.
o Help any that need special assistance – disabled, small children, etc.
o Report immediately to the Designated Assembly Area to do a headcount (ACROSS THE WALK WAY TO THE RESERVED PARKING AREA SOUTH OF THE CHANCELLOR’S COMPLEX – see green box on the YOUR DEPARTMENT Evacuation Map).
o STAY PUT and wait for instructions from emergency response personnel.
Building Lockdown
o REMAIN CALM. The situation will be dynamic, changing from moment to moment. STOP and THINK about measured and reasonable response given the information known.
o Close and quickly move away from windows.
o If possible, move to an area that will allow exit from the building. Close and secure all doors. Take your keys with you.
o Help any that need special assistance – disabled, small children, etc.
o Call the Campus Police at 911 or from a cell phone call 858-534-HELP (4357). Inform them where you are and how many are present.
o STAY PUT and wait for instructions from emergency response personnel.
Department Roster
Staff Name / Present / Student Name / PresentKermit T. Frog / Lewis N. Clark
Sponge Robert (Bob) / Barb E. Dahl
Dr. I. M. Fine
B. A. Ware
Department Call List
If reporting an emergency calmly state:
· Your name and location of emergency (building/room)
· Nature of the emergency: fire, chemical spill, etc.
· Injuries?
· Hazards which may affect responding emergency personnel?
· A phone number near the scene where you can be reached.
UCSD Emergency Phone Numbers
UCSD Police, Fire, Medical 911
UCSD Police (Cell Phone) (858) 534-4357
Thornton Emergency Room (858) 657-7600
Poison Control Center (800) 876-4766
Environmental Health and Safety (858) 534-3660
Physical Plant Repair/Maintenance (858) 534-2930
Telephone/Data/Repair Service (858) 534-3187
UCSD Emergency Status Phone (888) 308-8273
(888) 308-UCSD
Emergency Phone Numbers for Key Departmental Personnel
Kermit T. Frog
Office …….. (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Home …….. (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Alternative Emergency Cell (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Travel time to campus 10 minutes
Sponge Robert (Bob)
Office …….. (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Travel time to campus 15 minutes
I. M. Fine
Office …….. (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Alternative Emergency Cell (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Travel time to campus 35 minutes
B.A. Ware
Office …….. (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Home/Cell……………………………………………….... (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Alternative Emergency Cell (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Travel time to campus…………………………………….. 15 minutes
Emergency Items
Four flashlight/laser pointers, for emergency use, are stored:
· One in front reception area and
· One each in the three YOUR DEPARTMENT offices.
The Assistant ______is responsible for testing the batteries once a year (first day back in January); replacing them as necessary.
YOUR DEPARTMENT maintains four two-way Police/Emergency band radios (MTS 2000). The radios are located in the director’s office, room 308.
Satellite Telephone
YOUR DEPARTMENT maintains satellite telephone for emergency use. The satellite telephone is located in the ______office, room 304.
Fire Extinguishers
One fire extinguisher is located in the Lunchroom adjacent to the YOUR DEPARTMENT. Also, there is one extinguisher inside the East Door of the area occupied by the ______. All extinguishers are on a maintenance contract with PPS for upkeep and recharge. Basic instructions for their use are on the extinguishers themselves:
Pull the pin
Aim at the base o the fire
Squeeze the handle
Sweep side to side, at the base of the fire, until it is out or the fire
extinguisher is empty
First-Aid Kits
The YOUR DEPARTMENT store several basic first aid kits. The kits are located in office #306. Additionally, ______has been designated as office emergency personnel; completing training in CPR/AED/First Aid. Maintenance for the Basic First-Aid Kits is the responsibility of the Assistant ______.
Emergency Notebook/Folders
The Director and each staff member maintain an emergency notebook/folder located in their office and/or in their personal possession for easy access in an emergency. These emergency notebooks/folders, at a minimum have a copy of the YOUR DEPARTMENT Emergency Action Plan, a current list of all staff and student employees, and a copy of this policy.
All staff are given an emergency notebook/folder on their first day. At a minimum the staff emergency notebook/folder shall contain the YOUR DEPARTMENT Emergency Action Plan, and a copy of this policy.
Insert floor
plan showing
evacuation routes
on this page
For an importable digital
image of your building floor,
contact: Tod Ferguson
, (858)534-9745