Directions: Complete answers/tasks of the cube on the back blank cube that will be cut out!


Describe Kangxi. How was he

ethnically different? What part of

China was he from? What Dynasty

did he rule over? How did his reign

compare to others?


Identify and explain 2 absolutist Illustrate what you think a queue Compare or contrast absolutism in

policies that attempted to maintain or would look like based on the text. either China to Louis XIV in France or

increase the power of the emperor. Peter the Great in Russia.


Create a political cartoon that

addresses one or more of the

emperor’s policies. Consider the

opinions of different groups in society..

How would they depict the

ruler? In addition, use dialogue to

elaborate your satire and give the

cartoon a title.


Many Han Chinese thought that having

Kangxi was better than having the

Ming Dynasty in power because it had

grown corrupt, inefficient and

unresponsive to the people. List the

positives and negatives of Kangxi’s

reign. If you were Han, evaluate

whether or not you would have

accepted the restrictions of Manchu

rulers like Kangxi or join a group to

overthrow the emperor.