Economics 520 (5/9/2012)Microeconomics – Fall 2012Dr. Stokes

Microeconomics 520

Dr. Houston H. Stokes

722 UH



TA:Zhongkai Wen

750 UH


  1. Pindyck, Robert & Daniel Rubinfeld, Microeconomics, 8th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2013
  1. Suslow, Valerie & Jonathon Hamilton, Study Guide Microeconomics Robert S. Pindyck & Daniel Rubinfeld, Prentice Hall 2013 Or earlier editions

Study Notes:

  1. Stokes, Houston H., Microeconomics Study Notes, 2012. Available on line from

Economics 520 web page. These notes form the basis of the lectures. They can be down loaded and edited.

2. See also "Quantitative Skills Refresher" In the Study Guide.

General Outline of the course:

Microeconomics is concerned with scarcity and how to make rational choices in the face of alternatives. The goal of this course is to equip you with the necessary theoretical and analytical skills that would allow you to make reasoned choices among various alternatives. Thus the main focus of the course is on problem solving. Students will be using Excel, MATLAB and B34S as necessary.

Goals of Course

The course will discuss the relevant theory and will illustrate this theory by showing how to structure a spreadsheet to solve key managerial decisions such as:

-Whether to lease or buy?

-Whether to buy a big machine or a small machine

-How to determine the shape of the cost curve of a production process

-How to price a product

-How to estimate Demand for a product

-How to forecast Demand

-How to estimate a production function

-How a production function can be used to set wages

-How to determine the appropriate level of advertising

-How to estimate the cost of service of a utility

-How to determine the minimum cost of a diet


There will be two tests, and one final; all will be worth 25%. Questions will be short answer, multiple choice and fill in. Problems will be assigned and discussed in class. There will be 3-4 graded problem sets which will be worth 25%. Students must turn in problems, and take tests on time to obtain credit. For all class tests students will be allowed to bring one sheet of notes the size of this handout written on both sides. The lecture discussion of problems is a practice for the tests in class. The study guide contains the type of questions that will be used. It is important that you work very hard with this resource. The emphasis of the course is on practical problem solving. Students are expected to do the reading prior to class and to attend class and be ready to discuss the problems. The reading consists of the text and the study guide. In general one chapter will be covered per class period. Class participation can influence grades at the margin. Problem sets can be done by yourself or as part of a two person team. If you decide to form a team, then the team cannot be broken up. All members of the team must work on the project.It is recommended that students bring the text to class and print out the study notes which form the basis of the lectures.

Academic Integrity

The University of Illinois is dedicated to learning and research, and hence is committed to truth and accuracy. Integrity and intellectual honesty in scholarship and scientific investigations are, therefore, of paramount importance. These standards require intellectual honesty in conducting research, writing of research results and relationships with colleagues.

Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:

  • Cheating: either intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, people, or study aids in any academic exercise or providing to, or receiving from, another person any kind of unauthorized assistance on any examination or assignment.
  • Fabricating: knowing or unauthorized falsification, reproduction, lack of attribution, or invention of any information or citation in any academic exercise.
  • Facilitating academic dishonesty/plagiarism: intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another, as one’s own in any academic exercise.
  • Offering bribes, favors, or threats: bribing or attempting to bribe or promising favors to or making threats against any person with the intention of affecting a record, grade or evaluation of academic performance and any conspiracy with another person who then takes, or attempts to take, action on behalf of, or at the direction of the student.
  • Taking an examination by proxy: taking or attempting to take an exam for someone else is a violation by both the student enrolled in the course and the proxy or substitute.
  • Grade tampering: any unauthorized attempt to change, actual change of, or alteration of grades or any tampering with grades.
  • Submitting non-original works: submission or attempt to submit any written work, written in whole or in part, by someone other than the student.

The academic Integrity discussion above is based on the University Honor Code which is excepted below:

Honor Code for the College of Business Administration

As an academic community the College of Business Administration at the University of Illinois at Chicago is committed to providing an environment in which teaching, learning, research, and scholarship can flourish and in which all endeavors are guided by academic and professional integrity. All members of the college community – students, faculty, staff, and administrators – share the responsibility of insuring that high standards of integrity are upheld so that such an environment exists.

In pursuit of these high ideas and standards of academic life, as a student I hereby commit myself to respect and uphold the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) College of Business Administration Honor Code during my entire matriculation at UIC. I agree to maintain the highest moral and ethical standards in all academic and business endeavors and to conduct myself honorably as a responsible member of the college academic community. This includes the following:

  • Not to seek unfair advantage over other students, including, but not limited to giving or receiving unauthorized aid during completion of academic requirements;
  • To represent fact and self truthfully at all times;
  • To respect the property and personal rights of all members of the academic community.

An abbreviated version of the Honor Code pledge may be printed on course syllabi, exam booklets, and other uses as deemed appropriate. The abbreviated version is as follows:

This course and its associated coursework are being administered under the policies of the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) College of Business Administration Honor Code. All students are expected to respect and uphold this code.

Honor Code Violations and Enforcement

Violations of the Honor Code are just causes for discipline under the University of Illinois at Chicago Student Disciplinary Procedure, and all allegations of Honor Code violations shall be handled pursuant to that Procedure.

(For a complete description of just causes for discipline, disciplinary procedures, and sanctions, see the pamphlet “Student Disciplinary Procedure of the Senate Committee on Student Discipline,” available from the Office of the Dean of Students, SSB, Suite 3030, 1200 W. Harrison St., M/C 318.)

Problem sets

Problem sets must be typed and turned in on time to receive credit. The presentation of your report will be heavily weighted in the grade.

Study Tips:

Students are expected to study the chapter summaries and questions in the Study Guide that provide a good review for the tests. Students should do the assigned problems and be ready to discuss them in class. It is important that the reading be done prior to the class where it is discussed. Bring the text and the study guide to each class. A complete set of class notes is on line in MS Word 97 format. Students with laptops can down load this file and annotate these notes during the lecture. After reading each chapter try the tests. Answers are provided at the end of the study guide. Microeconomics is best learned by problem solving, not memorization. The main purpose of this class is to equip you with the tools of micro analysis that will allow you to lead productive lives, both in business and in personal finance.

Excel Files Available on Class Web Site

  • utility- Illustrates Utility Theory and Market Supply and Demand
  • ch1_1.xls - Economic Data from Table 1.2
  • ch2_1 - Demand and Supply Curves are given. Calculates P & Q

Example 2.5

  • ch2_2 - Given Demand and Supply elasticity and Market P and Q get

Demand and Supply Curves

  • ch2_3- Data from Stigler Theory of Price Ed(4). Estimate C Function.
  • ch3_1- Utility Theory Solution
  • ch7_1.xls - Solves the Appendix to Chapter 7
  • ch9_1- Agricultural Market equilibrium and Policy Analysis (Fig 9.12)
  • ch9_2- Tariff and Quota Analysis (Figure 9.15 & 9.16)
  • ch9_3- Effect of a Government tax in Dollars on Consumer Welfare
  • ch9_4- Effect of a Government tax in % on Consumer Welfare
  • ch12_1- Nash Equilibrium of Two Firms with different price and products
  • ch12_2 - P & G decision Model Template
  • p354_12- Special Case of Problem 12 page 354
  • - Problem 5 page 396
  • table4_6- Table 4-6 P & Q Data

Excel Application Files

  • large_small.xls -Large vs Small Machine Template
  • pricing.xls -Pricing Template
  • demand.xls-Demand Template
  • sales.xls-Sales Forecasting
  • Test_lp1.xlsx-Excel LP setup

Students are expected to attend all classes and participate in the discussion. Class attendance may figure in the final grade.


  1. Introduction: Markets and Prices

Chapter 1 Preliminaries

Discuss questions for review 1, 2 and 5 page 19

Study Exercises 1 and 2.

Take "Self Test" in Study Guide. Study Answers.

In workbook be sure you know all terms listed on page 1.

Chapter 2 Basics of Supply and Demand

Discuss questions for review 1-4 page 61

Discuss problems 1-2 page 62

Take "Self Test" in Study Guide. Study Answers.

  1. Producers, Consumers, and Competitive Markets

Chapter 3 Consumer Behavior

Discuss questions for review 2, 3, 5, 6, 9 page 106

Discuss exercises 1, 3, 14 page 107-108.

Take "Self Test" in Study Guide. Study Answers.

Graded Problem Set # 1
1. Carefully discuss what is meant by "change in demand" and "change in quantity demanded." Give example.
2. Solve problem 9 page 108
3. Solve applications Problem # 1 (Large-Small Machine Case)
4. Solve Problem 11 page 108

Chapter 4 Individual and Market Demand

Discuss questions for review 1, 2, 5, 8 page 144

Take "Self Test" in Study Guide. Study Answers.

Chapter 6 Production

Discuss questions for review 1, 5, 11 on page 226

Discuss exercise 2 and 7, 8 page 227

Take "Self Test" in Study Guide. Study Answers.

Midterm # 1

Chapter 7 The Cost of Production

Study Closely Appendix pages 273-278

Discuss problems 1,2, 4 278

Learn how to use ch7_1.xls

Take "Self Test" in Study Guide. Study Answers.

Chapter 8 Profit Maximization and Competitive Supply

Discuss problems 11 & 13 page 316

Take "Self Test" in Study Guide. Study Answers.

Graded Problem Set # 2
1. Problem 9 page 227 In addition assume and and q = 100, using material in appendix 7 and what is L, K?
2. Problem 6 page 315-316
3. Problem 7 Page 316
4. Solve Applications Pricing Problem

Chapter 9 The Analysis of Competitive Markets

Discuss questions for review 2, 4, 7 page 352.

  1. Market Structure and Competitive Strategy

Chapter 10 Market Power: Monopoly and Monopsoney

Discuss questions for review 1, 5, 11 14 page 395

Chapter 11 Pricing with Market Power

Discuss questions for review 10 page 434. See also exercises 1-3,

Chapter 12 Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly

Discuss 1, 2, 3, 8 page 483-484.

Chapter 14 Markets for Factor Inputs

Discuss questions for review 1, 5, 6, page 556-557

IV Linear Programming (Optional Topic if we get Time)


Statistical Help


A key aspect of solving the problems in the course involves use of OLS.

To run a regression in Excel of y = f(x,z) place y in a1:a6 and x and z in the block b1:c6

What are the coefficients? Is the model any good?


1 / 0.5 / 11
2 / 0.4 / 33
3 / 0.3 / 77
4 / 0.2 / 22
5 / 0.1 / 77
6 / 0 / 22
Regression Statistics
Multiple R / 1
R Square / 1
Adjusted R Square / 1
Standard Error / 1.1749E-15
Observations / 6
df / SS / MS / F / Significance F
Regression / 2 / 17.5 / 8.75 / 6.338E+30 / 1.15E-46
Residual / 3 / 4.1415E-30 / 1.381E-30
Total / 5 / 17.5
Coefficients / Standard Error / t Stat / P-value / Lower 95% / Upper 95% / Lower 95.0% / Upper 95.0%
Intercept / 6 / 1.2538E-15 / 4.785E+15 / 2.013E-47 / 6 / 6 / 6 / 6
X Variable 1 / -10 / 2.8942E-15 / -3.455E+15 / 5.346E-47 / -10 / -10 / -10 / -10
X Variable 2 / 1.3721E-17 / 1.8517E-17 / 0.7410176 / 0.5124148 / -4.5E-17 / 7.26E-17 / -4.5E-17 / 7.26E-17
Observation / Predicted Y / Residuals
1 / 1 / -2.22E-16
2 / 2 / 0
3 / 3 / -4.441E-16
4 / 4 / 4.4409E-16
5 / 5 / 8.8818E-16
6 / 6 / 1.7764E-15

Linear Programming Help

Assume a Linear programming problem of the form

Max (min) = 300X + 200Y + 100Z

S. T. 8X + 4Y + 2Z 32

6X + 5Y + 4Z < 30

5X + 8Y + 3Z < 40

Using the B34S build a command file test.b34 containing:

b34sexec lpmax n=3 m1=3 m2=0$

* Test problem for Economics 520 $

* max should be 1350 $

* primal = 2.5, 3.0, 0.0 $

* Dual = 18.75 25. $

* n = 3 => # in primal $

* m1= 3 => # le $

* m2= 0 => # eq $

amatrix(8. 4. 2.

6. 5. 4.

5. 8. 3. )$

bvector(32. 30. 40, )$

cvector(300. 200. 100. )$


The above commands are entered with pico and run with

b34s test

Answers are

LPMAX Command. Version 1 September 1997

Of 3000000 double precision slots in space, 78 are being used.

Number of activities (X) 3

Number of constraints (m1+m2) 3

Number of inquality constraints (m1) 3

Number of equality constraints (m2) 0

Constraint Matrix (A)

1 2 3

1 8.00000 4.00000 2.00000

2 6.00000 5.00000 4.00000

3 5.00000 8.00000 3.00000

Constraint vector (B)

32.0000 30.0000 40.0000

Cost vector (C)

300.000 200.000 100.000

Objective function maximized at 1350.000000000000

Primal values

2.50000 3.00000 0.00000

Dual values

18.7500 25.0000 0.00000

A maximum of 1350 is obtained where production of X, Y and Z are 2.5, 3.0 and 0. Shadow prices of 18.75 and 25 indicate that if the constraint of b(1) = 32 were raised to 33, profit would increase 18.75. If the constraint of b(2) = 30 were raised to 31, profit would increase 25. b(3) = 40 is not a constraint.

The B34S LPMAX command has required sentences are AMATRIX, BVECTOR and CVECTOR. N = # of cols of A. M1 = number of inequality constraints. M2 = number of equality constraints. The number of rows of A = M1 + M2.


The MATLAB programming system, for which there is a student version available under $100.00, contains a hook to Maple® which allows derivatives to be taken. An example of the usefulness of this system is shown below.

syms x


produces the correct answer of 30*x^2


It is assumed that by this time you all know how to run excel. Excel will be used heavily in this course.

This is the template for the LP problem discussed above:

Application Problems:

1.Large – Small Machine Case File large_small.xls

Firm faced with decision concerning whether to purchase large or small machine. MBA's have researched the decision. The facts are:

Assumptions of analysis / P Heavy 1 / P med 1 / P Light 1 / P Heavy 2 / P med 2 / P Light 2
0.2 / 0.3 / 0.5 / 0.4 / 0.4 / 0.2
L M, Profit / 10000 / 4000 / -1000 / 12500 / 5000 / 1000
Large machine cost / $2,000 / S M Profit / 7000 / 5000 / 1000 / 8000 / 6000 / 2000
Small Machine cost / $1,700
Interest / 10%

What does the firm do if the interest rate were to fall to 5%?

What happens if cost of large machine falls to $1,875?

What Happens if there is a recession?

Discuss possible problems of the analysis.

Template can be modified for a number of related problems!!

2.Pricing ProblemFile pricing.xls

Your firm is considering the introduction of a new product and you are required to set the price. You are considering three price strategies: High ($6.00), medium ($4) and low ($2.50). The MBA's on your staff have indicated the probability distribution of sales at these prices as follows:

Pricing Problem
Y1 sales / Prob / y1 sales / Prob / y1 sales / prob / y2 sales / prob / y2 sales / prob / y2 sales / prob
High Price / $6.00 / 3500 / 0.1 / 2500 / 0.3 / 1500 / 0.6 / 5000 / 0.2 / 4000 / 0.3 / 3000 / 0.5
Medium Price / $4.00 / 5000 / 0.2 / 4000 / 0.5 / 3000 / 0.3 / 8000 / 0.3 / 6500 / 0.4 / 5000 / 0.3
Low Price / $2.50 / 10000 / 0.4 / 7500 / 0.3 / 5000 / 0.3 / 12000 / 0.3 / 9000 / 0.5 / 7500 / 0.2
Cost / $1.00
Interest / 0.125 / Cost / $22,000

The economics team assures you that the per unit costs are $1.00 and that you need to make an initial investment of $22,000. The Interest rate is 12.5%. What do you advise?

Resolve problem with interest rate .05%.

Resolve problem with costs increased to $1.50 due to an unfavorable union settlement in the industry.

3. Demand AnalysisFile demand.xls

Billabong Boomerangs, Inc and Swahili Spears are direct competitors in the fast-growing segment of the hunters equipment market. Because of recent intense competition, both companies have redeveloped their main product, requiring the user's skills to be less developed than before and thus avoiding extensive field trips by company representatives for on the job training. This also reduced the need for costly instruction manuals. Stephen Psener, president of Billabong Boomerangs, has decided to hire a local market research company to assist his company in planning its strategy. After extensive research using modern methods of data collection and statistical analysis, the researchers came up with Billabong;s demand function.

boomerangs demanded

price of boomerangs ($29.95)

average income of hunters in thousands (12.5)

advertising budget for Billabong in thousands (680)

advertising budget of Swahili in thousands (525)

price of spears ($32.25)

total number of hunters in millions (24.68)

estimated population of wildlife in hundreds (8.75).

The current values of each of the variables is given in ( )

What is current level of demand for Billabong boomerangs:

Calculate values of price elasticity, cross price elasticity, and advertising elasticity.

Is the price of boomerangs too high, or too low in view of the president's desire to maximize profits?

4. Sales AnalysisFile sales.xls

The Lieberman Plastics Company wishes to predict sales for its plastic pails for the 1992 year. It has recorded data for its past ten years' demand and has obtained data on the number of households within its market area. The information obtained was:

Sales Analysis
Year / Households / Sales
1982 / 350000 / 7000
1983 / 462000 / 6750
1984 / 548000 / 7150
1985 / 610000 / 8300
1986 / 694000 / 8000
1987 / 830000 / 9200
1988 / 985000 / 9050
1989 / 1080000 / 10100
1990 / 1210000 / 10300
1991 / 1330000 / 10600

Plot the annual sales data against the number of households in the area and draw a line that appears to be the best fit.

Using Excel fit a regression line.

Suppose the best data available suggests that the number of households in 1992 will increase by 165,000 in 1992. Use the estimated line to forecast sales. What are the problems and assumptions of your analysis? What might be done to improve your model?