Physics 220
Teacher: Ms. Engelhardt Email: FHN 493-8600
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides a conceptually based exposure to the fundamental principles and laws of physics. Topics include the motion of objects, forces and motion, forms of energy, and energy transformations. Practical experience is used to create a framework for learning physics concepts, and emphasis is placed on comprehension before computation. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of physics and how it relates to other fields. This course meets the requirements of the Michigan Merit Curriculum, and is recommended for students who do not intend to enter scientific or mathematical fields such as medicine, or engineering.
A copy of this syllabus can also be found on our class Moodle VLE at
Textbook: Conceptual Physics by Paul Hewitt, 2009
1. Our first priority is everyone’s safety.
2. We will do nothing to distract from learning.
3. We will use materials as they are intended to be used.
If you damage equipment or material maliciously, you will replace items.
You will need to bring these materials with you to class every day:
1.Textbook 2. scientific calculator 3. A writing utensil 4. Notebook/Binder
Attendance is an important part of success in a laboratory-based class. You are responsible for obtaining any missed assignments and for making them up. This includes getting the class notes, completing homework, and making up any tests, quizzes, or labs.A record of what happens in class each day is in the “What Did I Miss?” binder in the front of the room. Also check our class “Moodle”. Many of the assignments and online activities will also be posted there.
Practice is the purpose of homework and classwork. Much of phyiscs is problem solving and usually takes practice. The second purpose is to help me judge whether students have understood what was covered in class or to prepare you for the next class. You must do the homework so that I can give you feedback on how well you are learning the material and so you can do well on the tests, quizzes, labs, and projects.
Technology & Moodle Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
Students may not use electronic devices (laptop, iPad, tablet, phone) unless instructed to do so. School policy for unauthorized use of electronic devices as stated in the student handbook will be followed.
Our class Moodle VLE contains resources and activities to support our in-class activities. Students will create an account the first week of school and use the site weekly throughout the school year. The Moodle VLE is an asynchronous extension of our classroom that we will use for class notes, tutorials, online practice, quizzes, homework and projects. Students are expected to complete weekly assignments on Moodle. Students have access to computers in the media center before, during, and after school.
Tests, Projects, Quizzes and Labs
You will know about tests at least 2 days in advance. It is not in your best interest to wait to make up tests, labs, and quizzes!
Projects will be explained in a handout, and a grade sheet will be given so that you know the expectations for the project.
If you do not think that you will finish the project by the due date you may contract with me before the day the project or experiment is due to receive an extension. You may do this only once a semester, so plan accordingly.
Don’t miss lab days! Lab questions do show up on tests and quizzes!
Note: You are responsible for all lab information, regardless of whether or not you have made up a lab. Lab questions do show up on tests and quizzes!
About academic honesty: Do your own work. Do not copy from other students. Do not claim work that is not your own. Show all calculations, not just the answer. Papers found to be similar to other students will not be accepted. All material that is not your own should be cited in a bibliography—do not plagiarize other students or reference material (including the internet). Copying and pasting is plagiarism.
This class is graded according to FHN’s grading scale:
93-100 % A73-76 %C
90-92 % A-70-72 %C-
87-89 % B+67-69 %D+
83-86 % B63-66 %D
80-82 % B-60-62 %D-
77-79 % C+Below 60%E
Quarter Grades
~30% Labs
~60%Tests & Projects
As per district policy, semester grades are determined as follows:
First Semester Grade: Second Semester Grade:
42.5% First Marking Period42.5% Third Marking Period
42.5% Second Marking Period42.5% Fourth Marking Period
15% Semester Exam15% Semester Exam
You should come in for help from me before or after school if you are having trouble with the material. I am available before school and after school several days a week. Please meet with me to schedule a time.
I have read and understood the above information.
Student Signature__Parent Signature
A copy of this syllabus can also be found on our class Moodle VLE at