Digital Media Lab

Getting Started with GIMP

· Open GIMP by clicking Start->Type GIMP in bottom search box->Click GIMP 2

· Let’s set up your space to make it look nice- The Layers Panel should be open. If not, hit Ctrl-L. Drag it to the right side of the screen. Remember that this is the layers panel!

· READ THIS: Just so you are familiar with some terms:


Geoffrey the Giraffe

In this part of the lab, you will be cropping and resizing Geoffrey to email to me at the end of lab.

1. Download the image of Geoffrey by going to my website, then lab materials and instructions, and clicking giraffe.png.

2. Right click on the image and select “Save Image As…” and save it to the desktop.

3. Open this image in GIMP by going to the Tools Panel in GIMP->File->Open->Geoffry.png

*If when you open the image in GIMP, it asks you to convert or keep, click convert.

Crop Geoffrey

1. Using the Crop tool (see beginning instructions with icon pictures above), select just Geoffrey by clicking just to the left of him and dragging down and to the right. It should look something like this (see image below):

2. Once he is selected, press Enter.

3. Now in the Image Panel go to Image->Scale Image to resize him. Change the Width to 500. Then simply click in the Height box to make the height automatically change. Click Scale.

4. Finally, save the image to your desktop. In the Tools Panel, go to File->Save As… Click on “Select File Type” and choose JPEG Image. Name it Geoffrey-cropped.

5. Click Save (*if it asks you to export, click export, then save). Close all of the files.

Buster the Cat

1. Download the image of Buster the Cat from my website the same way you downloaded Geoffrey. Open it in GIMP the same way you opened Geoffrey in GIMP. (*See the first set of instructions under Geoffrey).

2. We are going to create an “Old Time Photo” on Buster. Go to Filters->Décor->Old Photo. Click on the Script-Fu Window and click OK.

3. Resize the image (like you did with Geoffrey) to a Width of 500.

4. Save the image as a JPEG, like you did with Geoffrey.

Creating a Logo

You will be creating a logo with your initials that you can put on a Web Site.

1. Open a new document in GIMP (File, New…) and set its width to 200 pixels and its height to 100 pixels. The background should be white and the text black by default.

2. Open the “Layer” Window (it should be long and narrow) if it’s not already. Ctrl-L opens the “Layers” window. You will be using this frequently throughout the project.

3. Create a new layer by selecting Layer->New Layer in the image window. Name it text.

4. Use the text tool (see beginning instructions with icon pictures above), change the font size to 60 (on the left) and click inside the box outlined with dots to make a new box and make new window appear for the text. Type your initials.

5. Use the move tool (see beginning instructions with icon pictures above), to center your initials over the background. You may have to move the window where you typed your initials to do this.

6. Merge all the layers into one by Right Clicking in the Layers Panel then clicking Merge Visible Layers.

7. Invert the colors to have white initials on a black background by clicking Colors->Invert.

8. Blur the Image by clicking Filters>Blur>Gaussian.

9. Add a new, white layer named temp (Layer->New Layer *make sure white selected*). Your initials will disappear.

10. Use the plasma plug-in to make the layer colorful by clicking Filters>Render>Clouds>Plasma.

11. Click Filters>Map>Bump Map to use the bumpmap plug-in on the plasma layer. Choose the “Background” layer as the .Bump Map. (See below for sample image).

12. The preview should show your initials in the plasma layer. Click OK.

13. Add layer mask by clicking Layer>Mask>Add Layer Mask. Choose the mask to be white.

14. In the Layers Panel, select the Background Layer. Copy it (Ctrl+C). Select the white box in the temp layer. Paste by clicking Ctrl+V. You should now see 3 layers in the layer panel.

15. Anchor the floating layer by clicking the icon at the bottom of the Layers Panel, near the middle. You should now see your initials with the cloud pattern, blurred and on a black background.

16. Add a new layer and pick a nice color for it using the bucket fill tool:

a. Click on the bucket tool (see beginning instructions with icon pictures above).

b. Click the black square on the tools panel.

c. Choose your color using the dialog box that pops up.

d. Then move your mouse pointer into the image and click. This should make the background that color.

17. In the layers panel, drag the color layer you just made until it is between the two existing layers in the list of layers. The logo’s background should now be the color you chose.

18. Save the Image as a JPEG to your desktop.

19. Email me all three images you made today with the Subject <YOUR NAME>, <YOUR MEETING TIME>, Digital Media Lab.

***You are done with the Digital Media Lab.***