From Fr. Jim
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
LENT begins THIS WEDNESDAY-ASH WEDNESDAY-FEBRUARY 10 Celebrate Lent in a variety of ways:
· Ash Wednesday Mass and Liturgies of the Word with Distribution of Ashes:
o Immaculate Conception Church: Masses with Distribution of Ashes at 8:30am, 10:00am (School Mass), 6:30pm; and Liturgies of the Word with Distribution of Ashes at 12:15pm in Church and 6:30pm in the Gym.
o St. Jude Mass with Distribution of Ashes at 7:00pm
· Stations of the Cross: Come and pray this devotion on Friday night, February 12, in Immaculate Conception Church at 7:00 pm.
· Celebration of the Sacrament of Penance: please watch upcoming bulletins for the times when the Sacrament will be offered during Lent. The Ash Wednesday Flyer will contain all of this information.
· Parish Lenten MissionwithVery Rev. James J. Greenfield, osfs, will be held March 13-15, please plan to attend.
We will celebrate the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick today, February 7th during the Noon Mass at Immaculate Conception. Anyone who is in need of God’s healing of body, mind or spirit or who is advanced in age or who is preparing for surgery is welcome to celebrate this repeatable Sacrament. It is not simply the “Last Rites.” Technically, the “Last Rite” is Viaticum, one’s last Communion as food for the journey home to God. The Sacrament of the Sick can be celebrated whenever you are aware of a need for God’s healing touch in your life. Come, celebrate this important healing Sacrament.
The Year of Mercy
Pope Francis Year of Mercy Quote of the Week
This week we will begin Lent, a season to walk with our sisters and brothers preparing for Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil by repenting or reorienting our lives to “Live+Jesus” more completely. Pope Francis reminds us that the Lord is with us: “Jesus remains present and active in the affairs of human history through the power and the gifts of his Spirit; he is beside each of us: Even if we do not see him with our eyes, he is there! He accompanies us, he guides us, he takes us by the hand, and he lifts us up when we fall down. The risen Jesus is close to persecuted and discriminated Christians; he is close to every man and woman who suffers. He is close to us all….The Lord is with us! Do you believe this? Then let’s say it together: the Lord is with us!” (Regina Caeli, June 1, 2014)
February 8, 2016 - St. Jerome Emiliani; St. Josephine Bakhita, virgin
8:30 AM Mark Record
February 9, 2016
8:30 AM Holst Family
February 10, 2016 - Ash Wednesday
8:30 AM Mackenzie Ivey
10:00 AM Sister Anna Mae McFeeley
6:30 PM Elizabeth Socorso
7:00 PM SJ Diana Yale (Living Intention)
February 11, 2016 - Our Lady of Lourdes
8:30 AM Ola Leugers
February 12, 2016
8:30 AM Bernadette Sniadowski (Living Intention)
12:15 PM Gun Aldarelli (Living Intention)
February 13, 2016
8:30 AM Dr. Arthur Bergman
5:00 PM Tony Sniadowski
February 14, 2016 - First Sunday of Lent
7:00 AM Thomas Diebold, Sr.
8:30 AM Mike Whitlock
9:00 AM SJ Alicia Schweizer
10:15 AM Ralph Krach
12:00 PM People of the Parish
Mass intentions from our cancelled January 23rd and 24th mass have been rescheduled for various dates and times in March. For more information, please call the office at 410-398-1100.
Parish Community News
We extend a warm welcome to our new parishioners:
Ms. Jacqueline Castaneda
Mr. and Mrs. Lilly and daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Martinez and family
We extend our condolences and prayers to the families of those who have died:
Mr. Michael Onifer III
BAPTISM CLASSES If you are planning to have your baby or a child up to age 7 baptized in April, the last class before then will be held on Monday, February 15 at 7:00 pm. Please call to register for that class. If no one registers, class will be canceled. There WILL NOT BE a Baptism Class in March.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
The ages of the children for Children’s Liturgy are: Ages 5 & 6 and Ages 7 & 8 ONLY. Children who do not fall into these categories are asked to remain in church.
Catechists for next Sunday, February 14th are:
CLW 1 – Kimberly Burnham CLW 2 – Francis Capparcinni
Readings for Next Week:
First Reading: Deuteronomy 26:4-10
Moses discusses the power God has displayed in freeing his people from oppression and leading them to a rich land. He tells the people that they should make offerings to God to show their gratitude, then celebrate over the great things he has given them.
Second Reading: Romans 10:8-13
Paul tells us that if we proclaim, "Jesus is Lord" and truly believe that God raised him from the dead, we will be saved. For God shows his mercy toward everyone who calls upon his name.
Gospel: Luke 4:1-13
Jesus fasted in the desert for forty days, then Satan appeared to him and tempted him to turn stone into bread. After Jesus refused, Satan promised him great powers if Jesus would worship him. Jesus replied that he would worship God and no one else. Then Satan tried to persuade Jesus to put God to the test, but again Jesus resisted his temptation.
Vocations: In today’s first reading, Isaiah tells us that when the Lord called him to serve as a prophet, he protested because he was unworthy. Sometimes young men and women look at the priesthood or religious life and say to themselves “I could never do that; I’m not holy that way.” Guess what? All the baptized are called to be holy, but if we had to be perfect to be a priest, deacon or a nun we wouldn’t have any priests, deacons or nuns! When God calls someone, He gives that person the grace he or she needs to live out their vocation. If you think God might be calling you to the priesthood or to religious life, call or write Father Norman Carroll, Diocesan Director of Priestly and Religious Vocations (302-573-3113, ). Be sure to visit our website:!
Diocesan Vocations Guild is open to Catholics with ties to the Diocese of Wilmington. Members pray for an increase in religious vocations, the success of religious ministry in the diocese, and participate in a variety of programs to promote and affirm vocations to religious life. To join the Diocesan Vocations Guild or for more information, please contact Mary Ann Peirson at , 302-573-3113, or visit For those whom God is calling to priesthood, diaconate and religious life, that feelings of unworthiness be replaced with an abiding sense of God’s presence and trust in God’s providence, we pray to the Lord!
Adoration for Vocations is usually held the first Sunday of each month in the Immaculate Conception Chapel. The next Adoration for Vocations will be held today, February 7th from 1:30– 6:00PM. Take this opportunity to spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to pray for priestly and religious vocations. Benediction begins at 5:30PM.
Daily Mass Readings for this week:
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is 6:1-2a, 3-8; 1 Cor 15:1-11 or 15:3-8, 11; Lk 5:1-11
1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13; Mk 6:53-56
1 Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30; Mk 7:1-13
Jl 2:12-18; 2 Cor 5:20—6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
Dt 30:15-20; Lk 9:22-25
Is 58:1-9a; Mt 9:14-15
Is 58:9b-14; Lk 5:27-32
In today’s readings, both Isaiah and Peter hear the call of God and feel themselves unworthy. Reassured by the Lord, however, both answer and follow. Bring it Home this week by asking, “Do I hear the Lord asking ‘Whom shall I send?’ Am I prepared to answer, ‘Here I am! Send me!”?
Free Lent Booklets available at the entrances of church! Pick up your copy today. This booklet offers reflections on this Year of Mercy as we journey together during the Season of Lent that begins this WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10TH. The book is entitled, “Doorway to Mercy, Daily Reflections with the Message.” Also, don’t forget to visit the parish website for additional resources and links for this penitential season.
Have you ever had a Life-changing LENT?
Maybe it’s time you try something different! Sign up for Dynamic Catholic’s email program Best Lent Ever. Each day you’ll receive an email with a short video featuring Matthew Kelly and a member of the Dynamic Catholic Team. You will be taken on a 40 day spiritual journey to encounter Jesus-and yourself-in a deeply personal way.
The program is free!
All you have to do is sign up at
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: CAVE QUEST: Following Jesus, the Light of the World A meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 23, 2016, at 6:45 pm in the Parish Center. Consider coming to see what the excitement is all about and how you can be involved. This is a wonderful, faith-filled experience for kids; adults enjoy it, too!
Faith Formation
Immaculate Conception
School News
Now that our celebration of National Catholic Schools Week is over, Fr. Jim, Mrs. Dinkle, the staff, and students wish to thank the families, parishioners, and friends who helped make our week special. We appreciate the time you spent learning about the community of faith, knowledge, and service that Immaculate Conception School provides for our students and parish.
We barely take a breath from all the activities last week, and now we turn to the Lenten season. Wednesday, we will celebrate a school Mass at 10:00, where our 3rd grade will lead us through the liturgy. We will bury the Alleluia, which is a tradition of the school for many years. Please join us to receive ashes and for the celebration of the Mass.
Thursday, our 3rd graders will welcome their special guests for Special Persons’ Lunch in the cafeteria. That evening, our 7th graders will put their science fair projects on display in the gym.
Friday is a ½ day for students so that teachers may participate in professional development. Aftercare will be available. The whole school will be off on Monday in recognition of Presidents’ Day.
If you missed the Open House during Catholic Schools Week, it’s not too late to find out how your child will fit into our school. If you have any questions about the school, or if you would like to set up a tour, please contact the school office at 410-398-2636. We are now accepting applications for new students for the 2016-2017 school year.
Faith Formation
Religious Education & Sacraments: Religion Classes today Sunday, Feb. 7th for Gr. K-8 at 8:30am. Religion Classes this Wednesday, Feb. 10th at 6:15pm *Students will join the parish community and attend the 6:30pm Mass for Ash Wednesday.
First Communion Program: The Parent Orientation Meeting for First Communion was held on Monday, Feb. 1st. The one and only make up meeting will be held Today, Feb. 7th at 11:30am in the school. Use the gym entrance.
The next gathering will be a Parent/Child Session on Sunday, Feb. 21st from 4 to 5:30pm in church for those who attended the Orientation Meeting.
Volunteers Needed!
We have a need for catechists and assistants. Substitutes are needed throughout the year. If you can lead or assist with a class occasionally or regularly, we want to hear from you! Please contact the Faith Formation office at or 410 392 3551. Thank you!
Youth Ministry & Confirmation
Please visit the parish web site at See the News, Faith Formation and Ministries pages for more detailed information on events and opportunities. To contact the YM office, call 410 392 3551 or email .
High School & older Weekly Gatherings
Students in grades 9-12 and college-age young adults are welcome to join our Sunday gatherings in the Parish Center from 6-8 PM. No RSVP needed. Drop-ins welcome. Parents: Please donate some soda in cans or small water bottles for our teens on Sunday nights. Thanks
February 7 – No gathering on Super Bowl Sunday.
February 14 – Gathering 6-8 PM
Service Hours: If ever you are in need of service hours, or simply have a servant heart, please scroll through the parish website home page at Click on “Service Opportunities” and see the contact person listed for each opportunity.
Important Dates:
April 22, 2016 – Rehearsal for Candidates & Sponsors 6:30 PM in Immaculate Conception Church
April 23, 2016 – Confirmation and Mass 1:30 PM at Immaculate Conception Church
Confirmation Class Schedule: Please see “Latest parish downloads” on the home page of our parish website for the latest class schedule. A snow make-up class is included. Please note the change in sequence of the Sunday and Wednesday lessons if you plan to attend an alternate class.
Adult Education
Interested in a study group? Several opportunities are available. Call the Parish Office at (410) 398-1100 for more information.
ADULT EDUCATION COMMITTEE: Meeting - Thursday, February 11th at 10am
ACTS. The Spread of the Kingdom: The next session will be held this Mon., Feb. 8th at 6:30pm and Tues. Feb. 9th at 9:15am.Topic: Acts 18: Ministry in Corinth: 3rd Missionary Journey
BIBLE TIMELINE: The next session will be this Thursday, Feb. 18th at 9:15am. Topic: Conquest & Judges-Pt 1 (Joshua)
Weekly Family Video Reflection: Every Wednesday a video link and reflection will be posted on the Strong Catholic Families Facebook page. This Facebook page is updated daily with articles, resources, videos, and information for Catholic parents. For more resources, visit